Runaway Maybe

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon Action, the teams had to beat each other up to win in our fighting movie genre. For the first time EVER The Majestic Magikarp won and Cubone won an immunity card thanks to Ditto's large ego. Meanwhile Litten and Snivy had a short break up however they soon reconciled. In the end, Team Original lost and ended up voting out Snivy thanks to a last minute alliance made by Kirlia. Litten is probably devastated. Who's gonna be sent packing this week. Find out on Total Drama...POKEMON!

(Theme song; cafeteria)

Kirlia: Okay, girl alliance, let's do good out there today!

Pikachu: You three made an alliance?

Kirlia: Sure did!

Pikachu: Aw crap, no! Now that the girls are in an alliance, I don't stand a chance. With Kirlia in it, there's no way they'll vote off Litten. And if I go, who's gonna be the team leader? I can't have that!

Kirlia: What is taking Litten so long, he's supposed to be here!

Minccino: Maybe he doesn't wanna be near you.

Kirlia: Oh so you wanna be kicked out of the alliance? Is that what you're saying?

Minccino: On second thought, he's probably just taking his time.

Kirlia: That's what I thought.

Eevee: C'mon guys chill out. We're on the same team. We're in an alliance, we are supposed to get along.

Pikachu: And now Eevee is comforting the team. I'm supposed to be Team Leader! Me!

Flareon: Where's Cubone?

Pikachu: I don't know. We're missing a team member too.

Jolteon: So are we, but it's Zorua so I don't really care.

Pikachu: Okay, Victini, what is going on here?

Victini: I tell you what's going on! I kidnapped a team member from each team in the middle of the night and locked them in a safe.

Meowth: Why would you do that? Are you collecting contestants or something?

Victini: Well I did that because that's the first part of today's challenge. In today's heist movie challenge. Outside are three safes. If you can crack them, you will release one of your team mates. After you have done that, head to the bank over there (points). You will have to rob it by taking a money bag, and hopping away on one of the getaway cars, and from there it's a race to the finish line. Any questions?

Flareon: Where is Cubone?

Victini: I just...explained that? He's in that safe out there. It should have your team logo on it.

Flareon: Oh okay. Also is there real money in that bag?

Victini: Haha, no. Now begin!


Jolteon: How do we crack this safe?

Pichu: Looks like we have to insert a four digit number into it.

Jolteon: Like what?

Pichu: Well, Victini set it up so what's something that Victini loves?

Ditto: Himself.

Pichu: Exactly. His birthday. 0918. Dang it, didn't work. Wait, let's try it the other way. 1809. Still didn't work.


Flareon: How do I open this thing? There's no clues or anything. Hmmm...I guess I'll just enter things until I get it right. From the beginning. 0000. Nope. 0001. Nope.

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