Three Men and a Lady

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, we had another fighting movie challenge because I'm running out of ideas, but whatever, this isn't the only show like this to have two fighting challenges. Anyways Cubone won it again and received immunity. Meanwhile, Flareon is slowly growing more and more hatred toward Pichu, and Cubone basically told her to calm her ass down. Pikachu then broke up the brief alliance he made with Pichu because he found out that Pichu rigged the votes to get rid of Vaporeon instead of him causing Cubone and Pikachu to vote him off, however last episode was another non elimination round because I need to stretch out this season to twenty-six episodes so Pichu, unfortunately for the others has to stay another day. Will he survive another? Find out right here on Total...Drama...POKEMON ACTION!!!

(Theme song;cafeteria)

Cubone: Um guys?

Pichu: What?

Pikachu: What?

Pichu: Haha! I said what first, I win.

Pikachu: You know, even though you revealed that you weren't actually a ten year old, you sure as hell act like it.

Cubone: Something serious has happened. 

Pikachu: What?

Pichu: What? Crap you beat me that time.

Cubone: Flareon is missing!

Pichu: Good.

Victini: Calm down you three. Flareon isn't actually missing. We just kidnapped her.

Pikachu: Holy sh-

Victini: You know what on second thought that sounded a lot worse than I anticipated it to. But she's fine. We put it at the top of that unsturdy princess tower that we built overnight for today's fantasy movie challenge. Follow me.


Victini: Welcome to today's fantasy challenge. The three of you brave souls will have to travel across several obstacles to reach the tower and rescue the princess, AKA Flareon. The first person to do so wins immunity. If you all fail, then Flareon wins immunity for doing literally nothing.. The first of these challenges is crossing the bridge to the castle where you will have to pass the troll AKA Garbodor.

Garbodor: Do I really have to do this?

Victini: You said you wanted more screen time. 

Garbodor: You couldn't have given me a better role?

Victini: You could be the princess.

Garbodor: On second thought, being a hideous troll sounds fun.

Victini: That's what I thought.

Garbodor: I don't get paid enough for this.

Victini: You will each get a turn, one by one to pass the troll. If you fail, you do get to try again, but you will fall behind. Any questions?

Pichu: Given that Flareon isn't here to say something dumb, I think we're good. 

Victini: Good. That's great. Now start!

Pikachu: Who goes first?

Victini: Cubone.

Cubone: (Walks up stairs and onto the bridge) This seems kinda unstable.

Victini: You're just lucky the producers didn't let me put lava underneath the bridge. 

Cubone: Let me through!

Garbodor: No.

Cubone: Okay, how am I supposed to do this when he's blocking the path? He's  too big.

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