Present Tense

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Victini: Previously on Total Drama Pokémon Action, the contestants had to dive into shark-infested waters to receive a treasure chest. Each one containing a prize. Most of them were pretty useless, but Kirlia ended up winning a limited time immunity card, and Pichu got a green token that takes off half his votes. Huh, the two biggest threats this season getting prizes. How weird. I guess we'll just have to see what happens this time then, right here on Total...Drama...POKEMON!

(Theme song; cafeteria)

Minccino: I have to say that Garboder's cooking is a little more tolerable after being left on the moon for three days without anything to eat. 

Eevee: Well I always thought it was great. (Eats it and gags)

Pikachu: You did huh?

Victini: Hey guys! It's challenge time- Where is the other team?

Pikachu: No idea.

(The Cool S trailer)

Vaporeon: Is that kid gonna come or what? I didn't help set up this party for no reason.

Flareon: Be patient. I'm sure he'll be here any minute.

Vaporeon: Are you sure he's going to like his gift?

Flareon: Positive. What kid doesn't like video games?

Boltund: Even I thought the console looked sick! I'd take that. Don't you agree Cubone?

Cubone: Yeah. Wait, why is Kirlia here?

Kirlia: I just wanted some of the birthday cake. (Takes a slice) I'll be leaving now. (Teleports)

Cubone: Odd.

(Door creaks)

Flareon: He's coming! Hide!

Pichu: Uh, hello. Victini's looking for everyone and-

Everyone: Surprise!

Pichu: What...what is this? A party for me? Thanks so much!

Vaporeon: It was all my idea!

Pichu: Uh... why do I not believe that?

Boltund: Because Flareon made it.

Pichu: Yeah, I figured that. Thanks so much guys! Ooooh, there's cake and everything! Thanks so much guys! This means a lot.

Pichu: Yeah, I totally knew about this party. If these fools want to throw me a party, then fine. Cake and stuff for me. The great advantages of being a cute little kid.

Victini: (Burns down door) There you all are! Throwing a party without my permission, I see.

Boltund: Why do we need your permiss-

Victini: Hurry out here, because it's challenge time!

Flareon: Alright, wait Pichu, before we go, I have your gift. Here you go! (Hands him a bag)

Pichu: Thank you! Wow, this is light. (Reaches inside) Wait a minute. There's nothing here.

Flareon: Boltund, you put the gift in there right?

Boltund: Uh, yeah of course I did.

Flareon: Then that means somebody must've taken it.

Vaporeon: Kirlia came in here earlier. That's a little suspicious, don't you think?

Pichu: Aw man, I was really looking forward to getting a cool present!

Flareon: Awww, it's okay little guy. We can find it!

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