Someone Lost, Someone Loved

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Victini: Previously on Total Drama Pokémon Action, the final ten were stranded on the moon and had to find a way home. Kirlia succeeded first but the teams had to make it back together. Ditto helped their team out despite being eliminated. They were about to fly a whole 238,000 miles as a Dragonite. Pretty OP if you ask me. Meanwhile Team Original struggled to fix the rocket from the previous episode due to constantly fighting and being at each other's throat. Team Original won, but I decided to put them up for elimination anyways because I'm the host and I can do what I want. Zorua was sent home with three votes and everyone celebrated. Is Pichu going to blow up more stuff? Is the cast still mad at me for almost letting them die on the moon.

Everyone: YES!!

Victini: Guess we'll find out right here, on Total, Drama, POKEMON!

(Theme song; cafeteria)

Pikachu: (scarfing down breakfast)

Minccino: Calm down there.

Kirlia: Yeah how do you eat that without throwing up?

Pikachu: We haven't had a lot to eat in days, I'll eat anything.

(The Cool S Table)

Boltund: Man does it feel good to be home.

Pichu: Oh he'll be home soon, alright. If I have my way.

Flareon: I know right! Wanna play Smash Bros with me on this switch while we wait for the challenge?

Boltund: Of course!

Cubone: Uh, is it cool if I join you guys?

Flareon: Oh... uh, there's only two controllers. Sorry.

Cubone: (sighs) I understand.

Vaporeon: It's okay Cubone, Flareon may not want to play with you, but you still have me! (Wraps tail around him)

Cubone: I don't really...want you.

Vaporeon: This isn't really working. I need to make an alliance with someone! Flareon and Boltund are definitely ruled out of the question. They're probably too busy with each other anyways. That leaves Pichu and Cubone. Do you really think I'm gonna team up with a ten year old? Cubone is my only chance of surviving. I have to get him on my side!

Victini: Listen up campers, it's time for the challenge!

Boltund: Already?

Victini: Yep. And I have a special announcement. Follow me to the cliff.

Eevee: The cliff? Is it just me or are these challenges getting ridiculous?

Minccino: Starting to? Do you not remember what happened last week?

Victini: Here is where the challenge starts. Each of you will have to dive off this cliff to get a treasure chest. Each treasure chest has a reward.

Boltund: What movie theme is this exactly?

Victini: Pirate themed...again.

Vaporeon: (sarcastic) Wow. How creative.

Victini: Hey, you try coming up with twenty-two different movie genre challenges. After a while, you'll have to start repeating material. Hey, you try coming up with twenty-two different movie genre challenges. After a while, you'll have to start repeating material.

Vaporeon: Can we start already? I'm getting bored.

Victini: Fine. And one more thing. You know that special announcement I mentioned earlier?

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