So That's What Was Missing

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon we had a detective challenge and I was murdered on a train so the remaining contestants had to work together to figure out who did it. In the end it turned out Cubone killed me. Since Flareon is an idiot and Pichu figured it out, he won immunity. In a turn of events Pichu was able to choose who got eliminated and for some reason he chose Boltund. Will Pichu be successful in his attempt to team up with Pikachu? Found out right here on Total...Drama...POKEMON!!!

(Theme song; trailer)
Pichu: Pleeeeeease.

Pikachu: For the 25th time, no!

Pichu: But just think about. I'm your only chance! If I win immunity again, which I will obviously, then the alliance is just going to vote you out. You wouldn't like that right?

Pikachu: What if you don't win immunity?

Pichu: Like I said, I will win immunity as I deserve.

Pikachu: I wouldn't be so sure of that.

Pichu: Is he dumb? He is so losing. Man, Flareon may have some competition in the small brain department.

Pichu: Sup losers.

Vaporeon: No one was talking to you.

Flareon: Yeah, you suck!

Vaporeon: Oh, um. Okay? I mean I agree but it's weird hearing you say that.

Flareon: Sorry, but he just really irritates me.

Flareon: If I want to win, I'm going to have to toughen up. I can't that little rat win. I'm talking about Pichu by the way. I can't believe him! Like I think I may actually hate him. He lied to all of us and got so many of my friends eliminated. He. Must. Pay.

Victini: Welcome to the first part of our musical genre challenge.

Pikachu: We don't have to actually sing do we?

Victini: For the first part of the challenge, you just have to be really good at playing the guitar. Well not really. Since I know none of you are pros I made things simpler by having five little buttons. They're all colored and you have to hit the colors that are showed on screen. If you mess up you get schocked. The last one standing gets an advantage in part two.

Vaporeon: You're not actually going to electrocute us, right?

Victini: Me, electrocute you? Never. The guitar will electrocute you. Now go!

Pichu: This is too easy.

Pikachu: Must...focus.

Pichu: What's the matter? Are you struggling?

Cubone: (hitting about every third note)

Flareon: (sarcasm) Wow, love the effort Cubone. (Get shocked)

Victini: And Flareon is out! Let's speed things up!

(The notes start going down the screen faster)

Vaporeon: Can't...keep up...fingers getting tired! (Gets shocked)

Flareon: Why isn't Cubone getting shocked, he's barely playing!?

Victini: Well, I said you get shocked if you play a wrong note. Cubone technically didn't do that. And for questioning my hosting abilities. (Hits button and Flareon gets shocked again)

Flareon: Ow!!

Vaporeon: Are you okay?

Victini: Let's speed it up even more, and Cubone start playing along or you're disqualified.

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