Dark Humor

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, the contestants had to avoid getting abducted by aliens. There was lots of running, screaming and panicking but in the end Team Original was up for voting. Thankfully for Kirlia there was no elimination. She may not get as lucky next time. What kinds of challenges will our contestants face next? And who will be getting the boot his episode. Find out today on Total...Drama...POKEMON!

(Theme song;cafeteria)

Vaporeon: I still don't understand why we can't have a quality breakfast. What even is this green goo?

Togetic: It's disgusting. That's what it is.

Flareon: Is it just me or have you not been telling as many jokes lately?

Togetic: Well, the thing is, I've kinda been running out of material.

Vaporeon: That's great. Now we don't have to hear your stupid jokes anymore.

Togetic: Stupid? (Frowns)

Flareon: (Whispers) It's okay. I like your jokes.

(Original's table)

Kirlia: I'm so glad that I didn't get booted out yesterday.

Snivy: I'm not.

Kirlia: Now I know you guys don't know me as well but that's okay. I'm sure we can become a lot closer.

Snivy: Yeah so you become a lot closer with my boyfriend!

Kirlia: Oh please. I know more about him than you do.

Snivy: Like what?

Kirlia: Well for one, I know that his biggest fear is water.

Litten: Everyone knows that!

Kirlia: Well I also happen to know that you're a Sagittarius, and that you were born within a week of Thanksgiving. You're favorite color is red, and-

Litten: Okay. You know what I believe you.

Litten: Two girls fighting over you might sound nice but in reality it's actually really annoying! Especially when one is a stalker.

Pikachu: Kirlia, how do you know all of this stuff?

Kirlia: I know everything about everyone on this show. Especially Litten. Haven't you seen my fan blogs?

Pikachu: Yeah, but how do you know everything?

Kirlia: I'll keep my secrets.

Snivy: That's it! I'm fed up with this girl, and it's only been two weeks. If only she was eliminated, but for that to happen our team would have to lose again. Wait- I think I'm onto something here.

Kirlia: Guys look! (Holds up a coin) It's a coin that Litten dropped. He HELD it! And its from 2004! The year he was born! I'm gonna treasure this forever.

(Lights go out)

Flareon: (screams) I went blind!

Pichu: No, I just think the lights went out.

(Lights turn back on)

Minccino: Huh. That was strange.

Flareon: I still can't see!

Zorua: Open your eyes.

Flareon: (opens eyes) Yay, I can see again! It's a miracle!

Boltund: Um guys, why is there a dead body on the ground?

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