CHAPTER 3 - Owl's Intellect

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You were briskly walking with such pride towards the Golden Dawn quarters. You opened the door without knocking and took your step.

But only to slip on the newly polished floors. Vangeance was wide-eyed from your sudden self invitation as he snorted slightly. Even though it's subtle, you heard it and found it... adorable?

It's not your fault that you find it like that, it's a rare scene so it's something to treasure in your memories. You chuckled  apologetically and stood up.

"I came here to announce news to you personally and you just laugh at me" you said in a bitter tone as you hide your little admiration a while ago.

"Apologies, I didn't know you heard that" he said, composing himself.

"So you were laughing at me" you gasped playfully as Vangeance laughed lightly.

"We have a mission together within this day. It's best to assemble your team right now" you informed him as he grew interested and surprise from your revelation.

"Mission details?" He asked as you handed him a neatly sealed envelope addressed to him. "I have no idea why yours ended up on my squad but I suppose it's alright" you sighed as he read the letter.

He began to write and note the people who deemed to fit right on this mission. He called the sub leader on their transmitter and swiftly finished.

"Reliable and fast, how charming" you commented.

"How could I be not? The mission is in 30 minutes as stated in the letter. When have you received this?" He asked as you sweat dropped, laughing nervously.

"Uhmm... Yesterday night..." You admitted truthfully and shrugged.

"Something this urgent should've been reported to me immediately" he scolded you, clearly not happy. You scratched your cheeks and sighed.

"I woke up late, alright? I simply got distracted too..." you made an excuse.

"How is that even an excuse? Might I remind you that you're a captain?" He said as you sighed again. You hate being scolded and you hate being inferior.

"I sometimes doubt that too" you muttered under your breath, not knowing that he would hear it.

He was honestly taken aback by your words and never knew that a carefree person like you would have that kind of insecurity. You were more like him than he had thought.

"Perhaps our teams should assemble on the rear gates. I shall inform my team and carry on the mission" you said and walked out to enable you transmitter.


"Splendid, everyone's present. I hope to have a fruitful mission together with the Moonlit Owls" Vangeance started while you nodded.

"Shocking, isn't it? But this might be an option worth taking. Some of you may be against it but keep in mind that this is also an opportunity to learn" you said as they realized that you were right.

"Let's officially start our mission" you said as they moved. Vangeance already explained a mission into securing the breached walls and to see any other intruders.

"Ara~? A flower" you said making a detour as Vangeance sighed at your behaviour. You touched the flower gently as it felt cold to the touch.

"Perhaps we should head back" a knight of the Moonlit Owls suggested. You began to walk and people can't help but notice your random behaviour.

"Is that normally what happens with your captain on a mission?" A knight of Vangeance mumbled to one of yours.

"Yes, it is what always happens. Once she gets missing, the mission would already be done" a knight of yours explained.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now