CHAPTER 14 - A World Without Discrimination

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"Captain! No one manages the Moonlit Owls better than you do. Please, do return to us" your Vice Captain pleaded you as you smiled sadly.

"I don't think I have the right to take back that position" you said, waving your hand a goodbye. Your walking came to a halt when a certain Wizard King appeared, waving his hands at you.

"Julius-san.... Vangeance...?" You said as Vangeance came to step forwards in recognition.

"I believe that there's a certain mission I would like to assign you on" Julius said as your past Vice Captain clasped her hands in glee.

"So does that mean that (Y/n)-san is returning?" Your past Vice Captain asked.

"I suppose that's likely but it's still her choice" Julius pointed out as Vangeance and your past Vice Captain anticipated your answer.

"How can I refuse the Wizard King?" You asked, going back to being a knight. You noticed Vangeance smiled as your Vice Captain teared up.

"About the mission..." Vangeance cleared his throat to go back to the true agenda of this urgent meeting.

"Ah yes. I am requesting the two of you to find a magic item... Most likely, a part of it" The Wizard King began to explain the mission and the are of where it was supposed to be.


"I wonder... Why did you choose the name Moonlit Owls?" He asked as you began to think.

"Because most of us are those who are misunderstood, those who have a certain glint in their eyes" you said.

"Those who are in the dark yet those who have potential. The Moonlit Owls are the people who work alongside the dark to make it their advantage and not to treat it as a disadvantage" you finished.

"Is that your purpose? Is that how you've accepted the Captain title?" The masked man asked you while travelling through the vast lands.

"Despite having the elf who knows almost all knowledge... I have forgotten as to why I've become a Captain" you answered truthfully.

"I've hidden my past and tried to move on to the future... I've hidden it so well that even I have forgotten myself" you said reaching out to the sky as Vangeance looked at you on the corners of his eyes.

Vangeance a was about to say something of importance when you suddenly shouted, "There!". You went to the area and surprisingly, it was merely out in the open.

"It's strange. There are no traps or guards to keep it safe whatsoever" Vangeance also noticed the same thing. You began to investigate the place and it's true, there are no fancy contraptions that could ensure it's safety.

You suddenly began to get attracted towards the gem that the Wizard King asked of you to get. You touched it as the scenery warped.

You and Vangeance began to struggle, reaching each other but it was to no avail. You felt light headed and blacked out.


"Ehh... It's him..." You heard, opening your eyes. You saw Vangeance watching a certain scenery, realizing that it was a memory.

"Vangeance...? What's going on?" You asked as he faced you. "It seems like we're on someone's memory" he replied, watching the small child hiding behind the tree.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now