CHAPTER 4 - Hage

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In a book of mere fairtale lies the partial answers you've been looking for. You tried connecting every detail from the stone tablet and it led you to Hage.

You've speculated that it was connected to the tale of the First Wizard King, Lumiere. You saw the massive remains of the demon in the tale, and above it was the statue of the First Wizard King.

You carefully inspected it, keeping mindful of your steps. Alas, you've reached your destination and there you traced your hands on the statues missing parts.

"If I remember correctly... These shapes are the same as the stone tablet's. How is this connected? Does the stone tablet reincarnate the demon? Does it seal it?" You thought long and hard but there was too little information.

You then felt a presence while battle cries were heard throughout the area. You went to inspect it and it turns out to be a small boy with emerald green eyes.

"Hello, what might you have doing?" You asked him as he stopped to look at you with his wide yet determined eyes.

"Training to be stronger and become the Wizard King!" He said as you tried to feel his magic. Unfortunately, you found none .

"Are you hiding your magic presence?" You asked him.

"Magic presence? I don't have magic" he sulked as you realized how insensitive it was for the young boy.

"I see, something about you tells me that fate will be on your side" you said, feeling his strong determination seeping out. No magic can compare to true hard work and perseverance.

"Really?!" He said full of hope.

"Really" you reassured with your smile.

"What's your name???" He asked you.

"(Y/n) (L/n)" you smiled as you offered your name. He nodded and replied with his own, "Asta".

"It's late, perhaps you should go back to were you live" you suggested as he realized how late it was.

"Asta—" Yuno came up to see your presence. He faltered a little when your magic presence overwhelmed him. You realized that he was a little pressured so you concealed your magic presence.

"This is (Y/n)! Unlike all of you, she said she believed that I can become a Wizard King!" Asta shouted in glee as you nodded in content.

"You remind me of Yami Sukehiro, perhaps you would grow alongside him" you thought aloud as he tilted his head.

"Yami— what?" He asked, not getting the last part since his brain wouldn't function from hearing a foreigner's name.

"Nevermind me" you smiled.

"Hello, might I ask your name?" You asked the taller boy.

"Yuno" he stoically answered.

"You have great senses, Yuno. I advise you to stick with them and let the senses in you take over so magic can evolve" you told him as he nodded.

"Something about you... reminds me of nobility. I bet that Vangeance would want you in his squad" you laughed as they looked at you in confusion.

"Oh well, I suppose you would grow with him" you shrugged.

"Both of you will be trying out for the magic knight exams, right?" You changed the topic as they nodded.

"I wish you good luck although—" you got interrupted.

"Whaaa! Are you going to the magic knights exam too!?" Asta suddenly asked as you looked at him, taken aback.

"I suppose you can say that" you smiled.

"She wasn't done talking, Asta. Mind your manners" Yuno scolded Asta as you smiled at them in return.

"It's alright, although, do you happen to know the origin of this remains?" You asked them in which they replied the simplified version of the tale you've read.

'So not even them knows any relations' you thought and thanked them in return.

"I must go" you said and bid goodbye to them. You went back to your squad and took down notes with your left hand.

"So Vangeance, isn't it a little creepy that you're just going to sit there" you said as he stood up and walked up to you.

"Apologies, I have no intention to 'creep' you out" he said as you hummed in reply. "Aren't you right handed?" He asked as you nodded.

"It's strange, you were taking notes with your left hand a while ago" he said as you hummed once more for a reply. "Am I now? I didn't realize, it was from habit" you said as he nodded.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"How does that concern you?" You replied.

"Because since the Star Festival, you were never far apart from me" he pointed out as you grew flustered.

"Your point?" You coughed as he lightly slammed his hand on your surprisingly clean desk.

"You're doing something important and didn't tell me. You want it to be something of privacy, don't you? You don't want to be caught" he said as you narrowed your eyes.

"You have no evidence of this, Vangeance" you said as he grinned.

"I suppose that's true, also, I was just kidding around" he said as you didn't believe his statements at all.

"Then why did you ask?" It was your time to inquire.

"Whatever you're doing... I don't want you getting harmed or caught up in a mess that might be unavoidable" he said as you stopped signing paperworks again just to stare into his eyes.

"I appreciate the concern but I'm a Captain who wants peace and order. Something tells me that you just want me to stay away from the truth" you said and smiled.

"Oh no, not at all" he said.

"Then how about you start telling the truth yourself, Vangeance" you said.

"But I did tell the truth" he said.

"Or atleast, half of it" he continued as you raised your eyebrows at his statements.

"Explain" you said shortly.

"Perhaps I didn't want you to get hurt because I had grown to admire you" he said so casually while your breath hitched.

"Excuse me? You must be out of your mind" you laughed but you didn't hear him laughing back, instead, he was staring straight towards your soul.

His gaze implicates his seriousness.

You can see a reflection of yourself in his eyes, he was serious. "Vangeance, that's very flattering but I believe that you've grown a wrong impression. No one should admire me like that" you said.

"And why not?" He asked.

"Because I'm not worthy of it" you said.

"You're insecure?" He asked as you stiffened at the mention of the word.

"You shouldn't be. As the moon smiles, she would reciprocate and image of you. You both are able to leave the same impression of something beautiful, but poisonous" he said as you feel your chest grew lighter.

"How is that? You are but the sun which parallels to the moon. We are both admired yet we aren't able to meet and admire each other on the same time" you explained.

"Besides, I have given up on the term 'love' a long time ago" you said and looked down to your paperwork.

"If that's the case then why is your heart beating loudly, yearning for what you claim to have given up on" he asked sounding confident even if he's too far away to hear a heart.

"Is it? Your words could not simply capture me like how you've captured the masses' trust, love, and support" you said as he sighed in defeat.

"Plus, the Vangeance I know wouldn't just admit that so casually" you added.

"Perhaps... but who knows?" He asked and left you alone.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now