CHAPTER 5 - Finding Intel

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"Vangeance what have you done" you whispered for the 4th time today. You can't help but overthink what he said last night and it's annoying your little detective brain.

You want to know if it's genuine.

"I think I need sleep" you sighed, realizing that you've finished 2 stacks of overdue paperwork with your new ones. You rested your head on the desk but you've heard someone knock.

"What is it?" You asked informally.

"Oh? That's not a way to greet your fellow captain or , possibly, your knights in general" Vangeance's voice boomed, making his way towards you.

"What do you need?" You asked, ignoring everything he said. You kept your head hung low from the sudden tiredness.

"You see, people had been acting rather strangely and since you ignored all the letters they've given you, they told me to fetch you myself. They need you to do your detective work" Vangeance explained.

"Sounds great" you said, almost dozing off. He sighed at your pitiful state, "Did you even get what I said?" He asked.

"Something about sleeping right?" You asked. "I see, do you want me to repeat?" He asked as you nodded. He began to get quiet until you heard a whisper in your ear.

"I love you, (Y/n)" As those words hit your ears, you suddenly widened your eyes and fell backwards on your seat. "Great, you're awake" he said as you grumbled.

He caught you off guard and he's using his previous statements to tick you off. You stood up and went toward the window. "Investigate the town's odd behaviour, correct?" You asked opening the window and jumping out.

"For someone respectable, he sure lost 10 percent of my respect" you grumbled and asked the town for intel. So far they've all described two things in total, they've acted the opposite way they usually do or they claim to fall inlove.

"What a pain" you said as you conveniently watch the conversion scene unfold. You got your culprit so you took out your gloves and ran blindly towards them.

You managed to touch her although that might have not been the best idea. You trapped her in your prism and handed her out to the other knights.

You went back to your office and looked at your seat to find Vangeance sitting on it. The fact that he didn't leave seems suspicious.

'Did he plan this? Making me inconveniently sleep deprived, arriving here at my office, setting up a villain of the newly found havoc, and finally finding him still here' you thought.

'The troublemaker had no purpose on turning everyone like their parallel selves unless she was stalling for Vangeance to browse my office to find any intel I have for the stone tablet' you continued to talk in your head.

You vision began to get blurry as you hazed your way to Vangeance. Before you close your eyes, you looked at his worried ones.

"Help..." You said and blacked out.


"Vangeance..." You muttered his name as you woke up on your room in the HQ. You looked around you to see the masked captain.

"Is there something you need?" He asked

"There is something I need" you said in a groggy state. He was surprised but listened nonetheless.

"What is it that you need?" He asked.

"You..." you said.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now