CHAPTER 7 - Looking For You

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"Captains! The town's asking for assistance! They've recently discovered a withered area near the forest mountains in the North and they fear that it'll grow near the town" a knight reported as you winced at the news.

It was you who did that. You should've cleared another area, you were careless. "Tell them that we've taken the case" you said with confidence as the knight saluted.

"So much for having a day off" you sighed and stood up. Vangeance's eyes trailed your walking figure and smiled as he stood up to catch up to you.

You were currently in town, investigating this matter, but all the people spat are terrifying possibilities. "Whoever was the cause of this must be a monster!" A lad said with his crops in hand.

"They should be kept locked up... Please do catch this foul 'beast' whatever or whoever it may be" a lady said as you nodded and smiled at her with your proud captain aura.

"Will do" you shortly said, but the moment you turned aroun, you pursed your lip into a straight line. You forgot that Vangeance was following you but he knew what was going on.

He knew it was you and to hear those comments must've gotten into your head. The way you spoke, the way you moved, and the way you smiled was different.

"Perhaps we should inspect the area?" He suggested as you nodded, moving exactly to where it was. He was amused that you didn't even cover up that you truly know where it was.

This made him aware that your mind was somewhere else.

"Truly, these are withered" he commented as you stayed quiet, acting to inspect the place.

'Whag if they found out that I was the one who did this? They would be scared of me as a captain' you thought with your furrowed eyebrows.

'Perhaps they would make a petition to make someone as monstrous as I am to step down' you pondered in your head more.

"We could end this investigation easily" Vangeance said as you stood up in immediate response.

"How would you say that? Did you found the culprit?" You asked him, sounding innocent but he only smiled at you like he always does.

"I have" he said with his glazing eyes the held your reflection clearly. You felt goosebumps and took a step back.

"Oh who might that be?" You asked.

"Are we going to pretend that you haven't solved this case yet? The fact that you didn't put effort in questioning and the fact that you knew exactly where the location at is..." He trailed off.

"Evidences leads to you" he concluded taking a step towards you. You took a step back and in a swift motion, the ground broke.

You've forgotten that you were at the mountains. Your power only revolves around life and death, you can't possibly save yourself independently.

Vangeance's eyes flickered at your fall, he immediately responded by jumping in after you. As you fall, you looked as peaceful as the meadow flowers.

You looked like an angel whom have fallen from the sky as you lost your way with the heavens. A fallen angel.

And indeed you are. Afterall, you take lives. You're the closest to a shinigami.

You slowly reached out your hand to him but instead of him taking it, he slipped his hands on the back of your head as he rested it on his broad shoulders. He summoned his World Tree Magic to catch you both.

Once he landed with you in his arms, he noticed that you were clutching unto his robe, shakily. "Ne Vangeance..." You trailed off.

"Am I really a monster for having such a cursed power?" You questioned, still not revealing your face. He remembered his child self from your current state.

Both of you were 'cursed' in everyone's eyes.

"I think otherwise. How many times do I have to tell you that you're admirable?" He said as you loosened your hold unto his robe. You realized that you were being so weak infront of another respected captain.

"Even if you were deemed 'cursed', I suppose we have another thing in common" he told you wearing a smile.

You pushed yourself and turned away from his figure quickly. He didn't even get the chance to take a glance of your face. "Thankyou, Vangeance" you said.

"We can cover up that you weren't the ones behind this and explain that it was a natural occurrence by the forest fire infused with mana" he explained as you nodded your head.

He walked towards you and reached out to your shoulders. The contact made you spin your head towards his direction.

As if it was on slow motion, your hair flew with the same direction of the wind, tears streaming down on your face gently. This made him had an urge to protect you, care for you, love you.

But you were an enemy of his.

"Ah... What am I doing crying like this? I'm sorry that I hindered y-" you said with a happy tone but he interrupted you with him getting closer and closer.

He stopped midway when you were merely centimeters apart. You were hopelessly imagining that this was the perfect moment for a kiss.

A moment where the prince saves the princess... But this wasn't your story, in fact, your story was very diffirent.

He backed away and patted you instead. "Why are you apologizing for being who you are?" He comforted you.

"You're not a monster nor a beast, it's just they're perception of you because they don't know you. Don't make them turn you to someone you aren't" Vangeance's cape flew sidewards as he walked away.

At this very moment, your eyes couldn't help but trace his figure. At this very moment, you've felt your heart moved. He was right, you aren't a monster because he...

Prevented you on becoming one.

"William Vangeance" you stood up with your newly found hope and passion. He looked back at you to see the same woman he knew but stronger in terms of will.

"Thankyou for everything!" You said with the brightest and proudest smile you could muster. He closed his eyes with his smile and continued to walk.

You ran up to him, walking side by side.

This was the day, when you've finally learned how to trust someone you love after all those years of isolation. William Vangeance, the man who changed it all.

The man who broke your insecurity.

The man who broke your façade.

Even if this wasn't how your fairytale was supposed to be.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now