CHAPTER 10 - Where Were You?

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"Where is Vangeance?" You whispered to yourself, seeing Golden Dawn knights without their captain.

'It's a War Merits Conference... A Captain should be present' you thought and began to get suspicious.

You haven't realized that Julius had left all of you to the banquet hall. "Oh Asta? Yuno?" You noticed as the small boy's eyes shone brightly.

"(Y/n)! You're here??? I didn't see you at the Entrance Exams!" He exclaimed as you smiled.

"I was late, I guess" you scratched you cheek as your own knights with the Golden Dawn knights went to speak.

"How dare you speak so formally with a captain of high ranking" a knight of yours said. "A captain...?" Asta questioned.

"Stand down, he's a friend" you said as they had no choice but to stay quiet. You saw a familiar Silva getting humiliated by her own blood.

Asta stood up for Noelle as you nodded in approval of his sense of justice. You weren't against Nozel or the Silva's, but you were against their ideals.

"Nozel, Fuegoleon that's enough. Mind your aura, not all of them can breath properly with your magic tension" you said as Nozel huffed.

"Why would I take orders from the captain who's name is being tarnished by the whole capital?" Nozel fired back.

"Oh is it about me not using my power? Don't worry, I don't use it so you don't look inferior" you retorted at him which angered him more.

"Aside everything else, let's all calm down—" you got interrupted when mercury magic headed your way.

"Are we seriously about to do this?" You warned him which he responded to attacking once more. You activated your magic as your eyes dilated.

You speed increased greatly touching Nozel once. He should be in darkness now and you were about to get a hard blow towards him but you stopped when a knight entered.

"The Royal Capital is under attack!" He said in urgency. You went towards Fuegoleon and tapped him on his shoulder, "Be careful, I have a feeling that they're after you" you said as he stayed quiet.

"Owls, stick to Fuegoleon's plan. I'm heading out" you ran towards the window and left. They saluted at you, trying to come up with a plan.


You were suddenly engulfed in Spatial Magic. A white ethereal place was to been seen with Licht on the other side, parallel to you.

"You... It's too early" you said.

"Which is exactly why I am here. You didn't expect it, didn't you?" He asked you with his piercing eyes.

"Oh, no need to fight" he said noticing your stance. You didn't falter as he continued to speak.

"Frankly, you did me a favour without realizing it, so I'm sparing you for now" he said with a humble smile.

"Oh I'm afraid you got the wrong person, Patri" Aine said with a smile. He got alarmed by a voice of a familiar elf.

"Aine... This is great!" He exclaimed in joy. Back on their peaceful life, Aine and Patri were great friends. Perhaps Patri even develop a strong admiration towards the girl.

"A pleasure to meet you once more Patri. I am an elf who's magic is to know the truth. In the end, everyone will lose" Aine said gesturing two hands in equality.

"I don't get what you're saying, Ai-chan" Patri said, using the nickname he gave the elf before. "You're fighting the wrong human, Patri" she said.

"In all the possibilities I see in my grimoire, only one ending will suffice the true balance of this world" Aine smiled.

"You're not joining us, aren't you?" Patri asked his childhood friend.

"I won't, listen to me and remember that the humans nor the elves are not at fault" Aine said clasping her hands together as light engulfed them.

You were back on the Capital, "Aine, you're back? After all this time, have you rested enough on the other vessel?" You asked the elf residing inside you.

"What do you mean? I have been here alongside you. Have you not noticed? Every time you write on your left hand... It was me" Aine said in your thoughts.

"You did a great job at finding out the information you've gained but your trust for this 'Vangeance' is truly admirable" she commented as you remember you were about to find him.

"Even the fact that you've fooled him into thinking you didn't know it was him. That ring you gave... It was a device that transfer you some information, correct?" She said as you nodded.

"Fuegoleon's presence is... almost nonexistent" you whispered, realizing that you don't know how much time you've consumed with Licht who was now identified as Patri.

"No need to fret, everything will be fine" your elf assured you. "Why the sudden change of topic?" She asked.

"Is it perhaps you didn't like the thought of both of you betraying each other?" She chuckled as you went to the place where the stone tablet was located.

"It's not like that—" you defended.

"My grimoire is the grimoire of truth, do you honestly want to lie to me?" She asked in your head as you shook her off.

You arrived at the scene and saw groups of people from the Eye of the Midnight Sun. You saw familiar faces aswell.

Asta and the Wizard King.

You watched as Julius take care of the foes in one snap on motion. Asta seemed amazed but you knew well that those elves are on par with the Wizard King.

"Julius-san!" You shouted as a blinding light covered the area. You held a displeased look as Julius was able to injure Patri's arm.

"(Y/n), fancy meeting your here" Julius waved a hello at you.

"Apologies! I accept any form of punishment from not telling you this issue sooner. I have been investigating for years but I was selfish to keep it to myself" you admitted as Julius shook his head.

"You have no need for punishment, instead, help us find a way to fix the damaged caused by the terrorists" he said as you saluted.

"You don't have to worry about that" you replied, knowing well that things would end better than you've expected.

Or not.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now