CHAPTER 2 - Detective Work

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You've just gotten back from doing a little research about the stone tablets seen throughout history. To your demise, there was none that fits the description.

"Captain (L/n)! Captain Vangeance has been waiting for your arrival" one of your knights informed you.

"For how long?" You asked in curiosity.

"An hour or so" she said as you tripped on a stone. You rubbed your bum and said sorry to the stone you've hit.

"Uh—?" Your knights laughed in awkwardness.

"Oh, you're dismissed. Thankyou, do keep up the great work" you smiled at her and she nodded. You hastily made your way towards your office.

"You've got a messy office, Captain (L/n)" Vangeance commented as he signed up almost all of your paperworks for you.

"Those are mine, why are you..?" You questioned, truly confused with his motives.

"Ah, you see, the untidiness of this room and the unfinished paperworks had given me an urge to finish them" he said as you nodded.

"Your purpose?" You asked why he was here.

"The end of your deal" he answered clearly as your head remembered the scenario last night. "Oh right!" You said.

"I found an unknown contraption of some sort, I have a feeling that it's intention will not be for the good" you informed him as he narrowed his eyes.

"What is this... contraption?" He inquired.

"I mustn't tell. As long as I know, you might be involved in it too" you said and smiled, narrowing your eyes. Right now, you were holding the eyes of a night owl.

"But I suppose I trust you enough, perhaps, let's talk somewhere more secluded" you said as he nodded in approval.


"I believe in your capabilities, Captain Vangeance. I would offer you an invitation of working with me on this case" you said, holding out your hand.

"How is it that you've trusted me so easily?" He asked as you chuckled darkly.

"Have you heard of the saying 'keep your friends close but your enemys closer'?" You said went closer to him, gripping his robe.

"Believe me when I say I don't take things lightly" you smiled at him yet in his eyes, he sees nothing but darkness as your eyes pierced through his.

"I suppose you are not called the 'Captain of The Moonlit Owls' for nothing. I accept" he said with his charismatic smile.

"Ah, perfect" you said, walking backwards to regain space.

But of course, your clumsy feet had stumbled as you landed on the solid ground. "Clumsy as ever, I see" Vangeance pointed out.

"So much for being a gentleman who's supposed to help me get up" you said loud enough for him to hear. He only chuckled at your statement and held out his hand.

You were about to take it when he suddenly swooped you off the ground and into his arms. "Your petty little charismatic behaviour might make others swoon, but I'm afraid it does not simply work on me" you said with a small blush.

"Oh?" He said, fully aware of your semi-flustered face.

"Captains!" Exclaimed an out of breath knight. He blinked his eyes faster at the scene infront of him and grew confused.

"Pardon, Captain (L/n) had hurt herself, excuse our current position. Please, continue your message" he said as the knight nodded.

"The Moonlit Owls and the Golden Dawn knights have caused a havoc in town" the knight informed.

"Those owls—" you sighed like a mother figure would to her naughty children.

"Can you walk?" He asked.

"Of course I can" you said as he landed you on the ground only for your ankles to hurt. You've twisted them and apparently, you haven't noticed but Vangeance did.

It's something about your magic that makes you partially numb to pain.

"I take back what I said..." You said in disappointment as Vangeance carried you on his back. You held him tightly as he traveled in a swift motion toward the uneven mana signature.

"Owls, work mysterious as the moon, fluid as a river, and never cause havoc" you boomed your voice which immediately made the knights under you kneel down without even seeing you.

"I am disappointed in you. I have expected no behaviour as reckless as this" William scolded the Golden Dawn members.

Both the Moonlit Owls and the Golden Dawn Captains made their presence known as they looked surprised at your current state. "Put me down" you whispered as he nodded slightly.

"Apologies for that, I have been injured yet this urgency must be attended to" you explained as you looked at Vangeance.

"Attention to the Golden Dawn and Moonlit Owl knights. Formally, we have mutually accepted partnership and we expect you to cooperate" Vangeance informed them as the townsfolk chattered at this news.

"Indeed, we hope the best for both the squads. Expect greater things to happen" you said to everyone in general as you nodded at Vangeance and carried you once more.

"That was... humiliating. To be carried like that" you whispered.

"Think of it as an act of trust" he said as your eyes travelled on his eyes, attempting to interpret anything relating him.

"Staring is a little rude" he said

"There's a difference between staring and observing, might I add" you replied. He looked at you straight in the eyes and smiled.

"A detective has her way with words" he complimented as you replied, "Naturally". He carried you to your head quarters and asked for a healer.

"I have matters to attend to" he said deciding to keep it short and leave you while the healer wasn't there.

"Understandable. News will spread and I bet that our work load will be doubled" you said as he nodded in agreement.

"That's true..." He trailed off, contemplating. You tilted your head sidewards at his newly found contemplation.

"I must say thankyou for accepting my scars" he said as you closed your eyes with a wide smile.

"It's not a big deal, I've learned to accept the flaws of others by accepting my own. It's just that those who are truly flawed will be the only one who sees the true flaws of others" you said as he got your point.

You sparked him interest, 'Just what is it that made you flawed?' he asked in his thoughts and closed the doors.

"Captain of the Moonlit Owls, how interesting" he muttered under his breath as other knights saluted when he passed by.

"There's something about the presence of the Captain of Golden Dawn... It seems almost dual? The mana that surrounds his has been securing something hidden" you thought about your observations.

The closeness you two shared when he carried made you hypothesize. You've had your speculations but it seems likely that Vangeance has another façade.

"Captain of the Golden Dawn, truly fascinating" you smiled as your trusted healer came by to fully render your healing process.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now