CHAPTER 1 - Scars

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"I found you" Vangeance smiled at you despite knowing the outcome of events.

"I'm not really hard to find" you retorted to the odd masked man who went next to you. Your attention had been snapped back into the real event as Julius spoke.

"For the most star contributed squad, we have the newest squad. It has been shocking but it is true, Moonlit Owls" Julius announced in joy from his right decision to finally scout another captain.

You walked with precision and grace and smiled at Golden Dawn's captain, something about you two makes all the captains worried. It was like both of you had bad blood in terms of facing each other.

"Ah, I couldn't have raised my owls if it weren't for the people's constant trust with our squad. Other squads have put great pressure into being the best but I believe that the citizens of Clover are the ones to applaud..." you trailed off.

"The Moonlit Owls have been observing and crime rates have gone lower, hence people like you are getting influenced by greatness. Ofcourse, we are still far from perfect and some of us will judge others but I have a vision for this kingdom..."

"I will give you a blessing" you said as you clapped your hands three times. On cue, the starry night had become brighter as a visible aurora was seen. Moon dust illuminated the kingdom as the people applauded by your actions.

"Mom, when I grow up, I wanna be like Captain (Y/n)!" Said a small girl with such bright eyes. You heard her and smiled while saluting to the girl that has now enlarged eyes.

"Did you see that!? She saluted at me, mama!"  She exclaimed happily. The other captains watch you with rivalry on their blood.

Naturally, being the best squad also means that you are the closest to being the Wizard Queen and next to you was another candidate, William Vangeance.

You smiled at the audience with the sane radiance as the moon and turned your heel to align with the other captains. But when you do, you tripped and everyone sweat dropped.

"Ouch..." You rubbed your head.

You as a respectable captain has the most visible flaws. You were clumsy, easily distracted, and sometimes unreliable. Let's add the fact that almost no one saw you fight or even know your true abilities.

It was a shock that you were chosen by the current Wizard King. How did he even see your potential? That's a question that everyone has never gotten an answer to.

"Hehe, I'm alright everyone" you knocked your head and smiled as if nothing happened. You went back to your assigned spot and heard Vangeance chuckling.

"Are you sure you are alright, Captain (L/n)?" He asked you nicely, but in your ears, it felt as if he's mocking you. He chuckled back at him and responded.

"Ah yes, I am, how about you? Are you alright being the second placer? Not to be rude but your squad has been first all the time before my squad came" you replied.

'Ah, I was starting to get worried that they're not quarreling' Julius sweat dropped at the two captain's interaction that happens ever so normally.

"If I have been the first then It wouldn't be thrilling. I'm just going easy for you to adjust, and before you know it, we might become first again" he replied as you both ended laughing.

"I'm not quite sure if they're being serious or not" Captain Charlotte pointed out. "Hell, who knows? All I see are two high rank bastards exchanging formalities of some sort" Yami said, uncaring.

"Mind your language, foreigner" Nozel interjected as Yami sighed.

"I wonder why they act like that, I've never expected Vangeance to quarrel" Fuegoleon thought aloud for the others to nod.

"I'm getting dramatic painting vibes from this!" The youngest captain clasped his hands, wanting to paint.

"Well perhaps when you show your face, people would trust you more. A mask is a little unnecessary, don't you think?" You suggested at the smiling man.

"I need my mask as much as you need your gloves, Captain (L/n)" he retorted.

"Point taken" you said, mirroring the same smile he was holding.


The ceremony has ended but the night was still young. Instead of dilly dallying, you've gone to your work. Another reason why the masses trust you is because you were a great detective.

And you've discovered something peculiar. A stone pillar or tablet that held stones but some stones are still missing. It was rather odd but you know that someone knows it's true power.

The first time you found it, there was no stones. When you decided to go back, it held more than one, meaning, someone was planning on using it for it's unknown reasons.

You've gathered information to know that it's unlikely to be the other kingdoms, so it must be on Clover. Precious gems that was stuck there seem to held power that needs someone resourceful to find.

It must be someone of high status, a noble, in example.

"Might I wander what you are doing here at our quarters, Captain (L/n)?" Vangeance asked with his usual smile. You didn't realize it, but here you are.

"Apologies, my feet had dragged me here" you said, taking your leave.

"It's a pity for you to go, you've just gotten here. I could offer you tea, if you may?" He said, being a gentleman. You might have bad blood but you couldn't refuse.

"Of course, I'll take your offer" you said as he gestured you to go inside. As you two settled on the garden with tea, silence filled the air and it put you in discomfort.

"When you were walking here, your face seemed to hold such uncertainty. Why is that?" He inquired but you couldn't tell him about your plan.

Or maybe you could.

"I'll tell you my secret if you tell me one of yours" you aim to strike a fair deal as he paused with the same charismatic smile and sighed lightly.

"A fair deal" he said, taking off his mask which you did not expect to happen. You saw his purple eyes that reflected the moon with such clarity.

But the thing that caught your eyes was his undeniable scars. Subconsciously, you stood up and neared them to touch. Your fingertips grazed his marked skin, amazed at how he got them.

You observed it and realized that those scars weren't as rough as battle scars so it must be natural, something he was born with.

"You're...." You trailed off. Vangeance glinted his eyes and expected for the worse.

"Scars are evidence of life. Some scars signifies the closed battles you've gone through... But your scars aren't from battle, I can tell..." You said.

"Perhaps the Gods have noticed how beautiful you are so they gave you flaws. Either way, you are who you are" you said with a gentle voice he didn't expect to hear from you.

"I'd honestly prefer your face rather than that tacky mask" you joked to lighten the atmosphere but aren't jokes half meant?

"Oh this is bad! I forgot I have overdue paperwork!" You exclaimed, immediately dashing off. Vangeance just stared at your retreating figure who was genuinely in a hurry.

Until he realized.

'How cunning, you forgot to tell your secret' he thought and wore his mask. The smile his wearing was truly genuine.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now