CHAPTER 9 - Backhanded

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"eh..?" You woke up with such uncertainty of what happened last night. You then remembered Vangeance carrying you here.

"Ah... I've got to thank him" you said standing up, feeling pain gushing through your body. Your injury wasn't something that should stay long.

You escaped through the window and went to and area far away to take life. Once you were healed, you went back to the Moonlit Owl's quarters.

"Captains!!! You're finally back!" Your lovely knights exclaimed.

"I am, why would I not be?" You chuckled like a mother figure to all her baby owls.

"We thought you'll never come back because of Captain Vangeance!" One of them explained as your eyes blinked multiple times in surprise.

"Eh?" You questioned.

"Well... He's been taking you away, you were never back here! Plus poor vice captain had to fill up your work" another explained.

"Ah.. gomen ne" you said gently as they bawled their eyes out.

"Captain!" They exclaimed, hugging you all at once.

'Good thing I've healed my wound before getting here' you sweat dropped in your thoughts.

"Now, go back to your duties while I do my own" you said as they saluted. You went to tour office with a few stacks of paperwork and filled them up one by one.

"I couldn't really leave Vangeance... if I do then he's free to move. Licht might..." You clenched your fists. This wasn't going as planned. Licht is a very cunning and smart leader.

"Curses" You said in annoyance.

"Eh? This is the last paper?" You said, surprised that you've finished it earlier than you expected. You went out to go to your own house and take out a necklace that holds a ring.

"This was my father's..." You thought.

"When you found someone you trust, give it to them and you'll know" you repeated your father's words. You took it and left.


"She's not here?" Vangeance thought.

"Where could she have gone now?" He asked deep in thought as he went out to find you in the same location he had found you before.

"I had a feeling you'd be here" he sat down beside you. You looked much more healthier now than last night so he let this slip by.

"Vangeance... I had a thought. I inspected the stone's shapes before.." you trailed off.

"One of those looks like Fuegoleon's necklace" you pointed out as Licht smirked inwardly.

'Thankyou for the information, (L/n)' Licht thought.

"Speaking of necklaces..." You fiddled between your fingers as he looked at you in curiosity. You held up your hand gently as he looked at what you're holding.

"Have it... It's a sign of trust. This was my father's although he said to give it someone you must trust." You said with a small tint of red on your face.

"I trust you more than the others so..." You tried to explain as he smiled at your reaction, placing both his hands on yours as he took the necklace.

"I appreciate it" he said and wore it. Your eyes reflected how happy you were at the moment as he saw right through you. You were beginning to blossom.

"No, I need to thank you for taking care of me when I have been nothing but reckless" you chuckled, the sun reflecting on your figure.

He was drawn to the scene he saw infront of him. He had never seen such perfection with so much flaws, but perhaps that's what made it so mesmerising.

"It's really amazing isn't it?" He asked as you tilted your head in response.

"What is?" You questioned.

"How something held by darkness shines the brightest" he said but you didn't understand the words behind it.

"But darkness can be overwhelming, it could kill the light" you said, serving as a warning you never realized you've said.

"I see. I must go" Vangeance said in a hurry, spending more time with you fills his consciousness with regret. If he had spend more time with you then he would be more confused on whose side he should choose.

Your hands moved on it's own and gripped the far ends of his robe. He turned his back to look at your yearning figure. "Ah... Uhm... Sorry, please ignore me" you said, letting go of him.

He smiled and crouched down to your sitting figure. He patted you on the head and said, "When all is right, I'll return". You looked at him with confusion as he left you.

"Ah I forgot... The war merits is tomorrow. I hope the dungeon exploration goes well" you prayed silently as you went back to your detective work.

"If Fuegoleon holds the necklace then... wouldn't he be targeted? Must I inform him?" You asked and thought longer.

"No, not yet, it's too early for them to make a move. If Vangeance is the traitor then he wouldn't make a move in 2-3 days at least" you pondered.

You felt a sudden negative impact as you started to walk around town, "Have you heard the rumours?" A gossip started as you listened.

"That almost nobody knows the true power of the Captain of the Moonlit Owls? If she's so unknown then how do I trust their squad?" A woman said.

'You've trusted me for years, why doubt now? Someone's targeting me...' you thought, hearing more rumours.

"I've heard that she's the cause of the withered plains... She had Captain Vangeance believe her lies" you heard.

"Hey... Shouldn't someone as dangerous as that stay enclosed? Why is she a captain?!" They questioned, judging gazes looked at you.

'If Vangeance was here, he would defend me, but I can't risk him having such dirt on his name' you thought.

"Perhaps I should step down, should I?" you questioned yourself.

"That's exactly what they want..." You nodded in agreement with yourself. You weren't going to stand down, if you do then more dirt would be tarnished in your name.

You suddenly felt someone lead you to an alley. You quickly evaded and regained your space but the man you saw was Vangeance.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"A captain shouldn't be lounging around, mostly, when you have someone spreading information about you may it be true or false" he warned you.

"It's not like they can hurt me from those" you said as he sighed.

"No but you could hurt yourself from believing them yourself. I've gone through it when I was a child" he told you.

"You shouldn't be seen near me" you shooed him away but he was obviously not happy with your tone of voice.

"Because they'd tarnish my name? I've heard too much and those doesn't affect me. If I would like to stand beside you then I would" he said as you looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

He had led you to the location you always go to, thinking that it was your safe space to calm down. Thankfully, no one saw you with him.

"Those are such foolish words, why would you risk putting dirt on your name when you can simply avoid me" you asked puzzled on how difficult it was.

"The answer is simple..." He trailed off and faced you with the charming smile of his. He went near you and cupped your cheeks.

"Because I admire you, (L/n)" your eyes widened as he refrained himself for going any further. He then realized what he said was genuine and left.

"Wait, Vangeance—" you said but he was long gone. Why would he say such words and leave after? Your teeth was clenched at how disappointing this day was.

You could've just stay for just a minute more, but you didn't.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now