CHAPTER 8 - Face Him Again

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Jitters finally got to you as your first experience of falling inlove, or so you thought, was finally happening. You don't know what to do or say, so you simply avoided him.

"Alecdora" Vangeance called out.

"What is it, Captain?" He asked with utter respect for the man.

"Is it just me or is Captain (L/n) avoiding me?" Vangeance questioned the said man. "It seems like she is, Captain" Alecdora replied, not pleased that you were avoiding such an honourable man.

"I see" Vangeance stood up and went to your poorly hidden figure. "If you're done running away, I suggest that you and I talk about the mission our squad shares" he said in his natural tone.

"A-ah... Apologies, something was just bothering me and I— need to go!" You ran away as he sighed.  It's been 5 hours since you've been ignoring and running.

But in those hours, he had moved the stone tablet. You, on the other hand, decided to do your scheduled check up. You swiftly went to the said location and was disappointed to find nothing.

"Where did it go...?" You questioned, thinking of the possibility on where it was taken to.

"It must be near... The essence is still lingering" you hypothesized and made your way to find the stone tablet.

You sighed in relief once you've found it, only to be injured from the same light. "You still haven't given up, human?" He asked your fleeting figure.

You didn't want to fight, you had to go for the preparation of the Magic Knights Exams. It seems like he led you no choice but to fight.

"I'll ask again, what is your purpose?" You said as you dodged series attacks from left to right. You took out a black thin sword and slashed the attacks heading your way with great speed.

"Impressive, your precision that is" he commended as you smiled. "I'd say that practice is all it takes to become powerful" you told him as he laughed.

"Is that so?" He practically dubbed stepped towards you with great speed to stab you on a vital spot. You don't want to use your true potential since he closely resembles a human.

No. You didn't want to injure him because he reminded you of Vangeance.

"Is that all you have, human?" He asked.

"It seems like it" you smiled and kneeled to the ground, blood dropping on your mouth. Your vision got blurry and you have to make a choice.

If you heal, the surroundings will die and this huge damage needs a large proportion of life. You can't risk it and activated your magic.

"Shinigami... Magic" you muttered under your breath. Before you could complete your magic, you saw the familiar face of Vangeance. You couldn't let him get caught up on such spell.

Your life for his'? You couldn't.

The moment Vangeance saw you took a heavy blow, he couldn't help but deprive Licht out of his control. His body was trembling as Licht knew this well.

"Vangeance, you'll come to regret this? Soon in the future, we'll do the same to the humans. Possibly, people you held dear" Licht said but he didn't mind that for now. His priority was you.

He went over to you and travelled towards the medical ward. You were in pain as he can tell, somehow, you're not using your magic to heal.

He doesn't quite understand your magic.

"I'm sorry, (L/n), I should've come sooner" he said, leaving for the Magic Knights Exams.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now