CHAPTER 19 - Another Traitor

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"Ah yes, how's the side missions?" You asked as the knights. You've formulated a plan wherein the Owls maximises their times at hand.

Some are on easy side missions and some are working on rebuilding the broken facilities throughout the kingdom. Your handiwork along with your squad was commended throughout.

"Where is Captain (Y/n)?" Charlotte asked as the meeting was about to start.

"She will not attend the meeting today, she said so herself. She is accompanying a lot of people in rebuilding the capital and aiding some in missions" the child Julius said.

"She's been far more better these days, how is that so?" Fuegoleon asked as William new exactly why. How could she not be better when she possesses two grimoires, mostly the grimoire of infinite knowledge.

"Who knows?" Julius said with a small smile on his face, also curious as to why.

"But to carry on the meeting, I have bad news. Aside from the Spade Kingdom, we have another enemy at hand" Julius announced as the Captains looked alarmed.

"We never catch a break, do we?" Yami sighed and scratched his head.

"Dark synergies at the south and west were caught lurking around, a lot of people had passed away from it's contact and no one can subdue it" the small Wizard King added.

"But doesn't that power seems to much similar to (Y/n)?" Rill asked as he had seen your power.

"It does but... is she an enemy or an ally?" Julius asked them as they all thought.

"It does not add up to the timeline. All her missions were recorded and the people she helped are from the north and east" Nozel said, reviewing the papers handed out for their own investigation purposes.

"That's true, she wouldn't have any time" Jack the Ripper agreed.

"Perhaps someone with the same power is out there to frame her? Perhaps let us out of our guards?" Charlotte said as the others speculated this idea.

"It would lead us to focus on her rather than the true culprit" Fuegoleon summarised.

"You're awfully quiet, Vangeance. Do you have any say?" Yami asked the masked Captain.

"Unfortunately, I do not have any intel" he said shortly, beginning to think of possibilities.

"I would like all of you to find out who it is before any mishaps happens" The child said as the meeting adjourned.

Vangeance immediately went to seek the speculated woman. "(Y/n), have you heard of the news? Dark synergies were across the North and East" William said with the wrong location to see if anything will be off.

"Is that so? I have not seen this dark synergies" you said as if you played safe. It was hard to tell if you were genuinely unaware of this topic.

"Perhaps you could use your magic to gain knowledge?" He asked. If you were guilty you wouldn't comply but if you were innocent then you would use your newly found magic.

"Alright" you said which he sighed in relief at.

"You lied to me didn't you? Oh I see... All of the Captains made me a suspect" you said as he apologized. It was better safe than sorry.

"I forgive you" you said with a small smile.

"This dark synergy you're talking about... The one behind it is wearing the Moonlit Owl's cloak" you said in surprise.

"It's to early for the knowledge to see who it truly is... but it's one of mine...?" You asked in disbelief.

"How? I have been optimising their time. They wouldn't have time for betrayal, mostly, they work on groups" you placed a hand on your chin.

Your visible confusion made Vangeance believe that you're innocent. Relief washed over his body that you weren't the true culprit.

But to think that it was one of yours without you truly knowing who is unspeakable.

"Vangeance... I'm sorry but I think it's optimal if our squad cut it's partnership as of now. It's possible that they would influence your squad aswell" you said and as much as it pains him, he complied.

It was a wise decision.

"I know your capabilities but please... Be safe" he said patting your head as you nodded. "You too" you replied, embracing him tightly.

You both parted and Vangeance had taken his leave to go to his office for some alone investigation.

"I wonder how you have this... why is it connected on where you were?" He took the storybook and traced the cover with his fingers.

"As it says, it doesn't add up. Even (Y/n) is puzzled over such a mystery... Unless it was planted from way before" he thought.

"It wouldn't be (Y/n), I was almost always with her" he skimmed through the book pages and glinted his eyes when he spotted a picture of a sword.

"How odd" he commented, looking for more images of this sword. The masked Captain was surprised on how he could've missed such detail.

On the very last page there lies the sword with a mask undoubtedly similar to his. He also noticed a time piece and a book closely similar to this one.

"How could a book depict such accuracy?" He closed his eyes to calm down his thoughts and think more logically.

"Is it Aine? If it is then (Y/n) would know... But it seems like she doesn't" he continued to think.

"Come to think of it... The Vice Captain of the Moonlit Owls is very attached to (Y/n)" he squinted his eyes at remembering something hanging from the Vice Captain's neck.

"Wasn't it... A time piece?" He questioned.

"(Y/n) also entrusted her with the journal depicting the symbols that led to this book... The power is closely similar to (Y/n)" he tried to piece together.

"What was her name again? Who is the Vice Captain of the Moonlit Owls?" He said with suspicion in realizing that no one really knows her identity.

"She's been with us throughout... Missions on the North, East, South, and West. Is it possible that she has stored (Y/n)'s power and frame her?" He questioned more.

Tomorrow, when the days comes, they'll find out.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now