CHAPTER 13 - Not Fooling Me

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"Tell me, what do you like in a woman?" You asked your suitor as he smirked. "Someone strong, gorgeous, pure, and responsible like you" he flirted as you inwardly vomited.

"You didn't get turned off about the rumours?" You asked him in an innocent act.

"Oh no, I know better" he said as you smiled.

"Ah! What's that over there?" You pointed out a shiny object at the side of the fountain. He stood up and got it.

"Can you be a dear and check it for me?" You said as he nodded, opening it as ordered. He froze in spot as he looked at you nervously.

"What's that?" You asked.

"Nothing" he lied.

"Ah so you haven't seen the illegal transactions you've done? Or maybe the photo where you were making a deal with a bandit to tell rumours about me?" You said in a fierce tone.

"I— How!?" He asked lighting the suit case on fire with matches for his cigarette.

"I'm a detective and a Captain. Do you honestly think I wouldn't know something was up?" You asked him in a sarcastic tone. He laughed at you, knowing that he has burnt it.

"I caught you red handed on that dark corner when I was supervising my squad in rebuilding the damaged properties" you said.

"Ah, you're laughing. Alright, let's pretend that I don't have copies of those" you said with a shrug as he attacked you. You dodged swiftly and activated your magic.

"You son a b—" he got interrupted as you made him drift into an infinite void. "I guess the rumours were taken care of" you sighed and called the guards to arrest him.

"They should be cleared by tomorrow... The news papers too..." You thought aloud, thinking on what to do next.

"(Y/n)!" You turned around to see as certain masked captain.

"Vangeance..." You replied in surprise.

"Why are you here? Did the guards not see you?" You asked, looking around for security.

"Why did you step down?" He asked as you chuckled.

"If I see a huge tree wrapping around the security, I would really be mad at you" you joked as he wasn't pleased by your joking response.

"I stepped down to take care of some business" you finally said.

"That isn't necessary" he told you.

"Of course it is... How else could I make a fool out of him?" You asked him.

"Vangeance, your arm... better hide it from Julius" you said with a small smile as a reminder.

"It isn't as easy as you make it sound" he replied, smiling a little himself. You felt a shock of pain all over your body.

Your form suddenly shifted into Aine, the elf residing in you. Vangeance grew puzzled as he felt Patri wanting to shift. This wasn't a very reassuring location but it felt as if it's urgent.

"Patri" Aine greeted.

"Aine" he replied as he laughed as he intertwined his hands with Aine's.

"This is quite strange... Your form taking Licht's, that is" Aine pointed out as Patri smiled a little in response.

"It is, isn't it?" He joked.

"Ah how peculiar the world is" Aine said, taking the daggers you always keep on your pocket as Aine threw them with great accuracy at Patri.

"So you've never change" Patri replied, his magic taking form for an attack.

"You still do that greet-fight hobby" he said as he dodged different types of attacks you and Aine prepared.

"I know everything, Patri. Your attempts are futile" Aine pointed out, squinting the eyes for better future vision.

"You do but are you fast enough to evade them?" Patri asked which Aine shrugged at.

"Of course I am" Aine smirked.

"Let's test that theory, shall we?" He stepped towards the sides, distracting Aine from the light that will be reflecting on the other side.

"That won't fool me" Aine smiled and dodged it.

"Tell me, how did you come in contact with that human? As far as I know, I was the only elf to inhibit a human with full conscience" he asked casually in the middle of a fight.

"Simple, it's a matter of life and death. (Y/n) was in the verge of death when my wandering spirit found her. She was a child with an unknown illness that will eventually lead to her demise..." Aine trailed off, dodging swiftly with tactic.

"I made a deal with her. If I reside in her body then I can teach her how to use her magic and live, knowing that her magic will be something... not worthy of a human." Aine continued

"But that gesture can only be done by my knowledge, meaning, she doesn't know how to access this 'life' ability" The female elf finished.

"Then if you were to leave this human alone, she'll die, correct?" Patri asked as Aine nodded. This didn't fall into deaf ears, Vangeance heard it all. Patri stopped attacking and frowned.

"You pitied her didn't you? You were exactly the same as her" He said with sadness lacing his tone.

"The reason why you held no hatred from humans because you've died long before they've introduced themselves. You were the only elf unloved by the mana life" he clenched his fists in remembering Aine's death from illness.

"Perhaps, but Patri... I enjoyed every bit of my life being around with you" Aine smiled brightly, cupping the other elf's cheek.

Teardrops fell from his face, remembering the first horrid event that occurred many years ago. Aine embraced the crying elf as she was feeling an emotion she didn't feel for a long time.

"I'm sorry that our last moments was me engaging in combat" he apologized, remembering the past.

"It's alright, even what the future holds... It's all going to be cleared. Not everything is what it seems, Patri" the elf in you said as she pinched Patri's cheeks.

"I've always wanted to do this... I suppose this is the last time we will meet in this timeline... Might as well..." Aine said enclosing the gap between her and Patri.

Patri's eyes were wide from the gesture as crystal tears flowed down more knowing that there could be a future with Aine he was robbed off. The inner you was panicking, realizing that Aine only inhibits your body as Patri only inhibits Vangeance's.

As you and Vangeance took control, you two immediately parted ways. Your knees gave up on you from the amount of emotion and embarrassment you're feeling.

"Are you alright?" Vangeance asked you, giving his hand so you could take it.

"This is too cruel..." You muttered, taking his hand. The unexpected happened while he pulled you towards him, going in for another kiss but before that he whispered, "I'm sorry, I can't leave the situation as is".

Your gasp was something he took advantage off, slipping his tongue that was now dancing with yours. He was asserting dominance over you that made your knees go weak once more.

He finally parted with a loving glance directed towards you. You then gave in and smiled subtly at him.

In this trance they've forgotten that your life was at stake.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now