CHAPTER 20 - Run Away

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"She's missing..." You told Vangeance who came to tell you all his intel. "I can still track her somehow" you continued as he nodded.

"What is her purpose?" Vangeance asked you since you do bore the magic of knowledge. "The revelation, the end" you said as he looked at you with seriousness.

"Why would she create such an ending?" He wanted to know answers and this might even lead to something far greater.

"You know that answer yourself, William, everyone knows" you said as you clutched your fists. Tracing the magic ever so slightly,

"There!" You said, chasing your Vice Captain. You nodded at William as he used his powers to catch her.

"What why am I being caught!?" She shouted, defending herself.

"Why are you running?" William asked the woman as she looked at you with guilt in her eyes.

"I've lost the time piece... I was trying to get it back! But it seems like I've been outran" she said as you signalled William to release her.

"Someone stole the time piece, huh?" You thought as your Vice Captain revealed her cloak. "I believe you, Aine" you said as William looked stunned from the scene.

"How is Aine existing as your Vice Captain? Wasn't she resting her should within you?" William asked, perplexed.

"When Aine made a deal with me, she splitted her soul in half, obtaining another form... Although this one solely depends on me since I have her grimoire" you explained.

"It also explains why she's concerned with me being near her all the time" you sighed as you finally let out the confusing  information.

"Then why didn't you defy and of my intel when I explained to you? I apologize, (Y/n) but you're acting rather odd" he said as you shrugged.

"I suppose it can't be help. Some of the information you gave me are quite interesting, mind you, I don't actually know who the traitor is so it might be a lead" you explained.

"I see... Point taken" He let it off as Aine hitched her breath in realization.

"Someone stole the timepiece... Captain Vangeance, do you have the stones?" She asked as William checked his pouch that contained no stones at all.

"When...?" He asked himself, remembering or atleast figuring out who might have stolen them with such precision.

"(Y/n) find out what this traitor wants with these stones" Aine said as you nodded your head. "To complete a sword" William's eyes lit up at the mention of the sword.

It was what he saw on the last page of the storybook. The timepiece, the stones, the sword, it was all there.

"I'm going to revise a plan. I'll meet you in Golden Dawn, William. Aine, please look after the squad" you said and all of you went to go to separate paths.

William went on to investigate the area for any signs of this thief, unfortunately, he had been left defeated as there was no signs of this thief.

He opened the doors to the room he had spent a lot of times in Golden Dawn. An object quickly got his attention, shining through the spacious room.

"The sword?" He questioned. Why would the thief give him the sword when he was clearly an enemy to them. You then opened the doors to see William investigating the said item.

"The sword in my vision... How?" You asked him as he faced you. "It was left here" he replied shortly as you pursed your lips into a straight line.

"Well that's a relief" you commented, a small smile creeping on your face. He had placed his mask down on the desk which was very rare for him to do.

"You seem tired, you should rest" you said in a soothing voice. He looked unconvinced as he was afraid that once he sleeps, he'll miss on a lot of events.

"It's alright, I'm here! I'll stay no matter what" You tried to lighten up the mood and it seems like he trusts you too much to doubt it. He closed his eyes hearing faint humming from your lips.

"Rest well, William" you whispered.


The man woken up from his slumber to find you keeping your word and staying. He saw you face him as you looked taken aback from his tears.

"You're crying? Why?" You asked him in concern but in reality, he doesn't know himself. You diligently went up to him and wiped those tears dry from his face.

"It seems like my heart has remembered something yet I myself cannot seem to remember" the masked man tapped his fingers on the solid desk to think.

"Whatever it may be, let the moon guide it" you tapped your pointer finger lightly on where his heart is supposed to be. He took that finger and intertwined his hand with yours.

It was a pleasant feeling for him.

The moment he felt relaxed, he had let you go and went to put his mask back on. You noticed his movements and got the mask before him, wearing it on your head.

"Do I look okay with it?" You asked with a bright smile. "You look more than okay" he said, returning the bright smile you held. Smiles are truly contagious.

"Please give it back" he demanded gently as you shook you head.

"I don't want t—" you got interrupted by William grabbing both you hands as he swiftly kissed you with passion. You got caught off guard as the moon now shone upon the two of you.

"William..." You whispered.

"I apologize, having you wear that mask makes me feel euphoria" he admitted with those dazzling purple eyes that pierces your soul.

"Perhaps it's finally time to say it..." He said, taking off the mask from you.

"I love you, (Y/n) (L/n)" his forehead resting on yours, keeping you close to him. "You truly are endearing" he added.

"I love you too, William Vangeance" you said as he leaned to kiss you for the second time tonight.

"I know you'll always be there for me. You've proven it quite a lot of times now" you said as he swayed you while humming a gentle tune.

"I want to have a happy ending" you cried, letting go of your emotions.

"You will, love" he ensured.

You are the shinigami of this world, you bring death and destruction. Once you open your eyes, there's no going back.

'Perhaps next time would be better, love'

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now