CHAPTER 15 - Star Festival Preparation

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"Ahhh I can't believe that it's another Star Festival... Has it really been that long?" You asked as your squad helped the Golden Dawn's. It's been some time since the last incident occured but today, you're just going to have fun.

"(Y/n), how was the preparation?" Vangeance asked you as you shrugged.

"I honestly don't know what they're doing but it seems okay" you said as the masked captain sighed.

"Where have you been? Have you been doing those elf stuff again?" You asked casually as if he wasn't an enemy of some sort.

"Is there any point to hide that from you?" He asked back as you lightly punched him on the side of his arms.

"William" you called out his first name. He blinked his eye multiple times at those gestures. He was genuinely surprised that you called him with his first name out of the blue.

"You don't mind me calling you that, right? It's unfair, really. You've called me by my first name for quite a long time now" you explained as he smiled.

"I have, haven't I?" He replied.

"Captains!" Knights exclaimed with excitement evident in their voices. You and William looked at the direction of where the voices where coming from.

"Have you experienced casualties?" William asked as they nodded.

"I swear these Moonlit Owls are quite a hassle. In the end, we did their plan, such children" one of the nobility in Golden Dawn said.

"That's not the problem at all!" One of your knights countered. You nervously laughed at their interactions.

"But in all seriousness! We don't know if this booth will work out fine. We need someone to test it" your knights continued to explain as you nodded.

"Well, what is the booth about?" William asked them as they smiled discreetly. You raised an eyebrow at them as William looked at you for back up.

"Well how would we help if we don't know the booth?" You asked them as they casually signalled you to just go inside.

"This must be in pairs aswell, if you have forgotten" a Golden Dawn knight noted as you look at William.

"I guess you have no choice but to join" you said, dragging him gently with you.

"How dare she show such familiarity with the Captain of the Golden Dawn!" Alecdora said with a ticked mark on his forehead.

You two were suddenly separated as they went to hand you costumes. You thought that most of them are extravagant, it's expected since their nobles.

You chose the simplest attire and got confused as to why this has to be worn to be able to continue. William was already waiting outside for you as he has already worn a matching kimono.

He then noticed that you came out of the changing area and trailed his eyes from the floor to you. He was taken aback by how different you look compared to your normal get up.

"Well, don't you look lovely?" He complimented you only to be returned by a blush. You were looking down at the floor, a little embarrassed.

"T-thankyou... This is sort of uncomfortable..." You stated truthfully.

"Well if you don't want to wear it then take it off" he said very casually as you thought of something different.

"Idiot, mind your words!" You scolded him as he laughed gleefully, feeling a warm fabric on your shoulders. You noticed that it was his robe.

"Is that better?" He asked you.

"A-ah... yes, thankyou" you replied.

"Shall we enter then?" He said, holding his hand out to you like the gentleman he is. You nodded and entered with him.

"Eh why are you wearing the Golden Dawn robe, captain?" One of the Moonlit Owls asked as you only smiled apologetically.

"I suppose it doesn't matter much... Please hold out your hands, captains" she said as you both complied. A single red string were magically attached to the both of you.

"It's a requirement so if one of you takes it off then you lose! There are 3 challenges to this as of now and your goal is to complete it in 30 minutes!" She announced as you nod.

"Goodluck Captains!" She added.

"The first challenge is to write each others name as it get shuffled on this pile. Our goals is to find it" you read the explanation as William began to write the names.

It was now in the shuffled pile and was being jumbled. You then began to look for it again as you held up a balloon with William's name as he did with yours.

"Eh? I guess we both found it at the same time" you giggled as he smiled.

"It seems like we did" he answered, going to the next challenge.

"Uwahhh! It seems like we're going to eat for this challenge" you pointed at the dangos on the plate. "One will do the eating and one will hold out the dango" William pointed at the rules.

"I've already eaten though..." You said as he volunteered. You both sat down and you took the dango's stick and held it out for William.

"Say 'ah', William!" You said happily as he began taking a bite. You began to realize that this was a little embarassing.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked as you smiled shyly. "This was more embarassing than I initially thought" you told him your concerns.

"You're often embarassed, it's quite refreshing in all honesty" he said as you blushed at his words. In a little while, William finished all the dangos.

"Well this is going to ruin your diet" you said teasingly.

"I don't mind it if you gave me the food like that" he said as you pouted, playfully punching him for the second time around. You began to walk to the last challenge which was leaving something behind that you two share and could go back to.

"The easiest way it to combine our magic" you pointed out as he held out a puzzled look. He knew that your power wasn't exactly compatible with his.

He gives life while you take it away.

"I know you're confused but trust me" you said, intertwining your hands with his while feeling magic energy flowing between you two.

You do take life like a shinigami but when you take life, you can also give it back. Your energy synchronized with his as both of you grew a mystical tree together.

"It's pretty!" You exclaimed as you looked at it's glowing flowers and purple tinted leaves. "It is" he said, looking at your joyous state.

"You two finished in 12 minutes! Hmm maybe we should add more challenges?" Your knights asked the Golden Dawn members.

"It's amazing how compatible you are... well this is the compatibility test" a knight of your commented as you looked at her with surprise.

"Anooo, William, I forgot something. I'll be back!" You dashed quickly, leaving the   masked captain alone with both squads.

"William..? First name basis!?" A knight of yours muttered under her breath in shock and amazement at the discovery. She then remembered that a person in this booth also takes stolen pictures.

"Captain Vangeance, if you would like, here are pictures" she handed to him as he skimmed through every picture with soft eyes.

"Thankyou. I must go, I trust that you would further improve this booth" he said, wanting to go after you, knowing that you only got flustered and escaped.

"Of course, Captain!" The knight saluted

Vangeance kept looking at the pictures, eyeing you with him in one scenario. It was perfect for his eyes and it was truly evident that he holds such strong emotions.

"You're truly something else, (Y/n)"

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now