CHAPTER 17 - Battle Cry

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"Royal Knights... To think that there'd be more titles" you commented in a thinking manner. "I'm asking you if you would join" Julius finally cuts to the chase.

"I figured so" you replied nonchalantlty.

"But I'm afraid that it's better if I stay here in the capital" he nodded at your statement, accepting your decision as it is.

"Then would you be willing to help me watch the test?" He asked as you nodded, it's the least you could do.

"Very well, I see no harm in that" you smiled as he mirrored your action thankfully.

A few moments had passed and you've began watching the fights between knights and a certain young captain. You nodded at their tactics and their skills, taking in valuable attributes to contribute in an actual war.

If you know elves well enough, you would say that they're not lying when they say that they're blessed with mana. It may sound impossible but as you possess some knowledge, they're not crafty at combinations in magic.

Modern magic is something new to them as well as the tactics and new born abilities. The clashing of magic can be thoroughly heard as you came to a conclusion.

'Most of them will just become eld-possessed' you thought with a frown.

'Aine, if you were to manifest body, would you take advantage of it?' you asked her in your thoughts.

'It depends on the situation, although, it seems like I wouldn't really do such a thing' she told you as you nodded.

You've listed down the people you thought to be great for the infiltration of the elve's quarters. You gave the list to Marx and excused yourself for today.

"I know the truth, Aine, but would I be able to cope with the pain?" You asked her, looking at the mirror to see a reflection of her formed by Aine's manipulation of knowledge in the brain.

"I don't think you could handle it... Even I am scared mostly when I view the enemy as someone dear" she replied.

"I know how you feel" you told her with a sigh.


"It has begun" you muttered under your breath, feeling strong energy coursing through the air. Subtle clashes sliced through the wind as you near the battle.

You came a little too late to the battle as Yami came forth the dying Wizard King. You chuckled bitterly, knowing that he's alive in a point of time.

"Deception at it's finest, huh?" You said, leaving the area. "I'm sorry I couldn't make your death less painful, Julius" you muttured while checking to see the stones in your safe keeping.

"He would know that I have them..." You said and as if on cue, he had appeared right before you. You swiftly dodged his movements, knowing what and when it will hit.

"Will you really kill the person you love?" Aine said, trying to deceive Patri to avoid anymore casualties.

"I wouldn't have fought you like this if you would just side with me, Aine" Patri replied, trying to get the stones.

"I know the future, no one will win, Patri" Aine told him relentless of his behaviour. "I have no assurance that you're bluffing. I know who you are, Aine" the elf said while landing a hit on your body.

"Suit your self, Patri. The only thing you'll bring is the realization of a woman who's thoughts have withered" Aine said as it puzzled the other elf.

"I have no take in understanding what you said" he replied, uneasy. Aine gave him the pouch containing the stones.

"Ne Patri, do you think we could play again sometime?" Aine said with innocence lacing her voice. Patri can't help but feel nostalgia from Aine's pure voice, a voice he heard when they were happy.

"Time will tell" he replied in uncertainty.

"Wrong answer, Patri" Aine replied.

"But I suppose you don't see the future as I do. I sometimes think that this knowledge is a curse" Aine chuckled, nearing the other elf.

She held out her pinky as Patri held out his. Before you knew it, his light had pierced your body.

"I guess my knowledge is no use when it comes to your speed" Aine coughed, feeling blood ooze out your body. The trap she laid out perfectly had failed. She saw it coming, yet she didn't have time to react.

"I'm sorry Patri... Be careful, alright?" Aine said blacking out.


The ticking of time had slowed down when you came to awoke from your painful slumber. You immediately saw the time difference when you were last seen with Patri.

You travelled to the capital where you saw a big tree illuminating the dark surrounding. "They've done it" you said with a small smile on your face.

"You're leaving aren't you, Aine?" You asked the elf inside you.

"I am. Thankyou for letting me live for a shorter while" she said her good-byes and flew out from your body.

"I guess it's my time aswell" you said knowing that without Aine, you couldn't access the power you've never fully learned.

Before you would rest, you would like to meet your family for the last time. Staggering through the broken capital, you made your way towards where they were.

Your knees gave out on you as you landed brutally on the floor. "I guess this is the farthest I'm able to reach" you said, crying tears you dreaded so much.

"William... My Owls... I'm sorry" as if your lung had failed, you were unable to breath.

William on the other hand had chills run down his spine as an image of you played on his head. His breath hitched when he realized that you might have gone to somewhere out of reach.

He slowly began to walk until he found himself running to where you were supposed to be. Your body was not found as he felt a part of him shatter.

He regretted the day he didn't kiss you.

Alas, he looked at the sky to find comfort, yet the moon has been hiding. Perhaps it was a sign that his moon had truly gone.

"Is there a route where I could've saved you? Was I too blind? I'm sorry, love" he said while saluting at the sky.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now