CHAPTER 6 - So It's You

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"If my intuition is correct..." You muttered under your breath as you arrived at where the stone tablet was originally located.

"Another one was added..." You clenched your fists. It was nearing it's completion yet you haven't found out half of what it was supposed to do.

"When? When did that happen?" You snapped and tried to fit the timeline when you were away with Vangeance. You were sure that it's him but there was so little time... unless... he has someone working for him.

"There must be an organisation... I must take note of—" you got caught off when you dodged a light like figure.

"You did a great job at sensing that, I must commend it" you looked back yo see a man with albino features. You stood your battle stance and observed him with precision.

"Light magic?" You whispered.

"Then it can't be Vangeance" you concluded, feeling something off.

"Who are you and what are your motives?" You shouted as the man who looks nothing like a villain. You noticed one thing odd about him, his ears.

"My name is Licht but you have no need to inquire about my motives... You won't live to know them anyways" he said, reflecting light towards you as you dodged one by one.

"Fast.." you mumbled under your breath.

"But of course" he whispered beside me as he swiftly raised his light like sword only for you to dodge it a second later. You were scratched as you felt a burning sensation through your bloodied skin.

"I'm surprised that you can keep up, you're not an ordinary human, are you?" He said picking up his speed, redoing all his attacks.

You took some of the hits and shouted pleadingly, "Vangeance, stop it please!" He faltered at your words as you smiled.

"So you're somewhat connected to him?" You said healing almost instantly. He looked at you with narrowed eyes as he took a mental not that you're a crafty knight.

"What's your relationship with him? Did you force him? Perhaps he doesn't know but you manipulate him?" You questioned as he kept quietly calm.

"Suit yourself" you said, taking of your gloves as you hastily moved towards him. If you can touch him twice, it would be over for him in a snap.

"I know Vangeance wouldn't betray us so you must be manipulating him" you said as he chuckled, "You're really fond of him, aren't you?" He said.

"Of course, he's a worthy rival afterall" you smiled with pride as you were able to activate your magic and touch him. His surroundings suddenly became dark as shadow like demons appeared.

"Come to me, little firefly" you said as you were practically the most luminous thing in the area. You tried to lure him to you so that you can touch him for the second time and end him.

This was your magic. At the first touch, your victim's surroundings becomes dark as if they're in a dark nightmare. They will soon try to find the light and that's what you are, in this state you'd look like an illuminated deity.

They'll naturally come to you.

And most fall for the trap.

You were similar to a grim reaper.

Or perhaps you are the shinigami.

But Licht was different, he knew that he can't go to you. He created his own blinding light but once he recovered from his own magic, you were gone.

"Interesting" he said as he scouted the area to finalize that you were truly gone. You heavily relied on your magic which was bad for your health.

Your magic takes your own lifespan and the only way to replenish it was to take the life of other living beings. In this case, you need to drain the life of this area if you want to live.

"I'm sorry, please excuse my selfishness, mother nature" you said and took life of the plants, and animals. Everything wilted as you recovered, taking note of the information you found.

You returned and went to see if Vangeance was at his office, and to your surprise, he was there. "Vangeance" you called out to him as he stopped doing his paperwork.

"Would it bother you if you'd knock?" He chuckled as you smiled.

"It would" you replied.

"It's surprising that you came here, what's the urgency?" He asked you and inspected. You seemed fine despite the battle you had, no, scratch that— you look like you haven't even broken a sweat.

"Does the name Licht sound familiar to you?" You asked him as he nodded. He knew he couldn't deny or you'll think he's defensive.

"It does, but I'm not sure where from" he lied effortlessly as you nodded with a relieved sigh. "To think that I actually speculated a captain like you" you said as you looked up to the ceiling.

"It's inevitable, I understand why you thought so" he told you as you smiled, showing your trust. He somehow felt guilty since you were such a genuine person.

"You can trust me, perhaps I could help" he said as you finally gave in. You told him the information you've already notes down, aswell as the facts and hypothesis.

'Most of them are true. She's an opponent not to be taken lightly...' he thought while nodding at your information.

'But there's a flaw. You thought I was being manipulated' he thought.

"So I'm manipulated by a man I do not know?" He asked as you nodded. "He goes by the name Licht and he's not just a man... I believe that he's an elf" you told him as he pretended to look shocked.

"I trust you enough to keep this hidden, it might be a bad choice since you're being manipulated but it's also a warning" you said standing up, taking off his mask which caught him off guard.

"Please don't betray me" you said with pleading eyes. As he only looked at you with seriousness.

"How could I betray the person I admire?" He said a you took a step back, your arms hiding your face from his sudden words.

"I—I'm counting on you" you said, accepting what he said, hoping that you made the right decision. His plan had already started.

The moment you fall inlove with him, is the very moment you'll truly fall.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now