CHAPTER 16 - True Events

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"Mouuu why do I keep getting flustered" you sighed, calming down and attempted to guess the time. It was sure still early for the awarding ceremony.

"Captain (Y/n)-san!" A knight called your attention. You chuckled at the way she addressed you so formally. Maybe a bit too formal.

"What is it?" You asked in a very friendly manner. She looked worried, "Well you see... No one wanted to participate in our booth and Captain Dorothy figured that it would best to ask you?" She said with uncertainty.

"How did she even— oh" you said looking at the sleeping captain pointing towards you. You tried to move a little but the hands keeps following to point at you.

"What kind of sorcery is that—?" You asked and shook your head off.

"I'd love to help—" as you said those words, in a split second you were sitting on a big chair as the course takes place.

"Whoever finished first on the course will get a kiss from our dearest Captain of the Moonlit Owls! (Y/n) (L/n)!" They announced as you widened you eyes in shock.

"She's wearing a cute outfit too!" She added.

"Hold on— I didn't agree to that!" You said aloud but the crowd was too big for them to hear. People swarmed in the booth, mostly, men did.

"Ha... I'm screwed..." You trailed off.

"I can't possibly disappoint those knights and I can't exactly kiss some 'guy' who's going to win" you thought aloud and sighed.

"Oh well... I'll just dash off when the time is right" you said, feeling the presence of Dorothy Unsworth near you.

"Well that's reassuring" you said in a sarcastic voice. You saw the competitors already lining up, sighing in annoyance.

One character stood out from the rest, your eyes glinted in interest, seeing a man with a fully black cloak. It seems like he isn't even giving any interest with the world.

You stood at the edge of your seat when someone had pushed the mysterious character. You wanted to disqualify the cheaters but it's not your job to do so.

You silently cheered for this person, forgetting the fact that the prize is a kiss from you. You were joyous that he still has a fighting spirit while beginning to pick up his pace.

You clapped your hands in glee when he had finished in first place. You must commend him for his skills, "I wonder if he's a knight?" You asked yourself.

He then began to ran away as if nothing happened. You wanted to see his identity so you chased after him with great speed. You saw him turn a corner and once you did, his cloak wasn't covering his face anymore.

"Good day young lad. Apologies if I don't have any prize for your great skill, although I must commend your skills" you said with your charismatic smile.

He looked at you with amazement and surprise, "w-what? Really...?" He said as you nodded at him and left.

"Well I suppose that's that... I must find William" you went on your way to find the said male.

"William! Oh you changed back to your clothes?" You asked him as he nodded. You realized that you were still wearing his cloak, giving it back to him.

"You should wear it" he said, insisting. He put the cloak back to your shoulders while whispering in your ear, "It means that you're mine"

You stood back 5 meters away from him as he laughed aloud. You began to sigh and laugh along with him. You walked towards him and sparked a conversation.

"Didn't they say that there two fireworks display today? One before the awarding and one after it?" You asked the masked man who was contemplating if he should hold your hands.

"William?" He got startled at your voice, looking at you questioningly.

"You weren't listening" you pouted.

"Apologies, what is it?" He asked.

"There's two fireworks display today, right?" You asked him for the second time. He nodded at you, "would you accompany me?" He added.

"Well that is what I'm doing right now" you smiled brightly at him. He then grabbed your hand, intertwining it with his. As bright as spring, butterflies flew on your stomach.

You were finally happy.

He began to lead you to a place where he found to be the best spot for the fireworks display. Far away from the crowded area and into the high grounds of the nearby forest, he grew a tree with his magic.

You both sat on top, waiting for the fireworks display before the awarding ceremony. Fire flies dazzled the hour your eyes filled with such certainty.

Vangeance couldn't help but smile at your reactions, you were pure despite having such a hard past. His smile grew wider to have shared this moment with someone like you.

"Williammmm! It's so mesmerizing here, how did you find this place—" you looked at him as he gently held a soft look while watching your every movements.

"How is it that a lot of things surrounding us are captivating yet I can only focus on you?" He asked you while you held your breath at his words.

You trailed your hands on his face, taking the mask he has been hiding in. You smiled brightly after seeing his scars. "There, now were even" you said holding the mask tightly on your hands.

"I lo—" he got interrupted by the fireworks that sparkled in the skies. You excitedly watched the show as your adrenaline grew weaker moment by moment.

You rested your head on William's shoulders. Booming through the skies, sparkles of hope and great achievement. You have never felt so secure, so happy in your life.

The fireworks ended, signalling that both of you should head back to attend the awarding ceremony.

"Before anything else, I want to claim my prize" he told you as he intertwined both his hands with yours, pinning you down as you rested on your back.

"The moment they announced that the prize was your kiss, I couldn't help but join to prevent others from touching those soft lips of yours" he said while he saw your face of realization.

You didn't really confirmed that the boy on that alley was truly the winner. The winner was here, on top of you.

"William... Arigatou.." you said, feeling your tears swell up on your eyes. He placed his hands on top of your lips, kissing it so it doesn't count.

He knew that he shouldn't get too attached, he can't kiss you as freely as he wanted.

"Eh..?" You exclaimed with a little disappointment. He patted your head and left for the awarding ceremony.

"Perhaps next time will be better. Forgive me in advance, love"

But the next time you'll meet... Will be on the battlefield.

𝑭𝒂𝒄̧𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 (William Vangeance x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now