(4): Meeting Them

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A/N: okay uhm here a new keyword cause I couldn't think of any.

(T/N) = town's name

Enjoy and (hopefully) feel second-hand embarrassment! <3

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As the door opened, (Y/N) was blinded by the light and was greeted by a throne room.

The carpet rolled to the elevated part at the end of the hall where the thrones where, there were pillars and huge windows at both sides of the room, the view outside was breath-taking as she walks closer to the thrones. Everything looked so elegant oh! To be a princess and grow up would be a dream, remove the part of responsiblity and probably tons of rules, it be like living in a dream. Her eyes couldn't stay at one direction as they slowly walked, the guy earlier, who was kind, lightly tapped her shoulder. "Focus," he whispered and she jolted back and focused to what's in front of her.

There sat the king with his queen.
His two sons and not far from them was their two most talented knights.

The longer you looked, the clearer their figures appear you noticed...the two prince looked fimiliar. "I knew it," you thought as you prepare for impact of probably embarrassment. Though, the black-haired boy, who looks aeound your age, didn't changed clothes (he was wearing the clothes he had from the time you first saw him) the one beside him didn't had the same situation. He wore somethung more formal and prince-like than the servant clothes, to which, got you thinking..."How did he changed his clothes so fast?"

A man then shouted clearly "(L/N), (Y/N) from (T/N)!" He announced and on cue you courtesied showing respect, "Lovely morning, Your Highnesses." You greeted them and the king nodded, thinking you did well you managed to gave him a smile. Having high hopes you felt, confident...but that quickly went down.

"(Y/N)...so that's name! I'll remember that name since you were such a great kisser~" a playful voice exclaimed giving you a wink. It was him. The king and queen gave you a confused look.

You took a step back with a blushing face covering your face, "Wha–what is he saying?!" He just smiled at you. The same purple haired boy that played as servent when you went here, your guesses were right, he is a prince. Right next to him was the black-haired boy, basically you already met the princes. "You were quite feisty type. You were sad when we arrived and he had to get out of the carriage," he continued making you feel more uncomfortable and confused. "Why is he playing this act?"

"Is that right, (Y/N)? While we were in the carriage you ta—" His brother just patted him on his shoulder with a uncomfortable expression "Kokichi please stop now's not the time," he said but yet again he just laughed. "Please don't listen to him, it's a lie." He added then the king just cleared his throat. Right off the bat, you felt akward all your confidence just jumped off the window. "So...(L/N)," the king broke the silence and in an instant you regained your composure, "It's okay (Y/N)," you told yourself as the king continued.

"You are known for playing the piano, correct?" Your eyes glisten "Yes, Your Highness." You answered straightening your posture, "Oh how wonderful! Any thoughts what song you'll play?" The queen butted in. "I suggest "Flower's Glee", My Queen." You answered calmly but in your head the other you's are trying keep you calm. "Wonderful! So it's decieded." The queen said. "Would you wish for a companion for your performance or alone?" The king asked "I prefer alone, Your Highness," you answered since you rarely work with anyone while playing a song not to mention they might be mean since onviously they'll get someone with a higher rank than you.

"It's settled then. You will stay in this castle preparing for the party, goodluck Ms. (L/N)," the queen added and with her snap of her fingers two maidens came in taking your belonggings. "They will help you with your time here in this castle, you may go." She said, one of them held your back gesturing you to the exist. "That was quick," you whispered to yourself.

"Why of course, besides you they have other things to deal with," one of the maidens replied. "Let us escort to your room," she added as you nodded a calm voice chased you outside the hall. You turned your head to see it's one of the prince, no it's not the playful one. "Thank God," you thought to yourself "Your Majesty–" the maiden beside you exclaim quite shock. "I'm sorry (Y/N) for my brother, Kokichi, he likes to tease people and tell lies a lot," he apologized. "How can a prince be this apologetic," you wondered as you stared at him you blushed "I bet a lot of princesses fell for him. I mean...I can't blame them now can I?"


You fliched. "Oh yes, it's okay Your Majesty," you said and he just walked off with a small smile. "Am I really gonna have to deal with him everyday? I don't think so, I guess he won't interupt my rehearsals right? I bet his kind," you thought of Prince Kokichi's actions earlier and it send chills down your spine. "I just hope he won't spread rumors about me," you thought as you trailed of with the two maidens. "I can hold that for you–" before you could finish the maiden answered. "Please let me," she answered and the rest of the walk was silent before you broke it.

"Uhm...may I ask. Where are we going?" None of the two looked back at you, "To your room," the one beside you answered. "My room? What would it look like? My bet is elegant!" You arrived with another huge door, one of them opened it for you and what was waiting for you was beyond your imagination. It was better than what you expected, of course! You are in a castle.

One of them closed the door shut leaving a loud bang. As they were unpacking your belonggings you stoppee them, "Oh! No need, I can do this myself. Thank you very much," they nodded and told you to pull the cotton rope near the door for assistance. "Before you go," you said making them stop (again) "What are your names? So I can...you know," you asked shyly as they gave you a schocked face. That's when you knew their names, Natsumi and Sayuri, though Natsumi was quite harsh while Sayuri was more polite yet energetic. When you heard the doors shut, you sighed.

The bedroom looked like it came out of a storybook. There was a queen-sized canopy bed, next to it was a small bed size cabinet and at the other side of the bed was the vanity. There was also a walk-in closet already filled with luxurious looking clothes and shoes (You held one dress on a hanger and measured it to yourself and surprisingly it fits, "How did they got my measurements?" You wondered as you continued to explore). The deeper you looked, there was another room as you opened it, you saw a elegant looking bathtub, shower basically what any bathroom would have.

You walked out of the bathroom and saw a desk, specifically used in writing, it had built-in a drawer on top with an ink, quill and those roller-things to remove ink on the paper (A/N: if you watched Judy Abott, I meant the roller thingy she used while writing the rules as punishment for being on the roof. I don't know what it is called, if you know please don't shy to share it. Thank you!) The desk also have some papers and inside the otger drawer, below the desk, there were extra ink. You shut close the drawer and explored the room, again.

There was also a small table and couch in the middle of the room, the table already had a vase filled with some tulips and peonies in it while the couch had two small pillows on either sides. A large window shined most of the light in with it's curtains drawn out, you could see the garden from it. There was also a small fireplace on top of it was a painting of a young woman looking out of a window ("Strange...why a woman looking out instead of some flowers?" You questioned their chose but the painting was nevertheless beautiful), with a few chairs here and there, lamp shades and a full-length mirror there hang a small chandelier that you hope won't break and burn this room or else you'd be doomed.

Your bags were in front of the closed door just piled, since there isn't much in it, unpacking wasn't tiring. After for some moment you heard a knock and a familiar voice. "May I come in?" You turned your head towards the door. "Of course," from that the door slowly swang open revealing Sayuri on the doorway.

"Have you eaten?" She asked.
"You mean breakfast?" You looked at the clock. "Not much time passed."
"Yes Ms. (L/N)."
"Oh, then I had!" You said cheerfully. "Oh also you can call me (Y/N), please tell that to Natsumi too."
"Of course. Ms...I mean...(Y/N), please ring the bell if you are ready to go to the ballroom for your performance. Please take your time."

Sayuri bowed before leaving you alone followed by the sound of the door closing. You blinked a few times before asking yourself. "The ballroom?"

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