(17): Glimpse of Time

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TW: cursing/swearing

From here and out of the book there will be curse/bad words. I'll try to censor it as much as possible but I just want you to be aware and yes I have a mouth of a sailor, off topic but okay.
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Morning light shines through a window sill of a small yet comfy house, hitting the young boy's eyes as he fluttered his eyelids open only to be greeted by his room and the blue sky as the sun rose high.

His brown hair slightly covering his face as he stretched out his arms and yawned, waking up in the beautiful morning after a lovely dream of being in a flying pirate ship brought him a good mood to start another day or his perfect life. May not be perfect to some people but it is perfect for him, loving parents, a comfortable home, food to eat everyday and so much more that allows him and his parents to continue on living. Though he was content, his parents weren't. They wanted to spoil him with riches and expensive toys and clothes like any young boys at his age, all he decline.

His parents were pretty young and truly wanted the best for their son, thinking their son wanted to live in a mansion; his father worked day to night till he drip while his mother handle the things in the house as he focuses at school and enjoy life. Despite this they lived filled with joy and laughter together, each day a new happy memory to cherish.

He has wonderful friends and neighbors, the area were he lives is decent, not to bad and not to shabby. Though as days passed, that's when he learned the cruel reality of this universe he lives in, not to long ago a young girl went missing. Without knowing what was the reason, he felt wary and questions swirled around his head. What happened to the girl? Who took her? Why would they do that? Is she alright now? Is she found? Unsure, he waited for the news of the lost girl trying his best to help the investigation of this poor soul yet it led to no avail.

She was never found and was announced dead.

This was just the beginning of the twisted life he needs to face, one after another young girls were taken and were never found which quickly escalated to not only young girls but maidens to eventually... young boys. Boys around his age.

Every morning his happy-go-lucky mood is replaced with fear and sorrow, no longer allowed to stay outside due to the uncaught kidnapper. The village he lived on became strict with rules and fun wasnt a thing anymore, fun and joy disappeared in the village. Smiling faces became a simple frown and curved eyebrows showing worry and frighten.

Am I next? Who will be next? Are they still on the loose? Am I safe? Should I move places? Are they the kidnapper? Each one doubted one another, accusing everyone. To the point people would behead anyone who were accused, the wealthy were never accused. Why? They have money. Their rank was far more superior to them, they never had the slightest fear of this criminal and never was concerned for the people below them.

Many people died from the so-called punishment for justice considering the fact that they are uncertain and clearly suspicious of everyone. Others were the ones that was taken away no where to be seen nor heard.

When the young boy knew about this he was furious. "Why does money have to tell your rank? Is this why mama and papa wanted to be rich too?" He contemplated to himself as he stared out of the window, daydreaming again.

While gazing outside, a girl with blonde hair in pigtails smiled creepily at him at the dark alley way. Taken a back, he jolted seeing that the girl is now being eaten by the darkness slowly still grinning at him, curious he was about to open the door then he saw another person behind the girl. Another young girl with black short hair but looks more intimidating than scary as both girls were devoured by the dark alley, concern filled his system and rushed towards the handle of the door.

The doorknob slowly turned but his hand felt another presence above it, it was his mother's hand keeping his movements minimum.

"What are you doing-"
"There were two girls!" He protested.

His mother gave him puzzled look. "What do you mean-" "I saw them! I saw them!" He continued to shake his mother's hand away from his but obviously it didn't worked and only made his mother more lost. "Darling there cant be anyone outside around this time. It's against the rules now," his mother calming reassured him kneeling down to his eye level "I'm sure they are fine, it's nearly dinner time. Let's eat."

With that his hand retreated away from the handle, an uneasy feeling angered inside his stomach. Who were the two girls? He was to eager.

The mysterious disappearance of children continued and the unknown girls kept on showing up closer and closer until eventually... "So you know the rich guys? They like-don't give any sh*t about you peasant people," a cherry voice stated. "Letting all of you just poof like that so uncool," dragging herself closer to her target she whispered something before smiling again "Do we have a deal?"

"My son! My son is gone! Someone please help me!" A young mother cried, begging for anyone's hand and shoulder to cry on but each one treated her like a maniac as she kneel down to her knees crying out her son's name.

Days turned into weeks into months, the son was never found. The couple was devastated that everyday felt so empty without their beloved child with them. Soon they completely went bonkers and was accused for being the kidnappers. From there on out, you already know what happened.

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A/N: if you know who the girls are you know. Dont worry this is really apart of the plot not a special chapter though a special chapter is coming-so yeah.

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