(15): Dear Diary

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A/N (TW): If you are sensitive to people being tortured (or gruesome) I have a summary of this chapter at the very end just find "📓" and from there and on is the summary and is less detailed.

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August XX, XXXX |11:02pm

Dear Diary,

It's me (y/n), it's my second day being kept as hostage I dont know how long I need to stay in here. Lucy gave me a pocket watch, it'll be my source of time besides the placement of the shadows. This "Raven" guy came twice and beat me up whenever I dont tell him anything.

Oh yeah! I made this into a diary to keep track and if anyone finds this and I'm...gone they know what happened. They still give me food, majority it's Lucy. She said that she have no useful information yet for the time being. I'm starting to trust her.


August XX, XXXX  |  11:30pm

Dear Diary,

Nothing much changed, the same routine except Lucy didn't came. Wonder why...


August XX, XXXX  | 10:09pm

Diary Diary,

Lucy finally returned after a few days, she was sent in a mission by her real boss. Apparently she doesn't work for this "Raven" guy, only pretending to be this "Lucy". One of her missions were also saving me, though I dont completely trust her yet but at the same time, I dont have a choice.

Today I was beaten up more cruelly than before. Back then it was punches and kicks here and there but now they did cuts on my arm and slit on my leg. I'm afraid that they might use actual torture devices to get the information out of my mouth. Lucy helped to treat my wounds so that's good.


August XX, XXXX   |11:48pm

Dear Dairy,

Even though I have only been a few weeks in, Lucy managed to get information about "Raven". He always found nobles disgusting and want to make nobles vanish, this isn't his first time. He did so many crimes, changing his name and abandoning his gang in the end. Makes me wonder how the king is handling my disappearance, makes me feel pretty useless and a burden...

I now have many bruises and cuts everywhere, he even threatened to pick my nails off one by one and eyeball out my eye socket. I was lucky that he didn't. Does he enjoy this?

~ 📓 ~

(Y/N) made the journal she found into a diary to keep track, Lucy helps her though disappeared one day. After a few days she returned, she said she was called by her real boss though (Y/N) doesn't trust Lucy fully. While Lucy was away the man who is now referred as "Raven" hurts (Y/N) more harshly than before. Good thing Lucy managed to get information about "Raven", he dislikes nobles and his biggest goal is to eliminate every noble she meets; this is also isn't his first time doing this kind of crime.

(Y/N) quietly placed the journal and pen back in the hidden compartment, ignoring the pain that ran all around her body due to the torture techniques that they did in attempt to get her to talk. She blew the candle out (which is her nightlight I mentioned) and went under the covers of the uncomfortable bed. Despite being in this situation, she is grateful for being alive and having a room to sleep in and someone helping her.

The people who can't decide for themselves, she was one of them. Her mind rambling whether to trust Lucy or not is a gamble, she knows nothing about Lucy yet Lucy knows so many about (Y/N). Is it really safe to say, she is an ally of her's?

Trust is so fragile, once broken it can't be the same no matter what you do like glass. Though trust, hope and perseverance is the ones she needs right now. (Y/N) felt she has no choice but to trust her, if she breaks it she just needs to find a way to improvise then.

Her eyelids shut only making darkness her only view. Home. She wants to go back home...

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A/N: sorry this chapter is really short and empty...I am quite focus with stuff outside writing and it's slowly draining me which leads me to playing video games—and procrastinating—no I do not intend to make this to a "DISCONTINUED" book!

I think you and future readers deserve an ending for staying this long, so yeah. Have a nice day and stay safe, dear.

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