(1): Glad to meet Me

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(Y/n) woke up a bit early today, the sun was only raising it's golden glow as she gazed on her bedroom window she can see the sky's night blue shade fading into an orange and yellowish color from the sun. It was a wonderful sight. So beautiful that she wants to paint it, sadly she can't paint so she admired the cloudless sky. Without feeling hunger, she looked away from the window and grabbed a book from the bed side drawer as she flipped through the pages until landing on one page with a folded part indicating that this this the chapter she is currently in.

Her eyes slided through the lines of words, reading each sentance quietly. Drifting onto another world of the unimaginable and fiction, the world around you vanished as if it never existed, you were completely sucked in the world of what you were reading. Still under your covers, you giggled laughed and cried over your book. (Without the help of your mother reminding you that breakfast existed) you got out of bed and started your morning routine. Today, nothing much is new. Despite your name being well-known, there weren't any letters that arrived inviting to you to a manor to play one of your famous performances, Sorrow Not.

You composed that yourself as a child and re-imagined it as you grow older. That piece, you only play it in a piano. Any piano would do but the feeling of playing it using your own piano is something that can't be described by words. Your fingers moved in an elegant way, tapping each key of your piano playing your favorite song. It's tone echoed around the area sending a chill vibe to anyone near it, a smile was on your face as you played it on your piano. "You really like that song," one of your sisters said, whom had just arrived home from a bookshop, your hands let go and rested on your lap feeling the fabric of your dress.

"It was the first song I ever learned," you explained still with a smile. She only giggled in response before she could go to the second floor to read her newly bought book you spoke again.

"What's the book about?"
"Love. Love between a commoner and a prince," she said with glee.
"You really love those stories?" You asked half-joking.
"I am hopeless when it comes to these, okay?" She said laughing, running towards her room excited to read the story.

Feeling content with her answer you continued playing the song.

After finishing the song, a knock could be heard. You walked up towards the door, turning the doorknob revealing who was on the other side. To no surprise, it was the other you.

"I brought bread!" Your friend said cheerfully, holding out freshly baked bread. (F/N), their family runs a bakery and they, themselves, enjoys baking with passion. They often bring you some freshly baked pastries, half of the reason because they cared the other half because they needed someone to taste if it's good. Not that you complain about the second reason, their pastries are delicious. "Thanks! Come on in," you said opening the door wider for them to enter "Quickly, before the bread gets cold." You said, eager to eat the tray of breads.

The two of you sat, facing each othee near a window chatting as a plate of bread just sat on top of a round table in the middle of the two of you. (F/N), you don't see them as a friend at all but as another sister. The two of you been friends since the day you went to their bakery with your sister. That day, your sister wanted to buy some tarts from (F/N)'s bakery, she asked you to come with her and little you-agreed. When you came, the bell ranged and (F/N)'s mother was waiting already by the counter, your sister told you to seat to a vacant spot- so you did. It was a pain to sit on top of the chairs but you managed it, you silently sat there as a child around your age approached you with a smile.

"Hi! What's your name?" They asked, you hesistantly repiled not making eye contact, "(L/N) (Y/N)..." they then held out your hand. "Nice to meet you, I am (L/N) (F/N). I hope we can get along!" Despite their joyful apperance you can tell they are just as shy as you, the only thing differentiating the two of you that time was, they are trying to be social with you. With that realization, your former tensed appearance become more calm. You nodded your head softly with a small smile, you watched as (F/N) walked away towards hee mother. When you came back home yoir sister asked child-you, "Who was that? A friend?" They asked as they tucked you in bed. You stared at her for a while for responding with a 'mhm'.

You are really glad you made a friend and the fact that it was (F/N) made it better.

"Your such an angel from heaven, (F/N). I don't deserve you as a friend," you said a bit defeated. They 'hmph' at you with a pout, "Looks who's talking!" They said before the two of you brust into laughter. Not long after she left, the night was coming quick it would be a problem if she wasn't home before dark. Whenever she leaves, it's like losing another part of yourself, that's why people call the two of you 'one person'.

The two of you were like long lost twins, one completes the other. That's what you call deep friendship I guess. You knew secrets that they never told anyone and they knew secrets that you kept from the world. Both of you had seen both sides of yourselves, good and bad. Meeting (F/N) was like meeting the other half of you.

The night painted the sky with it's dark blue shade, finalizing it with small dots and a moon. The cloudless night was the painting behind your window as you prepare for bed. You covered your lower body with the blanket, staring at the sky for a few more seconds you blew out your night light and called it a day.

Thinking tomorrow would be the same you went to dreamworld in peace. You slept facing your right, the moonlight hitting your face from the window. The only thing you didn't expect was tomorrow.

Tomorrow will change everything.
Tomorrow is the start of your life becoming a mess.
Tomorrow is when you felt the most glee and worry.

Tomorrow is when this story will truely begin!

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