(18): Return to the Dark Alley

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"It's working better than I had planned," he giggled as this man called 'Raven' watch in glee as he sits on a table of a small bakery. People seem to give each other hateful gazes and avoids on getting to close to one another, it's been a few days since (Y/N) had been kidnapped and during that time the kingdom is slowly crumbling away.

(F/N) saw this man's eerie smile, thinking he's apart of their friend's disappearance they kept a watchful eye on him as he stir his drink in the cup. "Would you like a refill?" They walked up to him, they noticed he wore a hood that covers his identity, inside they cursed to themselves. This man gives them bad vibes and a part of them is telling them to get to know him more for he is one of the causes of the most recent crime in the place they call home. "No. I'm leaving anyways," he left the money on the table and weakly opened the door, as he shut the door, the bell rang followed by (F/N)'s joyful voice except their tone was fake "Thank you, please come back soon!"

At the window, their eyes trailed him from behind like a tail. Once they were far enough they took their coat and followed him "Watch the store for me mom, I'll be right back." With that the bell above the door rang once more.

Like cat, their eyes never left their target. At first, he was doing nothing wrong, though his movements made them suspicious about him. He arrived to a bar, (F/N) took a newspaper near by and pretend reading it as they took a seat not to far from him. They would be lying if they are panicking, their heartbeat was quick and they sweat like crazy. They never spied on someone, today was different, the urge to know and follow him was too much for them that they had to do it.

"Excuse me," a voice of a man greeted. Jolting they nearly fell backwards from their seat, their eyes saw a worker of the bar luckily it wasn't him or they'd be done for considering how bad they are from improvising, in any case, (Y/N) was that person but (Y/N)...she isn't currently here but is off somewhere they don't know. They slowly nodded, waving their hands as the employee went back to work. Sighing, they noticed he was not there anymore.

"Huh? Where did he??" Silently panicking they walked out of the bar and attempted to find him but due to the crowd it was like he was invisible.

He's been noticing the from the bakery is spying on him, let's just say they weren't the best for that job. Rolling his eyes he pretended to have business in a bar, as he sit his arse down the chair it was no surprise seeing them sit not far from them. Going according to plan he called an employee, as the worker did he whispered something to his ear. "You see that person?" He pointed at (F/N), who looks suspiciously anxious as the newspaper hid their face, the employee nodded a bit unsure.

"They look quite worried, can you ask them?" Raven specifically chose an employee that is new from the bar, how could he tell that he was new? His face says it all, he always wore a worried expression and is unprofessional from what he does. Raven, himself, frequently also drinks in this bar, seeing a new face from the workers already makes him the new spotlight.

As he watched the poor new employee walk up to (F/N), he sneakly went outside the bar and blended with the crowd just in time before they could catch up to him.

"What a eyesore," as he fell deeper into the dark alley way he pulled his hood down, sadly for him someone was still tailing him unnoticed. That person giggled in delight as they mysteriously trailed him from behind.

The place was darker and only few sunlight was invited in, everyone was a criminal. Each one was out casted and chose violence, it'll be no surprise if this antagonist was no different. As Raven's footsteps echoed through the alley way, the people seem to give him space as if they were doing it out of fear. Was this man well known around these places?

As the man was following Raven, he was interrupted by one of the people there that was standing. He wore a torn shirt, pants and was covered soot "Hey," he called out sounding a bit drunk. His breath alone smells like beer. "You lookin' fancy," he slumps onto the wall as he started to fidget the little pins and chains attached to the man's black hood. "Please stop," he managed to muster against the drunken man.

As he continued to nitpick with the pins he noticed one of them looked oddly familiar, as he closely inspected it his eyes widen with a mix of disgust and rage. "YOU ARE—" before he could finish it the hooded man already ran off. The drunken man started to pick up a near by empty bottle of beer and attempted to injure the man from afar.

"YOU ARE NOT COMING OUT ALIVE," he cursed as he chased after the man.

This little cat and mouse game soon ended as some of the people gathered around him, wondering what he was yelling about allowing the man to descend deeper in the alley.

The man leaned against a wall, removing his shiny pins. "I forgot," he whispered to himself as he hid the expensive looking items. He silently cursed to himself as he sat at the floor, he is currently in between a gap of two gray colored house. The alley is dark itself, making where he is far more darker. He pulled down his hood a bit and scratches his head in frustration, "I must hurry (Y/N)'s waiting."

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