(9): Storyboard

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The doors of your room banged close as soon as you pushed your body backwards separating you from the rest of the palace, you had a glance of the same painting, a painting of a lady looking out of a window. You analysed the painting, the colours blending perfectly and each brush stroke made her skin look smooth, you started to wonder what is she looking at? Who is she looking at? What will she be thinking about? Did the painter thought of the story of this painting, if so what is the story about?

You flipped through the pages of your notebook and started writing a story for your song. All of your songs have a story behind, one of them was about a young man who fell in love with a woman beyond his league and attempts to catch her heart despite countless of eager men also striving for her attention.

All of them brought her expensive jewellery, invited her to parties and many more but her heart was never taken by any of them. Why so? That's the entire song, circling with the young man wondering what he can do to catch her love. You were thinking about making a sequel of that song but that was when you got the invite from the palace.

In the streets, a fair maiden would walk around that very street to do some errands like every other day, either it be bread, groceries or just books for her liking. She stumbled upon a flower shop, she hesitated to buy one but she wanted to buy a rose so badly to decorate her home. Next to her was a bright young man, who always wore a smile on his face, he bought a yellow rose and gave it to her and disappear within the crowd. Agape, she held the bouquet of roses and placed it in a white vase on the window sill by the time she returned home.

The following days were spend the same way since then, meeting at the flower shop and him buying her flowers and leaving without a trace. One time, she wanted to know his name and reasons so when they met again she spoke "Who are you?" He only placed his hand inside her basket, she took a step back thinking he'd steal but he only grinned and once again blend himself with his surroundings. When she arrived home, a little note was placed in her basket with only the words...

"Solve this case, MS. Detective"

She wasn't a detective at all, not the closest nor the slightest. The other day, they met again; she chased him once he gave her the flower yet again she failed. She also attempted keeping him still like holding his hand when he handed her the flower but her grip loosen when he still ran away, she started to get tired of this and planned to play the same he is. She asked her friend to go to the flower in the time when he always shows up, he did show up.

When he couldn't find her, he waited there. As planned her friend started talking to him, he said he is waiting for someone and he is a secret admirer of this lovely lady. They met before when they were really young, she bought an item from his shop back at Christmas Eve and gave him a present during that event. He gave her another gold rose on the first day because he wanted to give the message he wanted to be friends with her and to be happy since a gold rose symbolizes joy and friendship.

She heard enough and showed herself to him, realizing his been tricked he giggled and gave her a yellow rose again. She accepted the rose but gave him a red-colored rose in return.

You wrote that story in the notebook; you thought the story was cute and smiled at yourself, pleased. As you were writing the lyrics of it and tone, someone knocked on your door. Sayuri handed you a letter once you opened the door and left quickly, you opened up the envelope and read the letter. It was from your family, they replied to your letter. To summarise what's written within the message, it's them being thrilled about you being in the castle and wishing for your safety (your sister also asked if there were any guys you liked in the castle, you shrugged it off). Re-reading the letter you felt all fluffy inside, you felt quite overjoyed reading it. You could hear their voices through the hand-written letter. Though today you felt like doing some investigation inside the castle not outside, thinking you wanted to rest from writing you ranged the bell and Sayuri showed up not long after. You asked if she could tour you more around the castle and she happily agreed.

Inside the castle of course, a ballroom, the dining area, the throne room, kitchen, each room for each person who are in here, bedrooms, more music room, and a room for practising how to use the sword basically everything what a palace would have. There were also rooms you weren't allowed to know or to go inside, understandable but when that was told to you, your curiosity slowly started to eat you inside out. Of course you can't dig your nose at everything, you are just a guest. You'll be leaving as soon as the birthday of the queen is over. You’ll be as quick as you go, just like always. Once you are done, you’ll go away, sad yet true. If it makes them happy, you don’t mind. "Hey Sayuri," you asked a tad of hesitance in your voice.

"Did you ever regret to be in the palace as a maid?" It took her a moment before answering with a simple response, "No. It’s a dream to be here, even if I am just a mere maid unlike you who was personally sent to play a piece for the queen, I have no regrets to be a simple maid." "Interesting," you told yourself as you kept her answer in mind.

"Do you know what the royal family do most of the time?"
“How bold of you to say that, are you a spy?”
Taken a back from what she said you quickly redeemed yourself, “What? No, just curious.” She just sighed at you. “Being curious is good but it can back fire,” you also sighed as you leaned your back from the bench the two of you are sitting at, “I know.” The clear ocean sky met your eyes, the clouds seems to move slower than before. The two of you were sitting at the bench at the fountain, you continue to gaze at the blue canvas above you; the silhouette of the flock of birds from the horizon, the sound of running water behind you, the faint voices of people in the castle filled your senses and brought you to a calming state.

"Truth be told, no one knows what they do to be clearly. Only the people close to them know and the ones with a higher position than us," she answered staring at her feet.

"Higher position than us..." you whispered that phrase as your eyes adjusted to make the sky clearer, "Nagito and Hajime would probably know…" you muttered to yourself as you closed your eyes, your head still facing the sky. A voice of a man then called for Sayuri’s assistance allowing you to contemplate the blue sky in silence, to what seemed like an entirety, a soft and timid voice called your name.

"(Y/N)?" You set your gaze the one to whom this voice belonged, it wasn’t surprising to say the least, you were quite overjoyed from the moment you laid eyes on him.

Undeniable Reverie | DANGANRONPA 2,3 | Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now