(11): Foe or a Friend?

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The same as always. The same glistening ray of light, shining through her window with it's curtains drawn backwards, the classic view of the garden. It's been awhile since she's been in the castle, she is slowly to getting use in the palace and the magnificent view of the garden beyond the glass everytime she woke up. She headed towards the windown admiring the view then out of the blue not long after she heard a knock from the door.

"Who is it?" She wondered, loud enough for that person to hear "It's me, Sayuri." Her eyes widen, she glanced at the small table in the middle of the room and noticed her meal wasn't there. "Come on in!" She allowed them, reverting her gaze towards the door, the two doors' creak rang around the area as Sayuri slowly walked in causing a loud bang after closing the doors while holding a tray with food on it. "We have a guest who is arriving shortly, enjoy your meal."

She announced before leaving the room after her bow, once again a loud bang of the doors' colliding to one another separating from what's in the room and what's outside. (Y/N) blinked in confusion, "A guest?" As her footsteps made it's way to the tray as she started to eat her breakfast "So I'm not the only guest here, huh..." she thought while chewing onto the food. By the time she ate the last bite, she trailed off to do the rest of her morning routine while thinking who they will be, what kind of person are they and many more questions filled her head.

She took a book that she brought from home to read on her free time if she wont be composing the song, which got her thinking "How much longer is the queen's birthday?" She is here only for that reason, and that reasoning alone. She rang the bell and Sayuri arrived, "Ready to meet them?" She asked with a genuine smile plastered across her face. She simply nodded as she guided towards the newly arrived guest.

Sunlight gazing upon the people down below, (Y/N) just stood not to far from the two prince and the ruler of this kingdom; though she was beside Sayuri and Natsumi the thought of someone visting the castle made her estatic and shiver from fear, like a child excited for his gift but only to find out the item wrapped in colorful and bright shades of different hues of the rainbow was something so dissapointing and boring. Except in her case the one that the child found didn't brought his hopes down, quite the opposite actually.

A carraige arrived majestically with it's silver and gold outlines, framing the transportation beaitifully reflected by the morning sun's light (it blinded her a bit). The horses neighed and stopped as soon as they reached the gates, she deeply breath in preparing to conquer what kind of person they are, either way, she'll be kind no matter how stubborn or ruthless they may seem. Sayuri noticed how tensed (Y/N) was, she tapoed her shoulder giving her a thumbs up, her way of saying "You'll do great!"

After seeing that, (Y/N) heavily sighed before replying with a nod. Without any words exchange, they understood each other and faced towards the guests. Still sweating, both doors revealed two people who seem to be nobles, tilting her head a bit with confusion written on her face. "Why would someone with high ranks come here?"

The first one that went out of the carriage was a tall male, from one of the neighboring kingdoms, with lime-like hair with two ahoges ("Strange," she thought eager to know what happens if she moves it) he wore an outfit similiar to what the otger male servants in the castle wore. He handed his hand as another person walked out of the door. She was wearing a pink gown (not as stylish as what you wear in balls) and her hair was a nice shade of blond that is left just laying on her back as few strands where in front, covering her shoulders a bit.

A tiora glistening through the sunlight, from what she wears alone, determining her status is a peace of cake especially with the jewelry she wears states it more obviously.

"A princess," (Y/N) muttered agape from her beauty, the princess and her servant's beauty to be precise (Natsumi had to close (Y/N)'s open mouth). "Welcome, Princess Akamatsu!" The king happily greeted the said lady "It's a pleasure Your Majesty," her lips curved forming a smile on her doll-like face.

Giggles and introduction was shattered around the highr status as (Y/N) and many other just bowed as a sign of respect. Her eyes wondered around the scene; Shuichi smiling, Princess Akamatsu chuckling, the servant enthusiastically watching and Kokichi being bored and decieded to cause a raucous. Deep down she wasn't surprised especially when it came to Kokichi, as she drifted onto her own wonderland she was jolted back to the surface by Kokichi grabbing her arm.

"(Y/N) let's play!" Like a 5 year old, he started to tugged her sleeve. "Kokichi, not now..." she pleaded, whispering but Kokichi didn't listen which caught the attention of the princess. "(Y/N)? As in (L/N) (Y/N)?" She tensed up when the topic changed to her (from the corner of her eye she saw Kokichi's sinister grin. "He probably planned this all," she thought).

"Y-yes. That's me," she replied trying to contain the little gremlin. "Ah, I see!" She took a step closer to her and held both of her hands "It's a pleasure to finally meet you! Shuichi told me stories about you," she confessed earning a 'Kaede!' from an embarrassed emo prince. "S-s-stories?" She nodded from what (Y/N) repeated. "Shuichi actually told someone about-me?!" Dumbfounded, all she can do is stay silent.

"Princess," the male behind her called out, releasing your hands from her. "This way please," he then guided the noble towards her room to stay. He gave (Y/N) a thumbs up before leaving, he was the guy that calmed her down when she first met the king and queen. She nodded at him as a 'thank you' as she watched them left.

"(Y/N) ," she heard Sayuri's soft voice spoke out "Have you made the song for the queen's birthday?" She placed her fingers at her chin "Well yes, but...it's not perfect yet," she honestly answered a bit guilty. "It must be hard to compose a song," Sayuri stated "Why make a new song instead of using your old ones?"

"She's the queen, I wan't her to have a song just for her and most likely because there are so many talented musicians out there and yet she still chose...me," Sayuri gave her a smirk "So...you feel special?" (Y/N) only nodded with a slight smile dabbed on her face. "Understandable," Sayuri jokingly hit your shoulder as she went off to do her chores while you went back into composing the song.

Not only the princess and the servant came out of the carriage, so does a few more people visited. (Y/N) just sighed seeing the new faces roam around the campus as she made her way to the music room (Sayuri told her about this as she was being toured). The music room was small yet decorated with candles on the wall; vases filled with different breeds of flowers, a rug on the middle, multiple tables and chairs, a fireplace at the middle with a painting hanging on top and finally, the big attraction, a grand piano not to far from the fireplace.

It became her favourite place to visit besides the ballroom and the garden. The aura of the room was just as peaceful like in the garden. As she sat down in front the instrument she heard the door creak open, turning her head to see who it was she was left agape.

The one standing on the door with a smile on her face greeted (Y/N) with joy.

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A/N: Yup leaving a cliff hanger cause heck I'm having writer's block at this point I'm just winging it, I really do need to make a summary of a story before writing it.

And please tell me why my brain just tells me to write chapters if it's nearly 3am in the morning?? Like, when I started writing this chapter it's nearly 3am after playing Identity V.

Also the only thing in my head is: Nagito in a ponytail. Perfection.

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