(25): Queen's Birthday

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Surfing through (Y/N)'s closet, Kaede helped her choose an outfit. Since (Y/N) will be the star of the show for the music, she needs to look decent and presentable. First impressions are a must!

There is a surprise though...
(F/N) is also here!

"Man! I'm just simply a lady of the town and I'm also invited to the ball? Lucky!" (F/N) squealed in glee, admiring the outfit that was led to them. (A/N: go let your imagination run wild at what kind of outfit they'd wear!) "Lucky indeed!" Kaede then pulled out two necklaces, both dangling brightly "Important question! Which one?" Both (Y/N) and her childhood friend giggled at Kaede's reaction between the two necklaces.

"Left," (Y/N) pointed.
"No! Right," her friend opposed.
"The left one is more certainly beautiful..." (Y/N) suggested.
"No...the right one fits her better..." both just sighed but laughed it off at the end.

Kaede gave her a look though, "Wha-?" Before (Y/N) could finish, Kaede grabbed a brush and started to style (Y/N)'s hair "Your hair's a mess," Kaede commented as she brushed down (Y/N)'s soft hair "Just like before when we were children, you'd always get scolded because you wouldn't fix your hair!" While (F/N) recalled (more of a tease), followed by a snicker "Hey, I fix my own hair now you know!" She pouted like a little child.

Soothing music calmed the ballroom as the king and queen sat at their seats, admiring the party. The night sky looking ot best with it's cloudless yet starry sky as the moon shines it's brightest through the night, the room had multiple glass doors leading outside which happens to lead to the garden. The two prince just welcome and meet with their friends, the chandelier gleaming above the guest and their heads.

"Shuichi is that you?" The said-prince turned his head only to be greeted by a person around his age with a lime-like coloured hair with...two ahoge... "Rantaro." The boy who was referred as 'Rantaro' started to giggle "The one and only," he walked closer to him shaking his hand with a smile plastered at his face. He came to the castle with Kaede but lately he was busy, the two of them didn't get to see each other again...that is, until now.

Kokichi, in the other hand, found the party unamusing and tiresome. It would be a lie if he didn't tried to pull a prank or two, he did; but yet again the closet knight that ever met him, the knight that he spent his childhood with, Nagito Komaeda, would always caught him red-handed. Now his stuck in this party with nothing to do while Rantaro cling onto Shuichi, meeting their former classmates and neighborhinh kindoms' children.

Some that Rantaro also introduced to the young prince were his close friends, some were mere servants, despite in talk about rank, he didn't cared about it all. Peasant or royal, his eyes linger anywhere else besdies the person in front of him, such shyness from a handsome prince.

Towards Kazuichi, Kiibo, Gonta, Angie, Himiko and many more people he cannot keep his eyes forward.

Loud footprints could be heard around the hallway, echoing along side laughter.

"We're going to be late!" (F/N) stated.
"What do you mean? We're already late," while (Y/N) just replied.
"I still couldn't choose which necklace looks better, I'll ask Miu about it..." Kaede sighed.

All three of them semi-sprinted their way to the party, indeed they already started to prepare for this occassion so early on in the morning yet here they are...late, quickly walking their way towards the party. Of course, last night (Y/N) couldn't get a proper sleep. The feeling of playing the music she wrote in front of so many guest...no...not just some ordinary guest, nobles!

Playing a song she composed in front of people with high class and to the king and queen themselves frighten her to the bone. What if it didn't suit their taste? What if the queen regrets inviting her to play in such a special day? More thoughts gloomed inside her side before getting tapped on the shoulder.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you all be in the ballroom?" A familiar brunette haired knight asked as the moonlight glisten behind him. His already handsome face even gotten more attractive which made (Y/N) slightly blush, his calm attitude towards her also made heat rise up towards her cheeks. "Were sorta in a rush," a nervous giggle came out of Kaede's mouth "Hurry then, oh! And (Y/N)–"

Scartching the back of his neck he whispered but loud enough to hear "Goodluck with your performance..." A smile plastered onto her face with a 'thanks' as a response before attending the queen's birthday.

Once she arrived only a few minutes had passed the clock strike at the time when she'll perform.

Her heart beat rapidly as she stood at on top of the stage, giving a small introduction before her hands pressed each note on the piano accordingly to her music sheet. The room went silent once she hit the first note. Though she already memorised it at the back of her hand, she still frequently sweat thinking she'll make a mistake.

As time just flew by, the music consumed her and the world just vanished, she was in a world where it's only her and only the music she's playing. Oh, how nuch she wishes her family are here to see her! Calm and elegant were the words she focused on with the song she wrote, those too were the words that the audience described what they were hearing.

It felt like a weight lifted once she finished the last note. After her performance, getting off the stage, the queen happily said "I'm so glad I chose you, (L/N). It was truely beautiful, I'm speechless!" She was baffled, being praised by the queen made her overjoyed, she couldn't show how much she thank her besides a huge 'thank you'.

Kaede then introduced you to some of her friends with (F/N); there was Miu, Angie, Tenko, Chiaki and many more (A/N: I am too lazy to write all the DR cast–). The night was filled with joy and laughter, this was so new to you it made your heart warm.

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