(8): Unreadable Joker

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As you were walking towards where you feet led you, you ended up back at the garden. Something about this place made you feel calm and safe, the morning light shines and contrasted the place so neatly and perfectly if only you have the ability to paint it. You say down and started to write a lyrics on your tones (or the notes for the piano) as a draft for the new song, taking inspiration from a bit of the book and the garden you started to drift onto your own world.

Bird's singing a melody,
A sweet tone of serendipity
Is this a dream or lie?
I guess all I can is sigh❝

You wrote it while humming the tone and writing down the music notes or a guide for you to remember the tone, the shadow of the tree serving as your shade from the heat of the sun.

❝ The sun my only company
The scenery so pretty
If only the skill to paint
Is in my hands ❝

"No that doesn't rhyme, maybe I can use it some other time," you told yourself as you rewrote that part. "The sun my only company, the scenery so pretty. If only the skill to paint is in my hands..." you hummed then continued writting again "Then I'll give it a chance?" You wondered to yourself as you started to the next verse, planning on fixing it later on.

❝ It's the moon's turn to play,
It knows even if I have nothing to say
Darling now it's time to remove that facade
And play my only serenade

For you it felt a bit empty so you started to render it a bit and change a few words here and there until it felt right for you. The time flew by quickly as you still wrote the lyrics and think about the tone, you started again from the beginning remember it suppose to be happy because it'll be played in the queen's birthday.

Again and again you rewrote the lyrics, to perfection and to your liking. Your hand moves from the other page to another, pages getting filled second by second, ideas piling up forming a mountain in your head. It is quite difficult, even though you made a handful of music you still find it arduous to make a new one. Despite that fact, you find it enjoyable and relaxing if no one's there to pressure you about it, a way to escape even for a little while in this place and dive onto your own imagination.

You, actually...personally write a poem first then figure the tone while doing it, recreating certain parts to not make it a sore thumb.

"Yoohoo! You dead?"

A cheerful voice asked repeatedly non-stop as your mind slept and danced in the clouds of your own world, he got irritated and poked your forehead, forcing you to return back at the garden. You touched your forehead, hiding the red mark he just did because of the poke, eyes wide you blinked in confusion. You quickly recognize who is in front of you with their knees close to their chest, the shadow of the leaves also covered their figure but not too much that they aren't recognizable.

"Took you long enough to notice me," he stated a bit...joyful? You really couldn't tell what he is feeling, "I-I'm so sorry, Your Majesty." You quickly apologized, "Waaaah!!! Ms. (L/N) ignored me for so long!" He started crying out of nowhere and covered his face with his hands and started sobbing. You let go of your pen and notebook and went closer to him still apologising, as you were about to hug him out of concern his face lean a bit close to your's with his hands away from his face. His expression different from before.

"Kidding~!" He yelled in a smile with his tongue sticking out "Man, (Y/N) you are quick into believing. Either that or I'm just a really great liar!" He said giggling without his face moving away from your's. You got flustered, not only his face is close to your's but he called you by your first name also. "Y-your Majesty—" "Geez, the formality! Just call me Kokichi!" He interrupted, his face leaned an inch closer making your ears red. "Eh?! Your ears are red, (Y/N). Thinking if something dirty?" He said with a sinister grin "W-what? No-no Your Maje–I mean Kokichi," you fought back but his smile got wider.

"Really it's not!" You stated again, after some time had passed he leaned backwards. Now your faces aren't near one another you exhaled the breath you didn't knew you were holding and rested your shoulders as your face slowly returned to your natural skin color making the blush disappear. "Writting a song?" He asked as he picked up the notebook and pen off the ground.

"Y-yes I was. How did you knew?" ("Why did you had to ask that, (Y/N)? It's pretty obvious," you thought) You asked also standing up, fixing your untidy dress and removing some grass that got caught by your skirt. He then pointed your pen towards you in a very dramatic pose, "Cause I am psychic!" He claimed.

He then walked towards you "Or maybe I am not, who knows!" He said giggling, your notebook and pen in his hands. When he started to make the items closer to you, you tried to take it but quickly got snatched back. "Eh?" You saw Kokichi with a playful smile plastered on his baby face, "Want it? Catch me!" You and Kokichi's height isn't that far from one another but somehow it was a challenge to get it back. Maybe because of his speed or tricks he did, after the wild goose chase you got the items back though that wasn't the end of his trickery.

He offered you to play and spend time with him, you hesistated a bit but you wanted to know the people in the castle more since you are going to be here for a while so you agreed placing your items on a near-by bench. He removed his shoes and started to spin around, he was acting very childish, the two of them are really different form one another.

Shuichi and Kokichi are both princes but Shuichi is more introverted and mature while Kokichi is the complete opposite, it feels like spending time with a 5 year old but you somehow felt great despite his unreasonable actions. It felt like you are playing with a jester, he often change emotions really quickly and tease you ("Does he have bipolar?" You wondered to yourself then remembered he referred to himself as a liar, thinking that's the reason you let the topic go).

He then started to climb the tree with a smile "You might fall!" You shouted for him to hear "You sounded like Kirumi!" He replied back, climbing higher. You haven't met this 'Kirumi' person but that didn't concerned you. You watched him move further away, his figure becoming smaller as you stood there speechless, unable to do anything to stop him. You started to get anxious, your hands shaking, mind racing, wondering who to ask for assistance then you remembered Nagito, you were about to walk back to stable then Kokichi's voice beamed from above the tree.

"Leaving so soon (Y/N)?" You looked at him with full concern "K-Kokichi! Please come down you might get hurt if—" "Shut up and take a look!" He yelled back, before you can speak his head plop in back the bunch of leaves. You returned to your place, standing beneath the tree. You left your shoes near Kokichi's and made your way up the tree, your skirt isn't that big and fluffy so climbing the tree was easier than you thought. You reached where Kokichi was, he sat on a thick branch staring right onto the horizon. You held the truck of the tree for support and looked at where he was gazing at.

What you saw left you agape.

It was a scenery of the village from a far. It looked so peacefully and fair, the people walking and greeting one another they looked so peaceful. You sat there for quite sometime before realizing Kokichi isn't there anymore, you got down and scanned the garden as soon as you did and you saw Kokichi's figure from a distance. You couldn't run up to him for he already entered the castle, you sighed and wore your shoes once again. Thinking you'd write the song in your room you grabbed your stuff and headed back but before that you returned to the stable only to be greeted by only horses and no Nagito (in full honesty, you felt a bit disappointed by it).

The doors of your room closed shut and you sat on the writting desk, when you opened the notebook you saw a little message on the last page. "Kokichi was here" it wrote with a doodle of himself sticking his tongue out. "Wha–when did he—" then the memory of him picking up the notebook and pen without giving it to you immediately returned. "Maybe during that time," you theorized and left that note there.

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