(19): Two Prince Undercover

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"I must hurry (Y/N)'s waiting for me."

The prince then placed his hood back, hinding his face. "Man~ You are smart most of the time," a cheery voice echoed as Shuichi flinched as he turned to see who it was. No surprise at all.

"K-k-" he was about to scream his name but he stopped remembering where he is "Kokichi, what are you doing here?" Shuichi whispered as long as he can go, if any one finds out that both of the prince are here they'd be dead meat. "How? Followed you of course~" his tone didn't changed as he chuckled. "Y'know..." his voice a bit softer now "You're not the only one (Y/N) is waiting for," Kokichi sounded a bit dissatisfied for once. Shuichi only sighed as he pulled Kokichi's hood down "Your face is showing, don't cause trouble," he said as he stood up.

Kokichi jumped back to his feet as he started to follow Shuichi. "Dammit I lost him," the more mature prince cursed under his breath. The pins he brought, he forgot to removed it, one of the guards in the castle secretly allowed him to borrow his cloak but he didn't removed the pins. One of them was a crest of the kingdom that only people from the castle has, looking back they never gave (Y/N) one of those.

He felt as if someone hugged his shoulder, it was Kokichi dragging him onto a bar "Over here!" He pointed. "What is a bar suppose to-" "I wanna get wasted!" Kokichi cheered as he opened the door and pulled Shuichi inside the somewhat run downed bar. (A/N: Looking back that kinda sounded like Venti...)

"Now's not the time to get drunk-" Shuichi stopped at his words.
"DO YOU EVEN DRINK?" He added upon realisation. Kokichi only smirked at dragged him once more near a table.

"Kokichi," he muttered a bit quite annoyed and uncertain. "What are we doing here?" Kokichi didn't answer and only stared at the window with his hood slightly covering his eyes though his smile can be seen slightly turning into a frown. He stomped at Shuichi's feet making him yelp and Kokichi started to move his head the his left, giving him a sign, without his gaze breaking from the window.

Shuichi scanned the place and saw a familiar man.

Raven or in there case, the man who they assume is the one who is behind all this mess. He was left agape, Kokichi smiled at this.

"There used to be a similar case like this back then," Shuichi recalled as his finger tips slightly touched the books at the library back at the palace. Leaving this case to them wasn't convincing enough for the young prince, doing his usual royal duties weren't helping him to calm down, especially when the people's voice scream in rage to them.

Obviously they are devastated from losing her and still not finding any clues about this person. They were certain it is planned and that they weren't a small gang you see in the streets, they had to much pride to go after her inside the palace walls and to deceive the guards. His liking with unsolved mysteries were always a strange trait of his, his knowledge of these kind of topics is wide and a little...creepy.

Though because of this odd hobby of his in doing research on these uncaught criminals and their sinful deeds, experiencing what happened at the time when (Y/N) got taken away and according to the people of the palace it soundly oddly familiar to him, thus, here he is; searching for that one book where he read a similar situation as where he is now.

Though a side of him tells him, there were two books with the same plot as this. As if he read about it two times in two different books, he tried to concentrate on what the other story was but the more he thinks about it the more tangled his thoughts became. Twisting and turning only to end up getting caught into each other making a knot, the more he attempts to remember it the string of both ends of the knot walk away from each other making the knot tighter and smaller, leaving it harder to undo.

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