(13): Terror and Chaos

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This is truly (Y/N)'s first time to witness this, yes, she had read about these in books and such but never experienced to be in it. As if wild animals were brought out of their cages untamed, bloody screams ringed in both of the ladies' ears, clueless they left their morning tea and decided to see the cause. The sweet aroma of the rose tea, the calm feeling (Y/N) was enjoying faded quickly now the smell of fear and unsettling feeling lingered around her, not one bit did she enjoyed it.

"Kaede-" she was stopped by her new companion with her finger pressed onto her lips signalling her to be quiet, despite the voices of fear and despair the princess managed to stayed calm unlike (Y/N). The greenhouse was obviously made (majority of) glass, Kaede held (Y/N) wrist outside the greenhouse, poor tea set left behind, it was so pretty too.

The sound of misery only increased, "(Y/N) C'mon, stay strong!" she reassured herself, the noises of people being in deep despair pains her heart as if a dagger was stabbed onto her chest with ease, eager to help but the other side of her was frighten not wanting to move not even a slightest. "You good?" the princess' attention switched to the poor village girl, who never knew about this, all she was here was to play music, everyone in the palace didn't expect something bizarre like this in broad daylight.

(Y/N) didn't need to respond; just looking at her speaks everything, the fear in her eyes, her body shaking unable to keep them steady. Fully aware this is her first time, she hugged her as she slightly brushed her hair, anyone either it'd be first time or not experiencing something like this would make even the fiercest lion tremble.

"Calm down first, (Y/N). We need to be in a safe place first," her voice whispered to (Y/N)'s ears as she pulled away from the hug; despite her fear, she accepted and gave the noble a determined smile. Still gripping onto her wrist they tried to hide, a place where is safe not long they found a group of people avoiding the gunshots and from the uninvited guests "Princess Akamatsu, (Y/N)!"

One servant slightly shouted "I'm glad you're safe, both of you," she sighed as she pulled both of them to a hug. "Is everyone here?" The princess ask as everyone nodded, everyone started to panic when hearing each gunshot echoing through the walls (Kaede trying to calm them down).

"Where are-"
"The royal family? Being protected by the knights," one answered you before (Y/N) could finish.
"How 'bout us? Who's protecting us?" one slightly shouted in fear.

"Me," someone then joined the conversation lifting (Y/N) up by her arm. "For now you all need to be outside with the others, guards are also there," Hajime ordered he sounded so professional despite his soft demeanour (he's not always soft he can be quite quick tempered) reminding (Y/N) he is one of the captain of the army.

"What were you knights doing earlier? Then maybe this chaos won't had happen," one growled to Hajime before joining the group outside with the princess leading them, he just ignored that comment and just ordered one of his comrades to help and protect them "Uhm...Hajime..." you stuttered "Your sort of still-holding me in place-"before you could finish her bring you to his embrace. "Man, I am sure getting a lot of hugs today."

"I'm sorry," he apologized before letting her go. Running behind her, still under his protection, (Y/N) still felt wry "Watch out!" He shrieked, his sword stopping one of the infiltrator's attack making them curse under their breath "B-but-" "Go!" (Y/N) reluctantly sprinted towards the safe place leaving the knight do his job slight hope filled her head it felt amazing though quickly a slash was heard, a slash of a sword.

Without a second thought when safety was within her grasp, worry filled her system which caused her to look behind, before her mind could process what happen a smack was heard behind her. Darkness filled her vision, her entire body felt numb like an electronic turning off to sleep, her mind went blank.

The faint sound of Hajime's voice calling out for her slowly faded away as she fainted and thumped at the ground of the castle's hallway.


"A young lady in the palace?" One young maiden squealed in joy "Yes, yes! It's true it's all true!" The other replied with a giggle "What a dream!" Another daydreamed her life in the castle with handsome men, all three of them squealed at the thought of living in a luxurious place, waking up only to find beautiful items, expensive jewellery and dresses, finally high-class service "What a dream, indeed." A man whispered to himself, over hearing the ladies' conversation. That man is no man but is like the devil himself. He leads an organization of thieves, rascals who would do anything for wealth and sinful desires, a troublesome man.

Blood stains his hands again and again, yet he laughs maniacally about it; sin after sin, doing evil deeds after another one, an endless cycle of cruelty. His murders are quite gruesome; he tends to torture his victims before giving them eternal sleep. Though his biggest goal was to eliminate the king, he never saw rich admirable people but only has rats who brag about their wealth. From the moment he heard about the news of (Y/N) getting send to the palace it gave him an idea.

"That (Y/N) gal has been in the palace for quite some time now does she?" He chuckled to himself before trailing off to a dark alley filled with sinful people all doing vicious deeds for their greedy wishes. "Let's see...she probably already have an information about the royal family," he thought opening a door of a bar. Inside revealed his gang "Change of plans!"

He announced stepping on top of the nearest table "Capture (Y/N)," he threw a piece of the newspaper regarding about her with a smirk. "An easy prey," one sneered looking at her picture. "Easy prey indeed, she may have information about the palace and maybe the royal family," he added getting down from the table.

"And if she doesn't?" The other question looking at the man with a glare that screams death. "Then she's a hostage, if they want to keep their status clean then they have to save a poor helpless lady," he answered grabbing a beer. "And if she does have information she won't spill it out," a lady answered from the far end of the bar hiding her identity from the rest. "I know," sipping his beer he took out a blade "We'll make her spill it out," he added throwing to the lady who swiftly dodged it. "What a rat," she thought before getting the blade that was thrown to her.

"Well," his voice sounding more serious. "Are we going to or not?" He added with a sinister smirk forming at his face as his gang yelled in agreement. "(L/N) (Y/N), get ready for my terror."

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