:Curious-er, Curious-er ♧

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A/N: according to what I found; November 26, 1865 is when the original Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was published while the Disney one was on July 26, 1951
As appreciation for the story that I love so much I decieded to write another special chapter, Alice in the Wonderland themed! Again this chapter won't affect the actual plot, enjoy to your heart's content. <3 (in this chapter the setting is more of like an AU)

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"Why must it be like this?" (Y/N) (L/N) asked herself as her eyes gazed upon the lily that she is holding as she laid her back to the soft grass, the wind whispering a song softly. Her dearest friend, (F/N) (L/N), heard the question and sighed. They also laid their back at the green grass, the zephyr whoosing both their hair, (Y/N)'s (H/C) locks following the wind's direction as if it was a soldier marching in a group following the leader.

"Like what?" Her friend questioned back with their eyes closed, a basket filled with lillies beside them as they made their own shoulders their pillow. "Like this," (Y/N) sat up and shoved the lily to her friend, clearly referring to the lily in hand. "What about the lily?" Her friend also sat up, completely lost from what their friend is trying to say. "Like this, why does it have to look like this? Why can't it be made talking, walking, flying? Out of all the things, this..." dissapointment in her voice, she answered her ally's wondering face.

"(Y/N) your imagination is far to wide," they sighed before going back to relaxing with the grass. "No it's not. If you think deep enough there are so many things in this world that is strange," she replied returning to the green bed of nature "Oh?" "Just think, what if blue never existed?" (Y/N)  exaggeratedly flew their arms open across the cloudless sky, "Then you wouldn't be wearing your blue dress." Her friend jokingly answered with a chuckle.

"Seriously, like what if? What if they trees can talk back to us? What if they spoke another language? What if they do, how would we translate that? What would it sound like?" Question after question came out of (Y/N)'s mouth as she spoke in gibberish while their friend just giggle. "You're talking nonsense!" Her friend exclaimed in-between laughs "Is that a complement? I'm taking it as a compliment," from what she said made her friend laugh more, crying tears of joy.

"If the grass are able to speak–" she continued"Here we go again," her friend thought with a smile. "–If the grass are able to speak they'd say "Get off us, humans!" Or something like that," in their most threatening impression, (F/N) continued their friend's sentance. That took (Y/N) off gaurd sending her to laughter. Since the day they could remember they were always near from one another, so close as if they were siblings.

What can you say? Despite their dufferences they've been always stick together, nothing can tear them apart or so they thought.

"Curiousity kills the cat"

That phrase lives rent-free inside (Y/N)'s head, with that phrase she always finds new questions according to it. Why? If the scientist weren't curious then medicine won't be able accessable nor things or plants would be known. The buildings, plants, food, animals all of them, we wouldn't find out if we weren't curious or eager to know what they are. Is there a line that we must not pass with curiousity? If we cross that line, is that the path of death?

So many questions yet so few answers, it irritates her. The feeling of knowing the answers to her questionable kind of thinking is slowly eating her whole. "I wan't to know...I wan't to know..." her voice spoke out in her head as she silently rest with her friend on the grass, the sun facing down upon them while the wind continued to sweep.

While time flew, their relaxation came to an end as (Y/N) found herself back under the roof of her house as she lived peacefully with both of her parents. Both were nosy people themselves, maybe that's where (Y/N) got her curiosity from. This trait of her's is both good and bad, her curiosity brought her more intelligence or maybe even meeting someone...but it also can bring harm and life-threatening experiences if she crosses the line of the unknown.

As she laid her back against the soft mattress she still wondered off inside her head with driven her to slumber.

When her eyes fluttered open, being greeted the the morning light, she lazily stood out of the bed and stretched her arms still half asleep. Oddly, quiet today she continued her morning routine except both of her parents were going out leaving her home alone, which is a not-so-good decision fully aware of the fact that (Y/N) will most likely to find something she is so eager to know she'll make sure she finds the answer, even if it's dangerous. Leaving her alone in the house is quite a gamble yet her parents took the risk and leaving the door a loud bang, signaling they had closed the door.

Once the sound of their footsteps slowly decreased, (Y/N) found herself going back to her room. Her room was looking as normal as always, a simple bed for one person next to a window and her uncleaned desk. Papers and books fell off the the desk hitting the ground, a sigh escaped her mouth as she started cleaning. The sunlight that was invited inside revealed the small dust flying freely around the room making her think what it is like to be a small particle levitating while no one nearly sees them.


A high pitch thud ranged around the room as her attention shifted to the object, it was a necklace with a strange symbol on it. It was a spade, dangling at the end of the necklace, "Strange. I never had this necklace before," holding the necklace up to her eye level as she examined the object confirming that she never had nor anyone she knows have a jewelry like this, it also looked pretty expensive as its glistening from the sun's ray.

Out of the blue the shine went brighter, curious she kept on holding it observing the reason why then snatch! A hand took the necklace out of hands and ran off. "Eh?!" Before she could see who it was they were already out of the room, curiosity took over her once more as she followed the person out of the room and onto the forest. "Wait! Wait please!" She begged in between breaths, attempting to follow the person.

"Who are they? Why did they took the necklace? How did they got inside the house?" She wondered as she felt herself slowly being separated from the real world and so does...the floor?

Her voice shrieked as her body fell deep and deeper onto a steep hole, covered with leaves to make the trap. She was so focused onto catching up to the strange man she didn't saw the trap below her that now she is got caught in. As her voice faintly didn't reach what's above what came next shocked her.

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A/N: Haha! A special chapter but leaving a cliff hanger cause I think it'll be too long if i dont.

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