(16): Aftermath

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"Dammit!" Hajime groaned as he slammed his hand on the wall. "Hajime calm down," Najito tried to reassure his colleague but it only backfired, increasing his anger. "Calm down?! How!? She was in front of me, I could had-" "Hajime!" Nagito's voice shrieked his name to grab his attention keeping a serious face.

"I know how that feels but (Y/N)'s a strong woman. If she sees you like this, she'll...she'll be disappointed," Nagito's words slightly stumbled onto one another. It was as if he was also telling those very words to himself, his straight and calm facade was transparent to Hajime. He knows Nagito is as worried as he is, yet he tries to stay collected; Hajime sighed though the uneasy feeling between the two didn't vanish, only grew. "Will Ms. (L/N) be alright?" A maiden murmured to her friend's ear "Not sure. Let's hope for the best" the other replied, overhearing this the two didn't felt a weight is lifted.

A chuckled echoed, the two knights glared at one of the bastards who went in uninvited "(Y/N)'s probably tortured already! Maybe even killed!" Followed by a sinister laugh, his voice shrieked with joy. Eating that get out of his mouth Hajime's rage rose high, he pulled the man by his collar and threatened him only for Nagito to bring him back into sense. "What did you said about (Y/N)?" Hajime sneered, glaring at the man with hatred so did Nagito "You mentioned with being totured. What is exactly are you planning?"

Though his voice was emotionless, his eyes says it all. Not one bit did both of them liked what he said with full anguish. Death glares peirce through the man, smirking at himself he shrieked once more "Like Hell, I'm gonna-"


The man's cheek reddened from the princess' slap, her face quite dark than bubbly, though she met (Y/N) only for a few minutes she already felt close to her she wanted her to be safe. "Where are your comrades?" Nagito kneel down to his eye level, though his voice calm his expression he wore spoke the opposite. Glares of pure hatred surrounded him, that wasn't enough for him to speak, spitting onto the knight's badge he wore on his uniform.

"Has anyone saw Sayuri?" One of the maids asked shaking, while cleaning the castle after the guards had handle with the little incident. They caused a ruckus inside the palace; vases were broken, shredded curtains, scratches on the floor, uneven carpet. It'll truly be a long day for them. "Don't know," one answered while collecting pieces of red vase remembering how lovely it use to look.

"What if she was taken too?" A shaky voice spoke out with a sad look on her eyes "If so, what would someone like Sayuri have they would like?" Another questioned "Yet again, what does lady (Y/N) have that they don't and desire it that they took her despite knowing she is in the palace?" A male stated "It'll take someone to have so much courage to sabotage a castle like this," he added. "Yet again, they managed to thanks to the guards 'doing their jobs' " one spitted, one of her colleagues hit her on her arm shaking their head.

"How many were they?" Natsumi asked, for the first time concerned. "Nine," someone across the room replied with the same worried tone. "If they are in a group, does that mean they have more members than nine?" Natsumi questioned again this time a new voice came "Most likely." A tall man with greenish hair and two ahoge answered, he was Princess Kaede's most trusted butler.

"Don't worry, the nobles are taking care of them," he reassured them giving them a small smirk "Rantaro is it?" With an unsure look, Natsumi lowered her head. He nodded and spoke once more "We better get this done quickly," pointing at the mess inside the room he started to sweep. He is quite the 'chill guy' and is reliable, charming and reasonable. Even in this situation he was able to think clearly and react to it nicely, though underneath his facade his worry only grew thinking about his princess' new friend captured.

They had just arrived and was already ambushed, what does life has in store for them? That is something he doesn't know if he is ready to face.

Everyone in the castle is feeling the same guilt and uneasiness inside them, each one trying to reassure the others though it's more like reassuring themselves. Even the people who are interrogating the men are having the same feeling twisting inside their stomach, spilling out information from the men wouldn't be easy but they'll surely try.

The terror news, spread around the village and onto neighbouring kingdoms like a virus. The citizens felt wary for everyone and about (Y/N)'s family, they were devastated wanting their dear daughter back home safely. Some kingdoms offered help to which they accepted, right now they needed all the help they needed.

The villagers were starting to doubt their ruler, some were frightened thinking they'll be in the same position as (Y/N), others were bad mouthing the royalties while some are planning to move out. "This place is not safe anymore," a lady told her friend "You sure?" "It's still safe my dear," an old lady interrupted "As long as we believe in the king," she continued with a smile on her face. That didn't convince neither of them but returned the old lady the same smile.

The childish prince was now more serious and less of a prankster when (Y/N) was kidnapped he was taking a nap which made him even more guilty for not being there. The other prince was even more anxious than before and is helping with solving who's behind this, so far it's not looking good in there side but wonderful to the villains. They got her and all they needed to do is break her to her breaking point until she collapse.

Tearing her mentally to bring the information out of her mouth to destroy the king. "The citizens doubting their king, huh?" This so-called 'Raven' guy chuckled to himself as he lingered into the darkness "Better than what I expected," his sinister laugh echoed though the dark alley as he fades into black.

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