(26): Kokichi ❦ Escape

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Just as the party was going smoothly (which [Y/N] is so glad about, she doesn't want to go through again that one more time) it also happened to be tiresome. All her energy drained to it's core when she was still nerve-racking about performing on stage; taking a deep sigh and heading towards a wall to lean on, far away from the crowd, someone tapped her shoulder.

Shifting her head towards the source, without giving her time to react nor speak the feeling of someone grabbing her wrist came. That person managed to carry her in a way prince would in fairytail books she had read as a child, still in a state of panic and not wanting to fall off and hit her head, her arms wrapped around that person neck. Everything went fast, everyone's silhouette was blurry as they sprinted away and off towards the balcony.

In complete shock from what's infront of her, she tried to stutter out a word but fear consumed her when she realised what this person will do. Tightening her grip to prevent from falling as her eyes shut, the person she is clinging to then jumped off the balcony, the cold breeze of the zephyr whispered at her ears and flew her hair away from her face while hearing a (somewhat) high-pitched laughter.

As his feet hit the grass of the garden, landing safely with ease the laughter didn't stop, slowly opening her eyes the sight of the trickster prince's face came to view as his giggles echoed. The moon's dim light illuminated his face, his eyes shined bright with joy it was stunning in her eyes.

"Why would you do that?!" (Y/N) scolded as her heart still raced from the adrenaline rush while he just giggled "It was funny!" His voice then soften "And it was nice seeing you safe..." his voice was a bit low but (Y/N) was able to catch a few keywords, a smile pierced at her face upon hearing those words.

"Aren't I heavy?" Kokichi nodded his head then proceed to pretend he is struggling with her weight. A blush of embarrassment then painted her cheeks thus Kokichi recieving a nice 'bonk!' at the head from her.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" He added as he laid her down on the near-by bench afterwards sitting beside her. "The letters with a mark of a dice," (Y/N) brought up out of the blue "Oooh! Yeah, about that—" "It's a code isn't?" She interupted then explained.

"Each 'dots' of the dice from the first 3 notes is actually dots and dashes if you inspect it close enough. The first one was '. .' the second one '.-..' and the last one is '-.--'. Which is 'ILY' which I am assuming 'I love you'. The following notes, the dots of the dices aren't dots and dashes anymore," resting her head she smiled. "You cracked the code, what else can I say Ms. Detective?" Leaning his back at the bench she giggled.

"You know you could had just did '88' (---.. ---..) right? Which means 'love and kisses'," he pouted "But it's kinda vague!" The same old Kokichi, like a child, but being with him makes her all fluffy inside.

Hhe cracked up a joke which send the two laughing as if there is no tommorow. There is nothing like the present, right? As they quiet down, still in between giggles he stuttered "I already know you liked me back". Now that is what (Y/N) isn't aware of.

"Since when did you knew?" All he did was winked at her. Tugging his sleeve, she too, started to portrait actions of a child begging their parents for something they want either it being clothing or a toy; to which the prince found awfully adorable. Though they don't spend time that much, the times they were together was the one that brought them here.

"After this I'll be going back with my family right?" Her voice had a tint of sadness when she said that, even though she was captured and tortured despite being inside the castle walls, being here made her feel alive. Never even thought falling in love with someone, never thought it'd be a prince! She even never thought her feelings would be returned either, such strange events.

"Oh yeah...about that–" he then gave her a letter.
"Another of your pranks?" Giving him an icy glare, (Y/N) truely didn't try to hide her suspicion.
"May or may not be~"

It was addressed to her, no surprise. Opening the letter her eyes glided along side the lines of words, reading it almost made her tear up not because of grief but of euphoria. She was accepted to be one of the castle's official musicians, she'll live in castle and play more performances for events to come. She has task similair to the maids in the castle to kill her spare time if there will be no occassions.

The cause of her glee was not only because she was promoted into a higher positions amongst muisicians but also because she get to stay in the castle with the person she loves. Her family even agreed, though they were dead sick about the sudden news of her going missing and will always miss her, they claim they'll do anything that will make her happy.

Upon knowing this she suddenly hugged the prince which caught him off gaurd, stroking her hair and giving her a small quick kiss on the forehead as the rest of the night rolled by gently. "A good performance, promoted and my feelings for Kokichi was returned...such a lucky day for me!" (Y/N) thought with a smile.

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