(22): Despair Again...

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"So you know where Raven's hideout is?" In disbelief Hajime exclaimed from the prince's claim. While the two knights were patrolling around they stumbled upon the two prince getting out of the alley that is set to be known as to be dangerous and only criminals are most likely to visit (not everyone there are criminals, some were too poor so they live in that small alley).

"This is a big step for us," the princess happily smiled at them as she gave both of the prince a hug (Kokichi, meanwhile, just daydream on how to get (Y/N) back). "It is," Nagito said holding his chin "Now we just need to tell the king and plan our rescue," he added. "We don't know how many people he has," Kaede informed "Nehee~ I'm sure the great prince, Kokichi, can handle those people!" Filled with fake confidence, the small prince reassured exaggerating his movements.

"At least we know where she is..."

"Kyaaa! So much despair in one go!" A blondie swung her bat enthusiastically as she danced on top of bloody corpses. She had two pigtails and the hood of her black coat is down revealing her sinister smile, another female just stood beside her emotionless with black short hair while her face is as tinted with blood like her ally.

"That's disrespectful stop that Junko," Raven stated as he finished praying over the corpses, he too was covered in the same crimson liquid. Acting like a child, the girl who was referred to as 'Junko' didn't listened and continued to smash the bodies until it was unrecognisable, he only sighed at her response as the night rolled by.

He recalled the memory of both girls smiling at him at the window back when he was young, that was when he first joined this gang. No, he isn't the leader of this sinful group at all. It was these two girls, they just recruited him, he was one of the fearful members since his skills are as great and excellent as the two, Junko and Mukuro.

Rumour says they are sisters, but neither does the two confirm that theory despite that the two are called "Despair Sisters". They bring chaos in one place and to another, the case of missing children were their doings, showing who (Y/N) was to Raven was also because of them. Two bored girls decided to bring disaster to whereever they go, they even bring their cruel plans to their own members.

"(Y/N) won't speak up?" Mukuro asked watching Junko beat the shit out of the corpses, as her bat swung up she maniacally laughed as a loud squash rang out. He shook his head, disappointed. "The king already knows the location hideout," Mukuro informed to which he only smirked "I know, I also know (Y/N) found a way out of the cell, all according to plan."

Bringing her hope rise up to the sky only to bring down. "Tomorrow we shall depart and relocate, that's when we'll end her. (Y/N)'s useless now since my men had already found a way to sneak in the palace and eliminate the king, (Y/N) was the only reason why they succeeded."

His smirk widen as he placed his hand on his chin as he explained his plan to Mukuro "The king so selfish, trying to get (Y/N) back safely to keep his appearance to his kingdom clean. Sorry your Highness, but your people already see you as a worthless ruler. You couldn't save a single lady, what more a kingdom? While he was distracted from finding a way to bring her back, some of my men sneak in the palace and the one's that were hostage tell the information they found. After that they report back to me."

"So this entire time you've been updated of what's going on?"
"Excatly," he said his eyes filled with evil intentions.

"What about you knowing (Y/N) escaped her cell?" Mukuro questioned once more "Oh that. The people in that place were keeping a close eye on her, some hid their presence to make (Y/N) think she isn't being watched 24/7. Then everything is reported back to me again, even the files they gave her were unimportant." His eyes shot opened remembering something "Oh yeah! I'm also taking advantage of the two princes and knights love over her. So pathetic," he added.

For the first time in ages, Mukuro showed an emotion. "Love?" He nodded "Both Prince Kokichi and Shuichi had fallen for (Y/N), so did those knights Hajime and Nagito." "Interesting..."

The warmth of Nagito's embrace, the smile of Shuichi whenever she was around, the giggle of Kokichi when he plays tricks on her, Hajime's cute flustered face whenever she pokes his cheeks...oh how she misses those dearly.

Her memory flashes the moment where Hajime held her tightly not wanting to let go while they were being attacked back at the castle brought her face burning red.
During her time relaxing, Nagito gave her some flowers he bought while he was on duty back at the village, she remembered putting those flowers in an empty vase in her room. Wonder if someone is taking care of them...?

Shuichi's voice as he excitedly spoke about mystery novels and his interest, (Y/N) found that an adorable trait of him. She wanted to see him being comfortable around her, that happened while they were practicing the piano together. (A/N: Kaede who?)
Remembering how frustrated she is when she couldn't beat Kokichi from his "Two Truths, One Lie" game, his laugh echoed through her ears.

She held her pillow tightly as her eyes shut "Just bare it a little more," she convinced herself "You'll be out of here soon."

As soon as her eyelids closed, her mind flying towards her own imagination she heard a faint sound of a creak from the door. Slightly standing up from her small, unfix bed, while (Y/N) is still half-asleep, the figure of Lily soon appeared as her vision slowly regained it's consciousness.

Lily heavily breath in and out as her body blocked the door from the inside as she came, her back pressing against the only metal door. Her face screams fear and worry, what just happened to her? She never looked like this, she was always neat and calm, she was never such a mess like this. Obviously, the new reaction shown to her ally's face jolt (Y/N) wide awake and fully concern.

Slipping in her worn out shoes as she pulled the covers away, her body started to move towards the frighten Liky, ready to listen and comfort.

"Lily what-"

Before she could finished finish, Lily grabbed both of her arms tightly, worrying (Y/N) more. "You're not safe anymore!" Slightly yelling, Lily informed.

"You're not safe anymore! You heard what you heard, I said what I said! I need to get you out of here now," placing a knife at (Y/N)'s hands as she added more vague information.

"For self protection," she cupped (Y/N)'s cheeks. "If I die or I am out of your range, don't look back. Just keep running," (Y/N) was baffled, completely puzzled!

"Wha-what?! I can't!" Lily's glare was creepy but it was never this intense as if she was determined to keep her safe "Too bad you need to," was the last thing Lily replied as she held (Y/N)'s wrist, there the chase begins.

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A/N: please be patient with my updates, I'm not doing good with outside writing and I want to focus on that before this story. Thanks!

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