blurred - jace norman

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I stumble out of the club, looking around to find Jace's car. I set my hands on my hips and wait outside the door. 

Tonight, I went clubbing with my friends, and I somehow lost them. And I was pretty sure they were gone, and left me here at the club. 

So, now I was waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up after I called him. 

And at this very moment, I was very drunk. So drunk, that everything was blurred and the concrete was looking pretty comfortable. 

"Hey, babe." I hear and I smile when I see the blonde headed boy. 

"Jace." I slur, landing in his arms. 

"Oh, okay. I got you, I got you." He said holding me up. I smile as he embraces me, falling deeper into his chest. 

I then feel him pick me up and walk away from the music inside the club. I throw my arms around his neck, and hide my face in the crook of his neck. 

He sets me in the passenger seat, and he gets in the car. He puts his hand on my thigh and I look out the window. Even though everything I was looking at was super blurry. 

"How long were you alone?" He asks me looking at the road. 

"Um, I don't know. Like, maybe 20 minutes." I say messing with my skirt. He sighs. It was a silent drive with the music playing lightly in the background. 

We finally arrive home, and he helps me out of the car. He helps me to the elevator to our apartment. 

"You must have a drank a lot babe." He laughed a little, holding onto my waist. 

"Noooo. I had like...not that many shots." I say shooing him. The elevator dings and I hold his hand as he drags me to our apartment. 

"You knowww, Norman. You're looking really good tonight." I slur as he closes the door. 

"Y/N..." he sighs taking me to our room. 

"What?" I pout grabbing his waist. 

"As good as you look tonight as well, no." He says taking my hands off his waist. "Besides, you can't even walk into a straight line right now." 

"I can too." I fight back, and trying to walk in a straight line. By my second step, I trip slightly, making Jace catch me. 

"No you can't. You're going to bed." He smiled, pulling me to our bedroom. 

I sigh as he sets me on the bed and goes to the closet. I fall to the bed, laying down. 

But then, in that moment, I begin to feel everything I drank tonight, start to come up. I run to the bathroom and lean over the toilet. 

I begin to throw up, and I feel my hair getting pulled away from my face, and a hand on my back. 

"Hey, hey, hey." I hear Jace whisper, rubbing my back lightly. 

I lift my head and sit down on the floor. 

This was the first time I've thrown up in front of Jace. 

"I'm sorry." I say covering my eyes. 

"You don't have to apologize Y/N." He said putting his hand on my knee. 

"This is just so gross, and I normally don't do this..."

"It's okay, babe. Let's just get you to bed, hm?" He asks and I nod. He helps me up from the ground and pulls me back into our room. 

He helps me out of my party clothes, and into some shorts and a tank top. He puts me into bed, and gets in beside me. 

"Thanks for taking care of me tonight." I whisper turning over to look at him. 

"I'd do anything for you, you know that." He wraps his arm around me, and begins to lean in. 

I pull away shaking my head. 

"No way, I literally just threw up." I smile. He laughs, and he then kisses my forehead. 

"Goodnight." He says softly, pulling me closer to him.


This was a terrible imagine. It's just a cute fluffy one.

Jace Norman and Henry Danger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now