hour of power: part 1 - henry hart

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"Hey, did you guys hear? Drex escaped prison." I say walking into the man cave, freaking out.

"Um yeah, we just watched. You know who Drex is?" Charlotte asked, raising an eyebrow.

I widen my eyes and laugh, "What, no, no. I don't know who that is. Why would I know who that is? Stop looking at me like that!"

I turn around and sigh, realizing that I truly was a bad liar.

The door to the back suddenly open and Ray jumped out, running in.

"Charlotte, I need you to log into the Man Copter's computer guidance system."

"Ooo, you're taking the Man Copter?" Jasper asked, holding his soup.

"I don't have time for questions." He said grabbing his gun.

"Where are you going?" Charlotte asked, "Going to catch Drex." Ray answered and Jasper looked at him in disbelief.

"You answered her question?" He scoffed.

"What?" Ray looked confused, continuing to grab his weapons.

"You said, you don't have time for questions, but I guess that only applies to my questions." Jasper walked up to Ray, and I stood beside him.

"Hey, thanks for understanding." Ray smiled.

As they were talking, I got a text from Henry, who said that he was on his way to the Man Cave. My eyes widen, and before I could text back, he walked out of the elevator holding an ice cream cone, and one for me as well. What a great boyfriend.

I look over and Ray pretended to be on the phone with Henry, and I mentally facepalm.

"Okay, great. I'll meet you there." Ray smiled.

"Meet me where?" Henry said standing behind Ray and he screamed.

"Uhh, I gotta go, Henry...Winkler."

"Why are you in uniform?" Henry asked him, looking him up and down.


"Yeah...and why do you have all of those extra weapons?"

Ray stood there, not knowing what to say, so he grabbed his phone again and began talking to Schwoz. It wasn't a moment later, and Schwoz walked out"

"I gotta go, Schwoz...Winkler." Ray said, and putting the phone back into his pocket.

"Hey, I thought you said that you were going to leave before Henry got here." Schwoz said out loud and I sigh.

"D'oh, can you be quiet...EVER?"

"Yeah..." Schwoz said.

"Ray, what's going on here?" Charlotte asks, crossing her arms against her chest.

"Dude, if something's going on just tell me...I'm your sidekick." Henry said.

"Wait, I'm confused..." Schwoz began, "I thought your plan was to fight that guy, Drex, but not tell Henry, so that Henry would never know about it."

"Oh, and that's it! Come here." Ray began to push Schwoz and shoved a pineapple up his mouth. I wince when Schwoz turned around.

"Okay! You kids have fun, I should be back around dinner time!" Ray smiled, walking past all of us.

"Hey. Hey. Hey!" Henry said, "Talk to me."

I then realized that Ray was not going to get out of this one, and that he was going to have to answer Henry's questions.

"Look kid, I gotta go fight a really bad guy, Drex. And I gotta fight him alone." Ray answered.

"Well, why?"

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