screen kiss - jace norman

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After getting off the call, I jump up and down on my bed excitedly. I couldn't believe it. I got the part!

For the past few weeks, I've been auditioning for a part for a Nickelodeon show. It wasn't the biggest part, but it was definitely a start to my acting career. 

I jump off my bed and head downstairs to see my family sitting around on the couch. 

"You're looking at the new member of Nickelodeon's show, Henry Danger!" I scream, sliding across the hardwood floor. Everyone cheers, and my parents quickly hug me. 

It was a good thing that I already lived in Los Angeles and didn't need to travel to film. Because of this, I started tomorrow and I was beyond excited to finally start acting. 

I've been wanting to be an actress for years, and now it was finally happening. 

"We're so proud of you sweetie." My mother said holding her hands on my shoulders. I smile, proud that my family was proud of me. 

I start getting ready for tomorrow, already picking out what I was wearing and everything. I was so excited to meet everyone on the show. Of course, I've seen a few episodes of Henry Danger, and I was being added into the 4th season. 

The next day, I drive to set, showing my ID to the security. They let me in and I park my car in one of the parking spots. I hop out, and make my way towards set. The place was rather big, and I wasn't completely sure where it actually was. 

"You look lost." A girl said to me as I stare at the multiple doors that lead inside. 

"Um yeah, I'm new here. I'm supposed to be on the set of Henry Danger?" I question, looking at the sheet of paper that I printed out last night. 

"Lucky for you, I work on that set. You must be the new character for our show. I heard that you were going to be the love interest for Henry Hart." She said starting to walk towards a door. I follow her and nod my head. 

"Yeah, I am. It's my first day." I say shyly.

"It's okay. You're going to be amazing. I can already tell." She said walking down the hallways, "And I'm Riele by the way." 

"I'm Y/N. Thank for showing where to go. I would have definitely been lost and late on my first day." I laugh. 

"No problem, that's what cast mates too." She smiled. We finally get to a big room that held different props and sets. 

"You must be Y/N!" A man said coming up to us. 

"And you must be Mike Caron? Right?" I ask him shaking his hand. 

"Indeed I am. Welcome!"

Riele waves bye to me, and walks away to another part of the building. 

"Now, we only have you in one scene, but hopefully when this episode airs, the fans would want to see more of you." He explained, giving me a script. I flip through it and see my lines highlighted. I nod my head, understanding. 

"We start filming tomorrow for that scene, but today is a simple table reading and a rehearsal." He continued. "And speaking of your new partner, here he is." 

I look up to see a boy walking towards us. I then realize that it was Jace Norman, the star of the whole show. 

"Jace, this is Y/N. She will be the love interest for our new episode." Mike introduced us. He smiles at me, shaking my hand. 

"Nice to meet you Y/N." He said and I smile back at him. 

"Nice to meet you." I say back. Mike began to walk away, leaving just us too. 

"I see that we have a kiss scene." I say looking through the script. He smiles down at me and nods. "So I think that we should get to know each other, so it's not awkward." 

"I agree." He said.


The next day was the day of my scene. I go over my lines, looking them over and over again. I hear someone walk up to me as I sit on "Henry's" bed. 

"You're going to do great, Y/N." I hear, making me look up. I see Jace standing there, already dressed in his Henry outfit. He sits beside me and I close the script. 

"Just nervous, you know. It's my first ever scene to act in." I tell him. 

"And you're going to do amazing. You were great the table reading and the rehearsal. You got this." 

At the rehearsal yesterday, we didn't do the actual kiss. Mike and Nathan said that they wanted to wait till we actually film, cause it would probably take multiple takes. 

"Are we ready?" Mike asked, coming up to us on the bed. We both nod, and begin to start the scene. 

"Sorry about our date. It kind of got ruined." Henry said closing his bedroom door, while C/N sat on the edge of his bed. She smiles at him.

"That robber really showed up out of nowhere. Also, who robs at Sushi restaurant?" She asks shaking her head. Henry laughs, sitting next to her on the bed. She looks at him and nudges him. 

"I'm not mad, if that's what you think." She said, making him look at her, "Although, you disappearing was a little cold."

"About that..."

"I know that you're Kid Danger, Henry. It wasn't hard to figure out when you unexpectedly left when that robber came in, and Kid Danger mysteriously walked in. And when he left, you came right back not only a few minutes later." She tells him. 

Henry looks at her in disbelief. It was weird that she caught on so easily when everyone else was oblivious to his secret. 

"Well, now I don't have to tell you." He sighs, looking down at the ground. 

"And now that I know your secret, you can't get rid of me." She tells him. 

"I guess you're right." Henry says to her, looking back up at her. She slowly leaned in, and so did he. Their lips molded together as they kissed. He grabbed the side of her cheek to pull her in closer. C/N put her arms around his neck. 


I put my hands through his hair. I instantly feel the heat rush to my cheeks. Mike coughed and Jace jumped away from me. I then realized that Jace was caught up in the kiss, and I sat there with my cheeks as red as a tomato. He got up and walked away and I watched him leave. 

After a few of the scenes were over, I was pooped. I headed to my dressing room which I was in love with. I walked in and saw Jace sitting on the couch fiddling with his hands. 

I stood still and just stared at him. I closed the door and he looked up and stood up. 

"Uh...hi." He said putting his hand behind his neck. 

"I know this is weird. But for some reason I couldn't stop kissing you." He blushed looking down at his feet, and I blush as well. 

"We barely know each other and I want to change that." He started walking towards me. 

"I would like that Jace." I smiled. 

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