dr. minyak's daughter part 1 - henry hart

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Today is finally the day that I get to go to public school. My whole life I have been homeschooled by my father, and here I am walking into Swellview High. It took a lot of convincing, but my father finally let me go.

I look around the hallway and smile. This is it. 

I can finally make some friends. I can finally have that normal teenage girl life. After all, my father is a mad scientist that dreams of finally taking Captain Man down. 

It's not my favorite thing to tell people who my father is, because I either get a weird look or laughed at. Which is totally understandable after everything my father has done over the years. He's always in and out of prison, leaving me to be with Nurse Cohort. 

And while I think of Cohort to be my mother figure, I needed to get away from her. I needed to get away from them. 

I am absolutely nothing like my father. Which has been bothering him for years now.

But starting today, no one will find out who my father is. As of right now, my name isn't Y/N Minyak. It's now Y/N L/N, and it'll stay that way. 

Besides, who wants to friends with the daughter of the most hated person in town?

I walk around the hallway and look around. I have to say, it looks nothing like in the movies. But then again, no one is dancing around and singing. 

"Hey." I hear, making me turn around. 

It was a short girl with dark hair and a big smile plastered on her face. 

"Hey." I answer, giving her a smile back. 

"You must be new, I haven't seen you around here before." She said and I nod. 

"Yeah, it's kind of my first day here. Is it obvious?" I say, and she laughs a little nodding her head. 

"Totally. I can take you to the office to get your schedule. I'm Charlotte by the way." 

I shake her hand. "That would be great. And my name's Y/N." 

I begin to follow her, walking beside her. I look around, and noticed that I was getting stared at. Did I have something on my face?

Charlotte notices me freaking out a little.

"Sorry about that, we don't get a lot of new faces around here. You're definitely going to be the talk of the town. Where did you come from anyway?" She asked. 

"Oh, I've actually lived here my whole life, and live kind of on the outskirts of town. I've also been homeschooled." I tell her and her eyes widen. 

"Weird that I've never seen you. I mostly know everyone here in Swellview." She said.

"I rarely got out of the house." I tell her and she nods understanding. 

After we got my schedule, Charlotte walked me to my first class, and promised that she would sit next to me at lunch. I sit down at one of the desk and smile. 

I've only been here for ten minutes and I already met a friend. Maybe this friend thing won't be so hard.

After a few classes that took me forever to find, it was finally lunch. I got my food, and searched the cafeteria for Charlotte. I instantly found her, but she was sitting with two other boys. Charlotte and I make eye contact and she waves me over. 

I walk over, finding a seat next to her. I look at the two boys and my eyes instantly find one of theirs. He was blonde, with gorgeous brown eyes. But the minute our eyes met, his face drops. 

"Henry, Jasper. This is Y/N, she's new here." Charlotte introduced me, but I was still looking at Henry. It almost looked like he was scared of me. 

Oh no, does he know who I am? But how? My father is very keen on keeping me a secret, and I've never seen him before. 

"Hey Y/N." Jasper smiled at me, making me look away from Henry and towards him. I wave back a little smiling. 

"Hey, Charlotte, can we talk for a second?" Henry asks her. Charlotte raises her eyebrow in question, but follows Henry to the other side of the cafeteria. Oh god, he does know who I am, and he's going to tell Charlotte. 

"So, you wanna see my new bucket?" Jasper asks me.

— Henry's POV —

"What's up?" Charlotte asks me when we get to a secluded section of the cafeteria. 

"Do you know who that is?" I ask her, looking between her and Y/N.

"Am I supposed to?" Charlotte asks, crossing her arms over her body. I roll my eyes.

"Come on, doesn't she look familiar?" I say, and Charlotte looks back at Y/N, who was talking to Jasper. 

"No, she doesn't." She answers shrugging her shoulders. 

"I know her. I've seen her when Ray and I were fighting one of the bad guys here in Swellview." I say looking at Y/N. Charlotte looks at me, not catching on. 

"Charlotte, that's Y/N Minyak." I whisper.

Charlotte's eyes widen. "Dr. Minyak has a kid?" 

"Yeah, one time when we were fighting him, she was there. But she was just kinda sitting in the back." I say.

"Do you think it's a coincidence that she met me? Do you think Minyak knows that you're Kid Danger?" She whispered and I sigh. 

"I don't know. But we have to keep an eye on her." I tell her. Charlotte looks back at Y/N and then me. 

"I don't know Henry, she seems super nice, and not evil. Maybe it was a coincidence." 

"Maybe, but I'm not taking any chances. She could be dangerous." I tell her.

"Okay, well let's just go back over there and talk to her. I mean, maybe she's not like her dad. Us standing over here is very suspicious." She said. I nod and we make our way back over to the table. 

"And so, this bucket is from the early 50s, making it my favorite bucket from this time. I mean look at it!" Jasper says to Y/N. I sit back down next to Jasper, sitting in front of my enemies daughter.

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