best friends - jace norman

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"Come on now, we've known each other since 2013! We're best friends." I tell Riele, as we walk to my dressing room. Riele rolls her eyes, opening the door for me.

"I've seen the way you two look at each other recently. Something is definitely going on." She explained, grabbing a bottle of water and plopping on the couch. I sit next to her and grab a water as well. 

"I've known the guy for mostly my whole childhood. Jace and I are just best friends." I say shrugging my shoulders. 

"I don't know, whenever he brought Isabel on set, you seemed kinda pissed about that." Riele smiled. 

I scoff. 

"No, I wasn't." 

"You so were. I also remember the day that he went to visit her on set, and you were so not happy." She laughed, and I punch her shoulder. 

So what if I was kinda mad that Isabel was always on set? It wasn't like I was dating Jace. He could date anyone and I wouldn't care. 

"Y/N, it's 2020. When are you going to tell him?" She sighed. I hated how Riele knew me so well.

So maybe I did have a small crush on Jace. But I've tried to keep it hidden for the past few years, so no one would catch on, especially him. It's just recently things have been different. We've been acting different towards each other ever since our character on Henry Danger got together. 

"Never, okay? We've been friends for too long, and I don't want to ruin anything that I have with Jace. I'm totally okay with just being his best friend." I smile and then taking a sip of my water. 

"Guys, Jace brought his new lady friend on set today!" Sean screamed, bursting through my door. I spit out my water away from Riele. 

Sean looks at me weird, and so does Riele. I awkwardly laugh, wiping the water off my chin. Sean closes the door, and I look at Riele. 

"You don't like him you say?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Shut up." I say getting off the couch to follow Sean. 

I didn't know Jace was bringing someone to set today. Which is weird, cause we tell each other everything. 

We walk towards the set, and that's when I see Jace smiling next to a girl. And in that moment, I already hated her. 

"Hey guys! This is Katie." Jace said, introducing us to her. We all shook her hand and introduced ourselves. 

"Y/N." I tell her shaking her hand last. 

"So you must be the famous Y/N that Jace always talks about." Katie smiles raising her eyebrow. I look up at Jace, and see that he was tensing up a bit. 

"Yeah, that's me." I smile, standing there awkwardly. 

"Anyway, let's get lunch, shall we?" Jace asked, making Sean agree with him. Jace goes ahead with Katie, walking side by side. 

We walk over to the table, and begin to fill up our plates. I sit on one of the couches, and I see Katie heading towards me. Oh jeez. 

If anything, I did not want to talk to Jace's mysterious girlfriend. As much as I support our friendship, I didn't feel too comfortable talking to his girlfriend about him, especially since I had feelings. 

She sits next to me, smiling at me. I smile back, and continue to eat my carrot. 

"So, you're the best friend?" She asks me, and I nod back. 

Here it comes. This always happened when Jace got a new girlfriend or crush. They were never comfortable with me always being around their boyfriend cause we were cast mates as well as best friends. 

"Listen, before you say anything. I promise not to steal Jace from you, and I really don't need that lecture again." I sigh. Katie then looks taken aback. 

"What?" She asks confused. Then I was confused. 

"Most of his girlfriends never like it when he hung out with another girl and not them. But you must know, we're just friends and I respect his relationships." I say smiling. 

"Oh my god." She laughs, smacking her left knee. I look at her wondering why she was laughing. Why was she laughing? 

"Y/N, I'm not dating Jace." She said shaking her head. 

"You're not?" I ask. I was now definitely confused. 

"No, I'm his cousin. My family came down to visit his, and he took me to set today to meet all his cast mates and his work." She said.

Oh god, this was so embarrassing. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. It's just, Sean said lady friend, and I guess we all didn't know that you were related." I shake my head, smacking my hand to my forehead. 

"Hey, it's okay. Honest mistake. And he actually brought me today, to meet you specifically." She said making me raise my head to look at her. 

"Me?" I ask. 

"Yeah, he talks about you nonstop. He told me that I just had to meet you, and don't tell him I told you this but, he said that he needed help." She whispered the last part. I raise my eyebrows. 

"With what?" I ask setting my plate off to the side. 

"Well he was telling me that there was this girl, that he's been friends with for a long time, and he just can't tell her his true feelings cause he's scared. He said that he needed advice, and he couldn't really ask his siblings since they know her too well." She explained and my jaw drops a little. 

"No way." I say. 

"Yes way. Y/N, Jace is like in love with you. And he's planning on asking you out sometime today. But again, you didn't hear this from me." She put a finger on her lips.

Before I could say anything, Jace was heading this way. I grab my plate, and take another bite of a carrot. 

"Hey." He smiled, sitting down next to me. 

"Hey." Katie and I said at the same time.

"I'm gonna go meet some more of your cast mates." Katie said to Jace, standing up and leaving the two of there. 

"Katie is really nice." I say to him and he nods. The longer I sit next to Jace, the more I grew nervous from the information that I just received.

"Did she say anything, like, weird?" He asks. 

"What, no, no." I say with a small laugh, pushing his shoulder a little. 

"Okay good, good." He shakes his head and we continue to eat our lunch. 

The longer I sat here, the longer I wondered when he was going to ask me out. And I was hoping it was soon. 

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