kissing kid danger - henry hart

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"Where is Henry? He told me that he would be here in ten minutes?" I ask Charlotte looking around the building. 

"Um, he must of got stuck at work, and he's probably on his way." She answered, looking around too. 

"How does he stay there for so long? He just works at a store that sells junk...and stuff." I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. 

Charlotte doesn't answer me and Jasper soon walks up to us. 

"Hey Jasper, have you seen Henry? The movie is about to start." I point towards the stairs. This was a rather fancy movie theater with a lot of floors. I don't know why they make a story high movie theater, but that's just Swellview spending on things that don't make sense. 

"Um, no. I haven't." He said, and then throwing a thumbs up to Charlotte. I ignore the weird exchange, cause it was Jasper, and the kid always does weird stuff. 

"Well, let's just go and grab out seats. I'm sure he'll find us." Charlotte said, eating a piece of popcorn. Jasper agrees. 

"Oooo, can we use the new elevator that they just put in?!" Jasper asks, making us both look at him weirdly. 

"What, I like elevators." He shrugged his shoulders, making Charlotte roll her eyes. 

"You guys go ahead. I'll wait for Henry." I tell them. 

"Are you sure?" Charlotte asks me and I nod. The two of them head to the elevator, while I wait by the entrance. I sit down on a small bench, checking my phone. 

Maybe this was a bad idea. The whole reason why were going to a movie was because Charlotte said this would be a good chance for me to make a move on Henry. We've been friends for awhile now, and I've slowly started catching feelings for him. But him being him, he was bad about catching signs. 

After waiting another 30 minutes, I finally give up. I head to the elevator to go to the theater. As I push the button for the sixth floor, I go on my phone, and wait for the door to close. As I go up, the elevator stops suddenly, making me lose my balance. The lights go out, and the red emergency light flashes. 

And now I'm stuck in an elevator. Could this night get any worse?

And while I should not have said that, I hear something snap ahead of me, making me fall to the ground. And now the elevator was breaking!

I try not to move, to keep the elevator steady. I grab my phone and try to call Charlotte or Jasper, but of course their phones were turned off. I'm sure someone noticed the elevator stuck. 

Trying to control my breathing so I don't totally have a major anxiety attack, I hear voices towards the door. 

"I'm in here! I'm trapped!" I screamed loudly.

"Help will be there soon!" Someone screamed back and I nod, breathing deeper. Then, another wire breaks above the elevator, moving it again. I scream, trying to hold onto one of the bars. 

This was officially the worst night ever. 

I then hear a pair of feet on top of the elevator, and the emergency exit door being pulled off the top. 

"Kid Danger! Oh thank god." I sigh of relief.

He gets into the elevator, and now standing in front of me. He towers over me, and he begins to put a rope around me. 

"This elevator is about to go down. We need to get out of here." He said connecting me to the rope, that was being held onto the top of the building. I scream when another wire snaps, making the elevator tilt. 

He puts his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. 

If I wasn't freaking out right now because I might die, I would rather be freaking out about being this close to Kid Danger. 

"Okay, this rope will pull us up." He said and I nod, holding onto him. 

We begin to go up slowly, almost out of the elevator. But suddenly, the last wire snapped, making the elevator fall all the way to the basement, making a loud crash. And now it was just me and Kid Danger hanging in midair by a rope. 

This was not a good time to tell him that I was deadly afraid of heights. 

"Hey hey, don't look down okay? Just look at me." He said, as if he knew that I was scared of heights. Maybe I was just really showing how scared I was. 

I nod, looking him in the eyes. We slowly make our way up to the closest floor. 

The longer I stared into his eyes, I realized something. His eyes looked super familiar. 

"You have the same colored eyes as my friend..." But I was cut off by Kid Danger kissing me unexpectedly. I close my eyes, letting the sidekick kiss me. He continues to kiss me, our mouths moving in sync. 

"Ahem." I hear behind me, making us break away and look towards the sound. 

I look to see Jasper, Charlotte, and some firefighters standing there, looking at us. Oh no. 

The firefighters help us back onto the floor, and they bring me over to one of the paramedics. I look back to see Kid Danger coming towards me. 

I walk away from the hectic mess to talk to him. 

"Listen..." we say at the same time. I decide to go first.

"About the kiss, you have to know Kid Danger, I like someone else actually, a good friend of mine. He was actually supposed to be here." I tell him. His eyes widen, and I look at him with a questionable look.

"Um, yeah, yeah. Understandable. Totally get it." He said in a slight deeper voice. I smile at him.

"Thanks for saving me." I kiss his cheek, making him smile back at me. 

"He's a lucky guy." He said, and then walked away. I walk back over to the paramedic. 

As the paramedic looks me over, Charlotte walks over to me. I get released, and I walk over to her. 

"Want to explain why you were kissing Kid Danger?" She asked me, an eyebrow raised. 

"He kissed me." I whisper, and before she could say something else, she gets interrupted. 

"Y/N! Hey, I heard what happened. Are you okay?" Henry asked me, quickly hugging me. 

"Um yeah, luckily Kid Danger saved me." I smiled. 

"Well, I'm glad he did." Henry said to me. "Um, how about we catch another show. You and me." 

My heart quickens, and I agree.

"We can use the coupon the movie theater gave me for almost killing me in the elevator." I say, making him laugh. He puts his hand in mine, and I instantly blush. I look over my shoulder to see Jasper and Charlotte giving me a thumbs up.

Jace Norman and Henry Danger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now