meet and greet - jace norman

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Today was the day. Today I was going to meet my favorite actor ever. Jace Norman. 

My friends and I drove three hours to the convention, and the whole way I couldn't keep still. For my birthday, my friends bought me VIP tickets to meet Jace Norman and get pictures. Let's just say, there was a lot of screaming and crying. 

We arrive to the convention and I look around to see all the set ups. 

"Y/N, let's go. The meet and greet is about to start." My one friends said, pulling me towards the entrance. I soon began to feel nervous and my hands began to feel sweaty. 

The four of us get to the door. 

"This is where we part. We'll go look around and get into the show for good spots. And when you get back, you have to tell us everything that happens." My friends smiled, and others nodded their heads. 

She hands me the pass and pushes me into line. I wave goodbye to them as I watch them walk away. I take in a deep breath and look forward. I've been waiting for this for almost three years, and it was finally happening. 

As the line got shorter, the sooner I saw him standing there. I watched him interact with the other fans and that's when I became even more nervous. My cheeks were heating up and my ears were on fire. 

Soon, I was the next person, and I quickly make eye contact with him. He looks at me for a few seconds, but then turns to the camera to take a picture with the girl. I look down, but look back up to see him looking at me again. 

I shift from foot to foot, and then soon the guard ushers me towards him. I smile at him and he smiles back. I go in for a hug real quick, and he returns it. 

"Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm a big fan." I say, and he looks down at me. 

"Nice to meet you Y/N." He smiles and I begin to freak out a little. I hide it by handing him my phone case and he happily signs it. 

I look back up at him, and our eyes meet. I realize how brown his eyes really were. 

"Alright, pose for the picture right here." The camera man said making us look away from each other. 

"What pose do you want to do?" He asks me. 

"Oh, um. Just a regular one." I tell him. He nods, putting his arm around my waist and I blush slightly. I smile at the camera and the picture was taken. 

"It was really nice to meet you Y/N. Will you be at the show?" He asks looking back at me. This was abnormal for him since after you took the picture, it was onto the next person. 

"Yeah, I will be. The first row." I say and he nods, smiling wide. 

"Then, I'll see you there, yeah?" He asks.

"Yeah." I whisper smiling back up at him. 

"Next person!" The camera guy said, and I walk away from him. I look back after a few seconds, and he was still staring at me. 

I walk out and see my friends waiting there for me. 

"Oh my god, how was it?" My one friend asked and I smile. 

"It was amazing. We got a photo, he signed my phone case, and he asked me if I was going to be at the show later." I say and they look at me weirdly. 


"He asked if you were going to be at the show?" They ask and I nod. 

"He was definitely flirting with you." 

"No wayyyy." I say walking away as they follow me. 

"He definitely was Y/N. I mean, you're only a year younger then him! Might as well go for it." 

"I have zero chance with Jace. He's a celebrity." I answer and we get to our seats in the front row. 

Then, a little later the show starts and Jace and the cast comes out. They sit at the table, and the minute he sat down, he looked straight at me. He winks at me and I smile at him. 

"I saw that." My one friend whispered in my ear. I punch their shoulder and watch the show. They answered a lot of questions and I loved listening to them all. 

The show ended and they all got off stage. My friends and I began to leave after the crowds went down, but then I hear my name. 

"Y/N!" I hear and I turn around. It was Jace, and he walks up my group. 

"Oh hey." I say. 

"Can I talk to you?" He asks. 

"That's our cue to leave." My friend said and they all walked away. 

"What's up?" I ask him and he sighs. 

"I know we like just met and everything, but I was wondering if I could get your number?" He said quickly, looking at me nervously. 

"You want my number?" I ask him. 

"If you don't want to, that's like okay..."

"Yes, I'll give you my number." I say holding out my hand. He puts his phone in my hand, and I hand him mine. I put my number in, and we exchange the phones. 

"I have to ask, why me?" I say looking back up at him. 

"I don't know. The minute I saw you, I guess I knew that I wanted to get to know you." He said and I smile. 

"Well, you have my number." I kiss his cheek lightly, and walk away. I look back to see him smiling down at the ground and walking backstage. 

Jace Norman and Henry Danger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now