twin henrys - henry hart

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I make my way down the elevator, typing away at my phone. Henry texted me telling me to meet him here urgently, and I don't know why. The door opens and I see him standing there alone. 

"Hey babe." I smile walking up to him. 

"Hello, Y/N. How was your day today?" He asked me, looking down at me. 

"Um, it was fine. Why so formal?" I ask confused, "Also, you never call me Y/N unless you're mad, sad, or hungry."

"I am none of those things." He answered, making me furrow my eyebrows. Why was he acting so weird. 

"Anyway, why'd you text me to come here, you said it was urgent." I sit on the couch, patting beside me.

"I don't remember texting you." He sat beside me.

"What do you mean...I have the texts right here..."

"Hey babe, I see you've met Gerta." 

I turn around to see...Henry? What the...

"Gerta? What's a Gerta?" I stand up, looking down at 'Henry'. 

"This is what I wanted to tell you about. You know how I invited you to dinner at my house with my Uncle Mark tonight?" Henry said walking towards me. 

"The one with the neck hair?" I ask.

"Yes, the one with the neck hair. Anyway, we don't have to go tonight, because Schwoz is letting me use his robot so we can stay and watch the fight." He explained pulling me away from the robot and towards him. 

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" I begin to ask, but everyone else walks in. 

"Of course it's a good idea Y/N, don't you want to watch the fight?" Ray chimed in.

"I mean, yeah but what if..." 

"It'll be fine. Now, Gerta, go to Henry's house and come straight home after." Schwoz said, as we watch her walk to the tubes. 


"Ah, what's wrong with the TV?" Charlotte groans as the TV glitches. 

"It's been doing that all day. Schwoz can't you fix the picture?" Ray asks, as Schwoz gets up to look at the problem. 

"So, Henry, who do you think is going to win the fight?" I ask him, nudging his arm. 

"I gotta go with Dexter, babe." He answered, nudging me back. 

"Oh come on. No." I say shaking my head. 

"I fixed the picture!" Schwoz yelled. 

"Woo! C'mon you guys, the fight's about to start!" Charlotte says as she heads to the couch. Henry and I stand behind them. 

"Hey Ray, when did we get these new glasses?" Henry asks him. 

"Oh, I picked these up at Sassy Glasses last weekend." Ray answered, looking back up at the TV. 

"Cool blue color." Henry said, and I look down at the glasses. 

"Um, actually, they're uh, cobalt, so..." I mumble. 

"Cobalt is just a shade of blue." Henry mumbles back, and I look at him. 

"Hmmm, not exactly." I say furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Huh okay. Well anyway, it's not even cobalt, it's more of a royal blue." 

"No, it's not royal." I say, turning to him and crossing my arms. 

Jace Norman and Henry Danger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now