he saves you - henry hart

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The rain poured down harder and harder after each step on the empty road. I was now regretting my decision of not letting my best friend take me home from the diner. I would be fine I said, I would be completely dry I said. 

Yeah, no. Here I was walking down my neighborhood street, soaking wet. 

My socks squish with each step as I hold my arms around me with my jacket. I shiver looking down on the road, trying to walk as quickly as possible. I would run, but I had my uncomfortable but stylish shoes on, and I wasn't trying to get a blister from them. 

While I walk, I notice a light coming from behind me. Turning around, I narrow my eyes to see a car coming this way, the rain somewhat masking it. 

I ignore it and keep walking, but the longer I walked, I realized that the car was not passing me, yet I still saw it's headlights in front of me. Turning back around again, I notice that it was slowing down and heading right towards me. 

Okay, now was the time to run. 

I sprint down the road, not looking back. I hear the tires screech, meaning they were speeding up and following me. 

Of course this would happen to me on a simple Tuesday night. 

Before I could dodge the car coming towards me, I feel a pair of hands grab me and pull me into the van. Screaming, I kick the person trying to escape their grasp.

It wasn't working. 

"Let go!" I scream, feeling rope go around my hands behind my back. I struggle against the rope, but it was already too tight. They throw me in a seat, and I get a good look at the person who tied me up. 

It was Nurse Cohort. Oh no. 

"Yeah, we have the girl. Taking her back to the lair." She said into the walkie talkie, smirking down at me. 

I sigh, realizing what was happening. Dr. Minyak must have found out that I was dating Kid Danger.

"Captain Man and Kid Danger will come get me." I tell her sitting on the car floor, against the wall. 

"That's the plan. You're the bait." She said filing her nails. I look around the van to see anything that could help me escape. Nothing. 

I really hope Ray and Henry don't do something stupid to get my back. 

After a long drive around Swellview, the van stops. Before I could say anything, Cohort grabbed a bag and put it over my head. I then feel two people pick me up and take me out of the van and into the building.

As I struggle, I was finally dropped on the ground. I grunt and sit myself up. 

"Well, welcome Y/N." I hear behind me and I roll my eyes. 

The bag gets lifted off my head and the lights slightly blind me.

"Or should I say, Kid Danger's girlfriend?" Dr. Minyak smiled, crouching down in front of me. 

"Kid Danger? You think I'm dating Kid Danger?" I laugh, making him smile down at me. "I wish."

"Shut up, I know you're his girlfriend. We got an inside source." He said walking away, and towards a large TV. I look up at it, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Now, let us call Captain Man and Kid Danger, telling them we have you hostage. They ought to come save you, especially since Kid Danger must love you." He said setting up a webcam. 

"Um, actually. I don't know if he loves me." I say softly looking down. Dr. Minyak looks at me, and back at Cohort. 

"Wait, what do you mean?" He said slightly interested. I thought of this as a good distraction, but I also didn't mind telling them about my relationship problems since the only person I can talk to this about was my best friend.

"He hasn't told me yet. I mean, we've been together for so long, and we haven't even said I love you to each other." I say still looking down at the ground. "It just makes me think that he doesn't love me. And that we're not as serious as I thought we were."

"Oh, well I'm sure that he does." He said awkwardly, looking at Cohort for some help, but she just shrugs her shoulders. 

A tear falls down my cheek, and I sniffle a little. 

"Get the girl a tissue!" Dr. Minyak screams, and one of his goons comes over and wipes the tear. 

Before Dr. Minyak could say anything else, there was a crash on the other side of the room. And there stood Captain Man and Kid Danger, who broke down one of the doors. 

"Get them!" Dr. Minyak yells, and his goons charge after them. I watch them fight, and they take down each and everyone of them. 

"You save Y/N, I'll deal with Minyak." Captain Man said to Kid Danger. He nods, and heads towards me while Captain Man started to fight Dr. Minyak. 

He cuts the ropes off of my wrists and leads me towards the exit. 

"Wait right here, I'm gonna help him." He said and I nod. I watch him and Captain Man defeat Minyak and Cohort, and calling the authorities. Henry comes up to me, pulling me away from the scene. 

As I was about to ask where we were going, he puts me into the car and goes around to sit in the drivers seat. And before I had the chance to speak, he turns to me. 

"You don't think I love you?" Henry asks me, his voice breaking a little and raising his eyebrows. 

"I mean, you've never told me it, so yeah." I simply say staring out the window, avoiding eye contact with him. 

Then, I feel him grab my hand, and his other hand under my chin. He moves me head to make me look at him. 

"Y/N, I love you. I'm sorry I haven't sad it sooner." He said looking into my eyes. "But it's true. I truly love you, and I'm happy that you're safe." 

I smile wide, kissing him quickly. 

"And I love you Henry Hart." I say onto his lips, making him kiss me again. 

"Okay, that's enough you lovebirds. Henry get in the back." Ray said opening the door to the driver's side. Henry smiles, pecking my lips one last time, before getting In the backseat. 

"Wait, how did you know I was held hostage?" I ask them buckling myself into the seat. 

"Well, when I went to your house and you weren't there, I got worried. And then we saw on security cameras throughout the city of you getting captured, and taken to an abandoned warehouse." Henry said.

"And we're not letting you walk alone at night anymore, you understand?" Ray said sternly and I nod quickly. 

"Good." Henry and Ray said at the same time, making me smile. 

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