dr. minyak's daughter part 4 - henry hart

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I walk down the street on my way to my house, when I felt the presence of someone. I turn around to look behind me, not seeing anyone. I furrow my eyebrows, looking again. 

I turn back around when I don't see anyone. I jump when I notice a person standing right in front of me. I scream, backing up. 

"Oh, I'm sorry for scaring you." He says worried. I hold my heart with my hand and let out a breath. 

"Don't you know not to scare a girl when she's walking down a street alone." I say looking down. I look back up and my eyes widen. Kid Danger was standing right in front of me. 

"K-Kid Danger." I stutter, "What are you doing here." 

"Well, it's late, and a girl shouldn't be walking home alone at night." He said showing off his famous smile. I roll my eyes and walk past him. 

"Thanks, but no thanks. I think I can handle myself." I tell him walking away from him. 

"Oh, um uh, are you sure? There are some pretty dangerous people out there." He said catching up to me. I laugh lightly, knowing that he doesn't know who my father is. 

"Trust me, Kid Danger. I'm okay." I tell him. 

"Well, let me just walk you home. Just in case." He tells me stopping in front of me. 

"That's not a good idea." I say crossing my arms. 

If Kid Danger takes me home, and he sees my dad, it will not go well. Either my father will do something to him, or all hell would break loose. 

"And why not?" He asks me crossing his arms as well. He waits for an answer and I sigh. 

"Do you really not know who I am?" I ask him, "Cause I've definitely seen you." 

"Well, of course. Everyone knows me." He smiles. I raise my eyebrows and shake my head. 

"My father is Dr. Minyak, Kid Danger. Which makes me think this interaction was not a mistake." I pat his chest, and walk away. 

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"You just want to know where he lives, and take him back to jail. And honestly, as much as I love to see my father go back to jail for what he's done. He hasn't done anything yet, and I'm just trying to go home for dinner." I tell him. 

"Fine, you caught me Minyak. But I do need your help." He said.

"No, no. Do not involve me in your hero and villain stuff. I'm just an innocent bystander." I say holding up my hands. 

"I know, but we found out that your father is creating something to destroy me and Captain Man. And as much as I respect your choice of staying away from all this, I would like to live." He says and I drop my arms. 

If my father was actually planing on destroying Captain Man and Kid Danger, I guess it wouldn't hurt to do a little investigating. Besides, I can't let my father actually win at being evil. If he eventually loses a certain amount of times, maybe he'll finally quit and be a normal dad. 

"What do you want me to find out?" I ask him. 

"Just basic information. Like, what he's making and what he plans to do with it. Maybe if you could find any blueprints to it and anything like that would be super helpful." He says and I nod. 

"Fine, I'll do it. But don't think I'm doing this because you asked me to. I'm doing it cause I want to." I say walking away, leaving him standing in the street. 

After I get home, I walk into the lab to see my father and Nurse Cohort standing over a table. 

"Hey guys." I say setting my backpack down on the ground. 

"Ah my daughter, welcome home." My father said, looking at a certain blueprint. 

"What is that?" I ask walking over to the table. They scoot over for me to see. 

"This is my next weapon that will destroy Captain Man and Kid Danger finally." He says smiling evilly. Hm, maybe getting the information wouldn't be as difficult as I thought. 

"Dad, don't you think that trying to get revenge on them is getting old?" I ask him and he looks at me. 

"I've tried telling your father that for years, kid." Cohort said putting her hands on her cheeks. 

"No, I'm not stopping until they are destroyed, Y/N. This weapon will finally take away Captain Man's powers, and I can finally destroy him and his stupid sidekick." He said. I roll my eyes and walk to my room.

"Tell me when dinner is ready." I say leaving. 

After dinner and hearing everyone go to bed, I tip toe to the lab and look for that stupid blueprint. I go through one of the drawers of his desks. After looking for a while, I couldn't find it anywhere. 

Then, an idea popped into my head. I walk over to the table where they were standing earlier, and crawl under it. I smile when I see the rolled up blueprint under the table and grab it swiftly.

I head for the printer and make a quick copy of it, and put the blueprint back. 

I make my way out of the lab and back to my room. I open my window and wait. 

After a few minutes, I hear a small 'psstt'. I smile seeing Kid Danger hiding in a bush across the street. I wave him over and he runs to my window. Luckily, I live on the ground floor. 

I hand him the copied blueprint.

"Now, will you and Captain Man finally leave me alone?" I ask him leaning on the window. He smiles looking it over and back up at me.

"Depends, do you want us to leave you alone?" He asks me rolling up the paper and putting it in his belt. 

"Well, if my father saw Kid Danger at my window right now, I don't think he would be quite fond of that. As a father, and as an enemy." I smile. 

"Fine, well, Captain Man and I thank you for your service. You are nothing like your father if you wanted to help the good guys." He said looking at me. 

"Can't let him get away with everything." I say. We stand there looking at each other and I look down at the ground. 

"You should probably go, it's almost midnight." I tell him and he nods. 

"Will I see you again?" He asks me and I look at him with a raised eyebrow. 

"You want to see me again?" I ask Kid Danger and he smiles. 

"It'll be our little secret, yeah?" 

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