hour of power: part 2 - henry hart

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I quickly ran to the elevator to catch up to him, leaving everyone. 

But when I get up to the shop, he was already gone. 

I sigh, pacing, wondering if I should go after him. I know he would want to be alone right now, but I needed to try to convince him that he needed to come back. 

But then I saw that Jasper wasn't here, and that no one was running the store. I groan, going behind the counter, knowing that at least someone should be up here. 

After a while of playing on my phone, there was a huge crash. I look up to see Drex, who just walked through the door. My eyes widen. 

"You know, you're supposed to open the door before you walk in." I joke, but he doesn't laugh. 

"Y/N. Long time, no see." He said walking closer to me. I begin to flip the emergency switch that goes down to the Man Cave. 

"I was hoping it would be longer." I say and he smiles. 

"Still got the same sense of humor. I think that's what I liked most about you." He said leaning on the counter. "Now, where is he?"

"Who?" I question, trying to act dumb. 

"Look, sweetheart, I know that Ray Manchester owns this place, so where's Captain Man? Where's the Man Cave?"

"Like I would tell you anything." I roll my eyes, but he quickly grabbed my shirt pulling me close to his face. 

"Don't make me hurt you, Y/N. Cause I will." He said, and I ponder for a few seconds. 

"Get off me." I say pushing him off, "I'll tell you where it is. It's in Swellview Park."

"Where in Swellview Park?" He questions.

"It's at the playground. Under the Twirly-Whirly." I say looking up at him. He looks me up and down for a few seconds. 

"Was that so hard?" He said grabbing my shirt again, and pulling me away from the counter. 

"I told you where it was jerk, let go." 

"Oh no, you're coming with me to the park." 

— Henry's POV —

I woke up on the ground, my head slightly hurting. When I looked up, Charlotte and Schwoz stood over me. 

But then, the emergency signal started going off.

"It's coming from the store. Y/N's up there." Charlotte said, which made me stand up instantly. I head to the screens, and I see that Drex had Y/N.

"I have to go up there." I said starting to run towards the elevator. 

"No, Henry. We have to give you your powers, before you can face Drex." Schwoz said, while Charlotte stopped me. 

"But Drex is taking Y/N, I have to help her." I say.

"Y/N is okay, if there was anyone that Drex truly cared for, it was her. She'll be fine. Just lay down and get this over with, so you can go get her." Ray said, and I hesitated. 

I was angry that Drex had Y/N, but I couldn't face him now. 

I agreed and laid on the table.

— Y/N's POV —

"Where is it?" Drex said pulling me towards the playground. 

"It's right there." I say pointing to it, as he pushes me slightly. 

"How do I get inside?" He asks, and I just couldn't believe that he was dumb enough to believe that it was under the Twirly-Whirly. 

"You have to twirl it, like a combination lock." I answer, smiling lightly. 

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