break up - henry hart

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The longer I sat at this table, the quicker I felt like the stupidest girl in the world. Of course he wasn't here, when has he ever been here? 

I've sat at this stupid table for almost three hours, and already denied ordering four times, promising the waiter that he was going to show up. But by the time the waiter came back to the table, I was already gone. 

I sat in my car staring at the steering wheel, feeling the tears start to form in my eyes. And then out of no where, I hit the wheel harshly making my car honk. 

Soon, the tears started falling down my face. I quickly wipe them away, and start to drive back home.

If this was any other time, I wouldn't be as pissed as I was at Henry. I knew that he had his responsibilities with being Kid Danger, but this was different. Today was my birthday, and he promised me that he would get Ray to let him have the night off. 

But yet, there I was waiting at the stupid restaurant for my birthday dinner for three hours by myself. I can't believe he didn't show, and I was slowly growing tired of it. 

In the beginning, I wasn't bothered by him always leaving and working with Ray. I knew that being a sidekick was a hard job, and I understood why he had to cancel somethings. But as time goes on, I don't know if I can handle it. 

At this point, sometimes I don't see Henry for a whole week. Because of our mixed schedules and not seeing each other at school, it was hard for me to hang out with Henry. 

I park my car in the driveway, and walk towards my front door. 

Not saying anything to my parents, I just walk up to my room. I shut the door, and instantly sat on the edge of my bed. I kick off my heels, and hug my knees to my chest. 

I just can't do this anymore. 

And then, I heard a soft knock on my bedroom window. Looking up, I see Henry in his Kid Danger suit, standing on a branch outside of my window. I roll my eyes, unlocking the window and letting him in. 

"Y/N..." he started. 

"Save it, Henry." I cut him off, facing away from him. I just couldn't look at him right now. 

"I tried getting there on time, but there was an emergency at the bank, and things didn't go smoothly as we thought..."

I turn around to look at him, and he sees my puffy red eyes and tears. He steps forward, but I take a step back, not wanting to be near him. 

"You left me there for three hours, Henry. I haven't seen you all day, and you left me alone on my own birthday. You promised that you would be free today." I tell him wiping my tears, looking up at him. 

"I know, and I'm so sorry..."

"When does this get better?" I ask him shrugging my shoulders. He looks at me confused. 

"Cause I'm not seeing an end to you always being busy, and almost never seeing me. Henry, I haven't seen you all week. What's the point of dating someone who you can never see?" I ask him. 

"Y/N, don't..." he steps closer, grabbing my hands. 

"Maybe this is too much. Maybe this isn't the right time." I say looking away. 

"No, Y/N. I want to be with you, I want us to be together now." He said, his voice cracking slightly. 

"Henry, I can't be with someone who doesn't see me as a priority. And right now, you have more things to focus on, and me isn't one of them." I say letting go of his hands and turning back around. 

"Which is why I think we need to break up." I say looking down at the ground. 

"Don't do this..."

"Please leave my room, Henry." 

"Y/N, babe, we can work this out. I'll tell Ray that I need more time off, maybe I can get you a job at Junk N' Stuff so we can work together. Please, let me fix this." He pleads, and I hear him now sniffling. I look at him to see him crying now, which is the first time I've seen him do that. 

"It's over Hen." I tell him as I cry. He looks down, his tears falling onto my carpet. He nods, walking towards my window. I turn back around, so I don't have the urge to stop him, and change my mind. 

After a few seconds, I look back over my shoulder to see him gone. My hand covers my mouth to silence my choked up sobs. I close the window, and walk over to my bed. 

It was for the best. 

Jace Norman and Henry Danger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now